Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll try and pay closer attention tonight but I *think* you can still see the distortion of the stealther even when they're standing still


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also on the stealth topic towers and keeps aren't detectors. So if Abathur or Murky set up camp at the t1 fort Zeratul can just walk up and kill him or the egg and just blink away.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Then I would just have to say that I like the way its done in LoL better. Keen eye on a shimmer isnt my cup of tea.


Golden Squire
Yeah I've wondered if ZPs is ZProtoss from this board. I'm not sure. I know ZProtoss said he played a ton.

To reiterate I think ZP is pretty good but he isn't anywhere at a professional MOBA player's level. He does make some questionable engagement decisions and then somewhat passive aggressively starts calling out his team.

I also just purchased a microphone if we wanted to get skype/mumble groups together.
So was reading through this thread and just happened to see this post now. I'll throw this out here - Solo Queue (or any queue less than 5 really) sucks.

The reason why solo queue sucks is manifold, but the main reasons are -

1.) Best case scenario it ignores your MMR and throws you in with anyone.

- When a queue goes past 6 minutes in game, the MMR system effectively gives up and will throw you in with anyone. Meaning that practically every game is a pretty high chance that you're going to get people who are completely new to the game when you're high MMR. It's counter intuitive that it works that way (ie: why wouldn't it throw you in with the closest people to your level?) but that's how it works. How engagements look and how decision making flows ismassivelyimpacted by the people you play with in a game like Heroes. Because solo queue games don't even remotely resemble how team queue games go.

2.) Worst case scenario it uses you as a counter weight to try to prop up a bad 4 queue.

-This is basically the nightmare scenario that happens quite often as of late. If you solo queue with high MMR, the system has a rather nasty habit of throwing you on a low queue 4 MMR to "balance" it when it goes against a mid to high mmr 4-5 group. This sort of situation never, ever ends well.

3.) A significant portion of games end up getting decided by team composition alone.

- I'd argue that team composition matters far more in Heroes than it does even in games like DOTA. 80% or more of solo queue games don't come anywhere close to resembling good team compositions. When one team ends up getting a great team composition by chance, it's generally pretty hard for the other team to do anything about it all else being even. The most common form of getting screwed on team composition is the other team having a top tier support (ie: Brightwing) while your team has a 5 DPS team with an Illidan or something.

When you take all of the above together, it's definitely going to lead to days where I end up salty from inevitably getting a string of bad games in a row. Given that my team can't be on until after 5:30 PST however, solo queue is really my only choice for streaming during the day.

On a side note, if you want an example of solid team play when people are actually on -

ZP_TV - ZPs - Full Team Queue, Mild Commentary! - Special Saturday Stream! - Twitch

If you compare that to any VOD where I'm solo queueing, you should be able to see a massive difference in both gameplay quality and just the overall decisions being made. Things might change whenever some form of ranked solo queue gets implemented, but for now solo queue is a beast that barely even resembles the "real" game being played in 5 queues.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
1.) Best case scenario it ignores your MMR and throws you in with anyone.

- When a queue goes past 6 minutes in game, the MMR system effectively gives up and will throw you in with anyone. Meaning that practically every game is a pretty high chance that you're going to get people who are completely new to the game when you're high MMR. It's counter intuitive that it works that way (ie: why wouldn't it throw you in with the closest people to your level?) but that's how it works. How engagements look and how decision making flows ismassivelyimpacted by the people you play with in a game like Heroes. Because solo queue games don't even remotely resemble how team queue games go.
Agreed but is somewhat the nature of the beast when only 1800 people are online.

2.) Worst case scenario it uses you as a counter weight to try to prop up a bad 4 queue.

-This is basically the nightmare scenario that happens quite often as of late. If you solo queue with high MMR, the system has a rather nasty habit of throwing you on a low queue 4 MMR to "balance" it when it goes against a mid to high mmr 4-5 group. This sort of situation never, ever ends well.
Seems to happen to me as well.

3.) A significant portion of games end up getting decided by team composition alone.

- I'd argue that team composition matters far more in Heroes than it does even in games like DOTA. 80% or more of solo queue games don't come anywhere close to resembling good team compositions. When one team ends up getting a great team composition by chance, it's generally pretty hard for the other team to do anything about it all else being even. The most common form of getting screwed on team composition is the other team having a top tier support (ie: Brightwing) while your team has a 5 DPS team with an Illidan or something.
Probably the most realistic/important thing. It also matters what map you get for the various heroes. Like I've said Nova is absolute garbage on haunted mines but is pretty good on Dragonshire and Raven map. Decent on Pirates. So when I queue with her there is a 50/50 shot of me being a paperweight. I've also said when I queue with Brightwing (and to back up your previous points I went on a huge winning streak with Brigthwing which I think upped my MMR now I get placed with 4 mouth breathers) since I'd say 75% of my games we have zero supports I can influence that game much more playing a pure support Brightwing. Again probably the nature of the beast with only 1800 people online. In the future it would be nice instead of having this "4 assassins max" limits it would be like 1 Support, 1 Warrior, 1 assassin, 2 flex.

