Heroes of the Storm


Really dislike having to level up each character to unlock the 'additional' talents for that character. Some characters are just so gimped without some of the optional talents. Not to mention having no buff to your 'ultimate' at level 20 (Unless you have unlocked the optional talents, of course), means late game, most damage ults are garbage.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yup.. my biggest complaint in league is the lvl 1-30 grind and it appears blizzard is implementing something similar... but maybe even worse cause now even the heroes i buy are gimped until I grind on them. I can accept putting in things that cost money since its F2P... but to also combine these with typical "Blizzard TimeSinks (C)" sounds pretty daunting.

Bo Jackson_sl

Terrible patch. This game's niche was that it as casual friendly, and everyone was even. No items, shared xp, it was nice, there was a theme there. Especially for someone like me who was bad at mobas, I really was getting into this game. If anyone gave a shit about grinding out a moba like an mmo LoL and Dota2 are well established and are already there and pretty well done. It's not even that I'm against some sort of progression or anything, I think the hero levels are cool actually besides the retardedness that is talent gating. This game's entire existence I feel like was supposed to be a moba for casuals and this entire patch just really gets away from that in my opinion. Was having much more fun before the patch.


Trakanon Raider
I was kind of looking forward to playing the game at some point (when they open it for EU), but this shit is laughably bad. There's no good reason to have it in the game, at least in Hearthstone you can just shell out cash for extra packs and sidestep the grind, but if they did that here, the game would turn into pay2win. Now it's just grind2win.

It looked as a game that fans of Blizzard games can enjoy together without any significant disadvantages based on money or time invested, so much for that.

If you want money, look at Dota 2 - announcers, skins, base customization. No need to fuck your playerbase.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The funny thing is they fixed the input lag, which was the biggest complaint before the patch, but barely anyone is talking about that because of the other shit.
Yeah, I mentioned it earlier and its worth mentioning again, it is noticeably better. Someone also said something about the hero models not too long ago and most heroes got a remodel this patch.

I'm having fun right now because I am able to lvl multiple heroes with various roles since I have most of the artifacts from the free gold they gave me, but I don't know if I'll be up for grinding all the artifacts out once the game goes live. I know I got practically no gold over the weekend despite playing a bunch. Hero levels are cool, talent gating is bad, I think everyone agrees there.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Get rid of artifacts completely
Remove talent gating and replace with palette swaps (or possibly just make it so each is worth 50g and subtract 100g from the 200g level)

Game is basically un-fucked.


Confirmed Male
At the very least, if they are absolutely stubborn about people leveling to lvl 4 to unlock full talents, they should make wins worth more xp, so that 4 wins = 4 levels, 8 losses = 4 levels. The cap should be at 8 games for you to unlock the full talent tree. Also, as a carrot, they should give 100G per level in addition to the skill unlock. IMO it allows you to not only learn the new class, but also put some points into various gems. It would also encourage people to buy different heroes from a business perspective.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In the latest developer Q&A Dustin made it very clear they were just throwing shit against the wall with talent gating and the entire artifact system. It sounded like if enough people hated it they'd remove either or both.


I think the only people enjoying the artifact system are the ones who got them all for free. If they had to grind them out they'd hate them just like everyone else.


Confirmed Male
I just finished buying heroes with the gold. I want to try them all. I have two gem slots open from grinding, working on the third. Figure it would be harder to unlock heroes as opposed to gems. Still having a lot of fun with this game when not getting stuck with bot programs in pubs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Someone was saying the bug could occur where your team MMR is so high the game doesn't find a match for you even with the expanded window. Not sure if that is leaking to individuals now or what. I don't think the average player sees this queue bug. This is why many active streamers now group with lowbies to drag the MMR down.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Alright, after playing with artifacts a bit more I really hope they get scrapped, team comp was already a heavy influencing factor on likelihood of success and it is much worse now with artifacts. And with no draft mode you can just get rnged into loss after loss. Every game I played last night my team comp was missing a vital role healer/tank/assassin and each time I would change which hero I played it would be a different role my team was missing. Some heroes are just broken with artifacts, I'm looking at you stitches, hammer, valla; it shows they put no thought into how the artifacts would interact with individual heroes' skills/toolkits and they are just flinging poo at the wall to see what sticks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Diablo is probably the most broken. With artifacts you can get him up to ~9k HP healing 1.3% HP/s or about 117 just off the artifact. That isn't even taking into account how much HP/s he gets off 200 souls.