Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Another good thing is there is no attempts at equalizing creep waves in HOTS. Since towers have limited ammo there is basically zero downside to pushing. So you aren't dicking around trying to make sure you do equal parts damage to your own creeps as you perform against enemy creeps.

I haven't played this in months but I'll probably get on tonight. Got to grind a few levels to get to PvP matchmaking anyways. From what it appears healing just needs an overall nerf.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Played quite a few matches last night. Nova is stupidly OP. Either that or the other teams just don't know how to deal with her. But snipe + pinning + triple = free hero kill. If at any point in time a hero isn't grouped up that hero dies.


Nova's really strong, but I wouldn't say OP. She's squishy, and she can be pretty easy to take out if focused in team fights. Triple Tap can be interrupted too (see 18:30 in the vid) so while it's strong, it can be countered.

I went up against a Nova + Zeratul once where they were just roaming around 2v1-ing people. Now THAT felt like an OP combo, and I probably should've stuck with my team, but we were mostly split up and got picked off one by one as we respawned and left the base. Has anyone seen any vids coordinated people playing together? Most YouTube vids are just people solo queuing.

edit: also, he probably should've taken Envenom and Blood for Blood since the opposing team was warrior heavy. Maybe Precision Strike over Triple Tap, too since TT leaves him open.



Blackwing Lair Raider
I get the impression nova is op too because assassin type chars aren't normally my thing, but I seem to do just fine with her. She's squishy, but its hard to catch a nova that knows what they are doing out of position enough to finish her before she can get away.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I usually prefer the snipe range over the 20% snipe damage out of cloak. Sure it makes ambushes against targets really nice but I find later I prefer to hit someone with a pinning shot w/ crippling shot talent then follow up with my snipe. If they add a cast time to Snipe I could see the 20% damage out of cloak becoming a bit better. At level 1 you can't really ambush to kill people anyways but you can occasionally hit fleeing targets with extended snipe range during the laning phase.


2 Minutes Hate
Awesome. I fucking hate gold farming, gear, and creep denial. This may actually be the first MOBA that I'll invest significant gaming time to.
The game is essentially WOW battlegrounds where everyone has the same gear but different talent points. If you liked that, you'll probably at least enjoy the game for a short amount of time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Back when I played WoW in TBC the battlegrounds was a boring, slow mess. This game is fast paced and non-stop action. If you are a fan of teamfights and skill shots but dislike some of the more tedious aspects of MOBAs (which isn't a knock, that tedium has it's place) then this is the game for you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The game is essentially WOW battlegrounds where everyone has the same gear but different talent points. If you liked that, you'll probably at least enjoy the game for a short amount of time.
I never played wow and this isn't the first time I've seen this so I just watched a youtube video of a wow battleground to compare. Wow battlegrounds are exactly like eq2 battlegrounds which are essentially nothing like HotS. Saying HotS is essentially battlegrounds is like saying gauntlet is essentially diablo. Believe it or not there are still people out there who have never played/watched a moba before because I see people ask in twitch chat all the time ask things like how do you play this game? And to those people I can understand telling them its kinda like wow battlegrounds, because to someone who has never played/seen a moba before they can understand ok, its team based pvp, each player has various skills they can use, and there is an objective to achieve, but that is really where the similarities end.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Arthas is legit fun. He can man mode hardcore.

Wish they added in where you can double tap and it'll cast on yourself. His coil is good but sometimes when you want to heal yourself clicking it them yourself is a hassle.


New champion is fun and a good lane pusher, but feels really underpowered. Could use a significant buff to the HP on it's minions or change Baneling to not being a channeled ability.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Playing with people who obviously have some MOBA experience but not much is the worse. When you are idle in this game (ie: normal "farm" time in a MOBA) you need to be capping and contesting camps. Not just sitting in lane getting 5 XP an hour. They also need to realize that deaths happen in this game and they happen a lot. Chasing down someone with bloodlust isn't going to win the game. Objectives will win the game. I lost a game yesterday where we were 39-16 in kills but lost because we couldn't get Dragon Knight to save our fucking lives.


I'm a big fan of Gazlowe. Being able to solo siege giant camps at level 4 and knights at level 7 is pretty awesome. Run in, drop a turret, drop a bomb, and start swinging (laser if it's a knight camp). Both his ultimates are useful too, one for team fighting, the other tears through buildings (except that you're squishy, so really only used during pushes).


Confirmed Male
LiLi is OPed, healing is just so good in this game. Zag needs buffs, I am not a fan of the amount of creep tumors you can have on the map at once. Needs to be increased.