Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Molten Core Raider
Someone mentioned in this forum that since MTG was released more than two decades ago, it holds no copyrights to its "concept" commercially. They can sue them for using identical logo or name, but not gameplay. I think.
Patent was submitted in 94 and I think granted in 97. It may be a consideration.

Think this is the original submission :


Someone translated that into layman here :http://howell.seattle.wa.us/games/mtg/patent.html

As far as trademarks are concerned I think that covers the 'tap' symbol and most graphics.

I've come to believe they've reached an agreement with WotC to pay them for some sort of license, which a lot of CCGs have done but not made public.

Also wouldn't surprise me if WotC or someone else tries to buy out Cryptozoic.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the video, I followed half a dozen bad links trying to watch that earlier. The Treasure chest info is about the only new info in it, at least to my knowledge. Basically, every single booster will have 15 cards and a treasure chest. The Treasure chests will have a rarity just like cards, and when you open one you will receive a prize. The prizes could be more booster packs, sleeves, alternate art, whatever. So, awesome basically.

Also, they clarified later that the footage being shown is from a much older build than we see with the kickstarter stuff, so cards that have different names are just old versions, same as the champions starting with 25 life, that's all old build stuff. So, while I'm sure you could pause and zoom and glean some new info, it's probably not worth the time, since those cards might be totally different or not even exist anymore.


Molten Core Raider
I know this isn't the thread for it, but does anyone have a invite to card hunter? Kind of want to try it out while I wait for HEX.


Trakanon Raider
Patent was submitted in 94 and I think granted in 97. It may be a consideration.
It is, but in a good way for hex - pre 95 patents are only valid for 17 years, not 20. Patents haven't quite run as ludicrously out of control as copyrights have.

Reading that patent is a bit sad though - it goes into a huge amount of detail, shows clearly where it is innovating - and historically has been trampled all over by people making minor changes. Must be disheartening for whoever wrote it.


Trakanon Raider
I'm actually looking for an invite to Card Hunter too. I'm really waiting for HEX and I want some sort of digital TCG to play in the meantime, but scrolls just doesn't look interesting enough to me. I signed up for Card Hunter beta, but no love yet.


If anyone kickstarted a level of HEX 100 or below and doesn't want it, I'll give you the price of the kickstart + 10 bucks for it. PM me if interested, I missed the KS being busy elsewhere.


Lord Nagafen Raider
To anyone that backed using the paypal option: Have you received any confirmation email from cryptozoic, or are you still sitting on your paypal receipts?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Paypal recipet. The only people that received any non-KS notice from Crypto so far have been the dragon lords and up going to the GenCon dinner.


Yeah, I finally got in to the card hunter beta. It's a great game, especially if you played classic D&D. There's lots of nods all over the place. Would definitely recommend people check it out when it releases. The free to play is incredibly non-evil, but I think it's well worth tossing some money their way.

Trying to think of something to say about Hex that won't make this post completely off topic, but I've been doing most of my blabbering about Hex in the f13 forums, and there's been a dearth of information since the kickstarter ended.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The "strategy" articles/youtube videos that get linked on the main cryptozoic forums are so hilariously bad, and yet they get 5-12 pages of "omg u so smrt evbody follow dis."

A) Evaluating cards with half the set available
B) Doing it poorly even within the context of what IS available

Is hilarious. Apparently the 2G 2/2, Landfall-Give another target creature +2/+2 Permanently is so OP that every deck should splash green for it! And twelve pages of people on the forum agree.

At least there looks to be plenty of dead money for early tournaments I guess?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The "strategy" articles/youtube videos that get linked on the main cryptozoic forums are so hilariously bad, and yet they get 5-12 pages of "omg u so smrt evbody follow dis."

A) Evaluating cards with half the set available
B) Doing it poorly even within the context of what IS available

Is hilarious. Apparently the 2G 2/2, Landfall-Give another target creature +2/+2 Permanently is so OP that every deck should splash green for it! And twelve pages of people on the forum agree.

At least there looks to be plenty of dead money for early tournaments I guess?
That sounds pretty fucking overpowered for a creature. Given that the pool of cards is small, that might be the best creature available.


The "strategy" articles/youtube videos that get linked on the main cryptozoic forums are so hilariously bad, and yet they get 5-12 pages of "omg u so smrt evbody follow dis."
Yeah, it's a mess. I sympathize, because they're in a tough spot. They want to establish the brand for their fansite/youtube channel, but there's only so much they can talk about with a fraction of the cards spoiled thus far, so they ramble about things in a vacuum and tend to be overly enthusiastic because the game is still their platonic ideal of what they want it to be and doesn't yet exist in any form that can disappoint them. Hopefully things will get a bit more realistic once we have all of the information.

With that said though, Wild Root Dancer *is* a very good card. Probably not as good as the video says (I haven't actually watched it for all the aforementioned reasons), but genuinely quite good, and easily splashable at only one green threshold. If nothing else, it's a great pick in limited.

BTW, there seems to be two new updates up on the main site on ardent champions and the shin'hare.www.hextcg.com


Everytime I watch a new video of theirs I get more excited. So glad I backed this. About 10 friends did as well. It's gonna be a blast.