Heroes of the Storm


Toe Sucker
They havent teased at all who the next hero is yet have they?
I can't remember who else they teased way back during "Blizzard DOTA" or whatever it was originally thought up as, other than the butcher and king leoric?

Also, Illidan is godlike, and in some comps almost unkillable without killing his support lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They havent teased at all who the next hero is yet have they?
I can't remember who else they teased way back during "Blizzard DOTA" or whatever it was originally thought up as, other than the butcher and king leoric?

Also, Illidan is godlike, and in some comps almost unkillable without killing his support lol
I don't think there is a confirmed next hero yet. There are quite a few confirmed in the pipe, though.


I'd lost 3 in a row, and then the game decides to give me a comp of uther, tassadar, murky, abathur, and nova.

Honestly, what in the fuck. I was ready to go club baby seals.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Watching heroes of the dorm. I didn't notice the point total in the middle of the bracket, I'm actually not that far out of the leaderboard at 650 and Arizona St is crushing it.


The one thing I don't like about no items is in a non league match where you get put with a random team how do you counter the other team? In lol if they stack heals you can get - healing item. If they end up all tanks you can get % based dmg items etc. I feel like once the teams are randomly selected like 80% of the game is who got the better lineup if the teams skills are anywhere close.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The one thing I don't like about no items is in a non league match where you get put with a random team how do you counter the other team? In lol if they stack heals you can get - healing item. If they end up all tanks you can get % based dmg items etc. I feel like once the teams are randomly selected like 80% of the game is who got the better lineup if the teams skills are anywhere close.
My friends and I were just talking about this same thing yesterday. I think they could really benefit from having an unranked draft mode because I'm sure many ppl don't want the "pressure" of playing ranked, but drafts are so important in this game, even more so than other mobas because of the very reason you mentioned. Another problem with no items is items have a cost associated with them. If an item is deemed too strong they can raise the gold cost. If a talent is deemed too strong it has to be removed or reworked.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Once people realize that QM is the ultra casual "Who gives a fuck" mode your life will be happier. I view QM as a resource simply to test out shit with a hero or become more profecient with a hero. Winning and losing isn't of great concern in QM. So if you get some 12 year old raging in QM just realize you aren't in Hero league and this game doesn't matter. And that 12 year old probably isn't even qualified for Hero league so his opinion of himself is probably about 10 rungs too high.

I could see some merit to an unranked Hero league but it isn't like ranking is important at all. Until they release a true solo queue Hero will still be fundamentally flawed as well.


Having a release date is cool and all, but it'd be nice if they announced perks for the testers or new stuff that'll be available for release.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Having a release date is cool and all, but it'd be nice if they announced perks for the testers or new stuff that'll be available for release.
I assume it will be similar to when Alpha closed. If you are a certain account level you'll get an exclusive portrait.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also FWIW Heroes will officially launch 06/02/15. Open starts 05/19/15.
Wow, kinda surprised to see it this soon, game could stand to be in beta for another year. Still need more heroes and many heroes need talent reworks like they did with Raynor. Would also like to see hero league non-ranked and a new solo/duo que ranked league w/ at least 1 ban.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Its a F2P game. F2P games are pretty much permanently in beta. The only downside is Blizzard's glacial speed of content release makes them a pretty poor F2P company.


Fuck yes, I can't wait for blizzards matchmaker to pair those of us level 40 with 500+ games on teams with the flood of noobs who have no idea what they are doing.

No but seriously, for release they need to make it so in quick match level 40's only get matched with other level 40's, just like the way league does it. I know max level isn't a skill indicator but at LEAST it shows you've played enough games to understand the basic shit required to win.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fuck yes, I can't wait for blizzards matchmaker to pair those of us level 40 with 500+ games on teams with the flood of noobs who have no idea what they are doing.

No but seriously, for release they need to make it so in quick match level 40's only get matched with other level 40's, just like the way league does it. I know max level isn't a skill indicator but at LEAST it shows you've played enough games to understand the basic shit required to win.
Dude so many ppl in hero league who don't understand the basic shit required to win and you have to be 30 and have 10 heroes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man, it is hard to get into this game. My account level is 15 and I can't find the desire to play more than 2-3 games at a time.

It is just so shallow, compared to other moba's. The 5-7 hero rotations just make me want to play less out of boredom, not buy new heroes. The different maps are great and I think they have some good ideas for the hero's themselves, but having no items just really limits the game play. I am not sure I agree with the design decision. The heroes, with only one or two skill builds, get pretty repetitive when you have no item variations to give alternative ways to play the hero.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man, it is hard to get into this game. My account level is 15 and I can't find the desire to play more than 2-3 games at a time.

It is just so shallow, compared to other moba's. The 5-7 hero rotations just make me want to play less out of boredom, not buy new heroes. The different maps are great and I think they have some good ideas for the hero's themselves, but having no items just really limits the game play. I am not sure I agree with the design decision. The heroes, with only one or two skill builds, get pretty repetitive when you have no item variations to give alternative ways to play the hero.
I actually prefer this. LoL games are just too damn long and a lot of the time you spend in the game is dedicated to a more action packed form of farming. I like joining a game, playing a character with a VERY specific role, and doing skirmishes/objective. I think that it simplifies it in a good way and just gets back to being fun.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I will say many of the ex-SC2 professionals who were giving HotS a whirl have seemed to really hit the brakes on playing it. qxc was streaming nearly daily for a while, Nony was playing it, Scarlett was playing it, Kiwikaki was playing it. Many have either moved to different games or are back to playing SC2.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think part of the problem there is it's god-awful to watch, I don't think it will ever really have the appeal of LoL/Dota due to the design decisions they've made. Streamers are going to follow the cash.