Heh CauthonLuck. Combined with playing with LzGamer all the time I'm starting to get jealous. I've watched games similar to this with you. Which when I made my original post I hadn't. I've modeled how I play Diablo much after this gameplay even if Diablo, I feel, is just a frustrating hero to solo queue with since he can't get anything done by himself.


Golden Squire
Probably the most realistic/important thing. It also matters what map you get for the various heroes. Like I've said Nova is absolute garbage on haunted mines but is pretty good on Dragonshire and Raven map. Decent on Pirates. So when I queue with her there is a 50/50 shot of me being a paperweight. I've also said when I queue with Brightwing (and to back up your previous points I went on a huge winning streak with Brigthwing which I think upped my MMR now I get placed with 4 mouth breathers) since I'd say 75% of my games we have zero supports I can influence that game much more playing a pure support Brightwing. Again probably the nature of the beast with only 1800 people online. In the future it would be nice instead of having this "4 assassins max" limits it would be like 1 Support, 1 Warrior, 1 assassin, 2 flex.
For sure. Ideally it'd be nice if casual play had some sort of map veto option (similar to how War3 was setup back in the day) so you could at least veto a Hero's worst map. Anything to avoid a situation where you're playing Abathur on Haunted Mines or Hammer on Blackhearts really.

Heh CauthonLuck. Combined with playing with LzGamer all the time I'm starting to get jealous. I've watched games similar to this with you. Which when I made my original post I hadn't. I've modeled how I play Diablo much after this gameplay even if Diablo, I feel, is just a frustrating hero to solo queue with since he can't get anything done by himself.
Diablo definitely doesn't get his real power out in pubs relative to some of the other top tier tanks. All of his tools are basically suited for well coordinated combos (ie: Kerrigan Pull/Stun --> Slam --> Charge, or Charge --> Slam --> XX DPS Follow up) or breaking up enemy team combos (ie: Apocalypse when a team goes for a wombo combo/initiation of their own) - neither are super likely to be observed in your average pub. It's entirely possible that Diablo is the best overall tank in the game right now with how powerful his skillset is throughout the game, but that power only gets realized both with and against good players. In general I'd probably say that Arthas is the best all around pub tank. Arthas's CC is more vanilla (easier for random teammates to combo with) and he's more self sufficient at healing himself and doing damage.

And Cauthon is good people. We're pretty lucky so far to have a consistent group of 5 when most of the other teams at the same level have been dealing with chronic roster issues.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ive taken a liking to Uther as a Support. He seems, if talented, to be all around great CC and support. The heals are strong and he can just forever lock down at least one single target. His advanced Ult-stun is a team killer imo. May be noobie opinion, but it feels this way. I havent seen Diablo do a really good job of tanking in any of the Pugs Ive been in, so I would have to agree that hes probably not the best tank for a Pug. Stitches seems to bring much more to the table in a pug, imo. But Arthas does pretty well, too. -- I guess Im more of a fan of Support/Tank bringing large amounts of CC to the table so that the DPS have ample time to focus on a target. Ive been playing Gazlowe a lot lately, trying to get his exp bonuses. Laying down his delayed stun missle and then Grav ulting right over top of it is MASSIVE damage if timed quickly and the stun at the end just helps the DPS finish them up. Especially when Grav Ult is talented. If you catch even 2 people, its a game changer at that late of a point. Its also been a perfect defense to keep on reserve for the stealthers when Im jungling.

Ive gotten over the stealth and Im able to see them almost as if they werent stealth at all, now. Its just much more easier to hate champions that are designed to cheap shot you. The minute I just started fighting back against zeratul or Nova, was the biggest turning point. You cant run from them most of the time so you might as well. Both are squishy as f'k and just make you laugh when they get ballsy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Depending on how you define CC Arthas brings potentially the most in terms of warriors. His tempest aura makes it very difficult for DPS to simply bypass the tank to focus on the DPS behind you. He then gets a root if you need to lock a melee down. The only real problem with Arthas is he is lacks initiation but I feel if organized with Brightwing giving him the MS% boost his initiation becomes pretty decent. Stitches obviously brings the most initiation of the bunch but he is not without his own downsides. But if your team is organized Diablo is still king. He can reliably get people out of position with low-ish cool down skills. Then if you spec into his soul stone he can become an obscenely beefy tank.


Molten Core Raider
Just got a WoD invite but still no HotS invite
Are those new "master skins" similar to the gold/legendary skins from Smite that you get for free after having played x matches with a champion?


Never played Smite, but I would think it's similar. You 'master' a hero when you finish all of their quests (which are completed by playing games, not winning/losing). Unlocking the master skin at that point makes sense, but I don't think they've confirmed it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have heard they were going to give you a golden hero, but the problem with that is, once everyone is golden it doesn't look very good and/or is hard to distinguish who is who when you have 5 gold heroes vs 5 gold heroes so master skins should be something other than just turning your hero golden.

Edit - Oh I didn't even realize they had a master skin blog up, if it is indeed a new skin you get for playing x number of games with a hero that is really nifty.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Always wish r d league had something like that. A skin that shows you have lots of experience with that specific champ


Bronze Knight of the Realm
From what I've heard you get the master skin after unlocking the final hero quest which equates to 101 games played on that hero