Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Could you relink thier site for me? Want a place that is discussing the game and eventually a guild might be helpful in a couple of months being a pro player and all.


Doer of Things
They're going to be at GEN CON in Indy doing a LAN event...planning on going just for that should be a good time.


Trakanon Raider
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah, finally, after just over a month of back and forth about my pledge issue, got an actual resolution.
For anyone who doesn't know, the issue was, I pledged a Grand King ($500) and when the kickstarter closed I got an email saying "Congrats, we funded, you are pledged at the Pro Plus Tier ($250) and $500 has been charged to your account.
I contacted Kickstarter right away and after a couple of days I was able to get them to give me a written letter expressing that they did see me pledged for a Grand King, and they sent me an email for it. They had no idea why it didn't go through and said it was out of their hands, and I would have to contact Cryptozoic.

I contacted Cryptozoic with the Kickstarter letter, plus the email confirmation about a Grand King, as well as the email saying I had been charged $500 for a pro plus. After almost 2 weeks they closed my ticket with a note that said "Sent to finance dept".

So now, close to 3 weeks later, I sent the following letter -

Hi, I went to call today as it's officially been over 1 month without anything but the most bare bones of communication. Unfortunately, I discovered the telephone system lacks anyway to speak with an operator, and since I'm not at the point of being rude enough to just random dial extensions, I'll once again return to email for help.

The last update I received was from almost 3 weeks ago, and as you can see, was simply "We are passing this to an unnamed person with no contact info and closing your ticket, but someone will get to you... you know.. sometime?", and while I understand you don't want to have to deal with non-stop phone calls from people, I found the complete lack of accountability a little off putting. I would recommend something along the lines of "We are closing your ticket, but John Madeup in the Finance Department will be taking over the case. He will contact you as soon as he is able, and you can reach him at[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */if you have any questions or concerns." as a much better customer service experience.

Anyway, I would like an update to my case. It's been just over a month since the successful funding of the Hex project, and I would like to know the status of my issue, something I had assumed would be handled within a day or two, but has instead left me wondering for a month the fate of my hard earned $500.

Sorry for the obvious frustration in this communication, but the lack of any obvious effort on your part to correct the issue, followed by the customer support phone number that is clearly set up to just reject calls, has left me feeling pretty undervalued as a customer.

I would appreciate anything you can do to help, as always.


Within 2 hours I received a response -

There are two ways we can handle this for you.

1) We can give you the Grand King, which is what you paid for

2) We can refund part of the money and give you the Pro Player, which is what you now have.

Let me know what you want to do.

By the way, this happened to a lot of people apparently, there was some rare condition with Kickstarter/Amazon code that allowed people that were already in a transaction to appear to get the tier they wanted even if someone else had beaten them to it.


So, Hoo-fucking-ray. Glad to have that all sorted out!

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Good deal bro! Now go to the F13 forums and introduce yourself to your new guildmates.


Trakanon Raider
Ohh yeah, I'm already signed up there, but may as well post my nonsense there too I suppose!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Grats~!! Glad to see they give you your choice of either option after that long wait.


Trakanon Raider
Couldn't have done it without you! I would give you 10 more internets if I was able. If you are ever in AZ you can hit me up for a free beer/meal. <3 Selix


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hey NP are you coming to Gencon? Also post that to the HexTCG forums in case there is anyone else that could use that info. Seems like that's good information right there.


Trakanon Raider
So, when you just asked about Gencon I went "Ohh, hey, maybe I will go to that!", as its kind of a perfect storm of events freeing up some time and money as of last night. I just postponed a trip to New Zealand from this year to next, got a great deal for the Disneyland trip planned for the family in October, and was just talking with a group of friends about going to PAX next year. So, I read your comment and went "Hey, I've never been to any kind of convention really, and I'm going to have some extra cash and free vacation time.. why not!".

I just went to the site, signed up, and read some... and have pretty much done a 180. In my "fantasyland" brain I was thinking it wouldn't be that large a cost, but let me see if I get this right. I'm looking at $80 for a 4 day pass, + potentially a few hundred to do anything (looks like everything is around 1-2 hours, with prices from $2 to $50 for each event), on top of a hotel (I was expecting around $100 a night, but the discount rooms they have available look to be closer to $200 a night), and finally my plane ticket. So, realistically I'm looking at spending $1,000+ for a few days of playing games and watching presentations? I'm way too much of a cheapskate for that, hahaha. I'm pretty sure if the cost included an attractive asian girl in a maid costume to wait on me hand and foot all 4 days, I would still grimace at that (I mean, I would definitely go, I'm only human, but I would question my decision every minute my geisha wasn't busy bathing me).

Like I said, I've never been to anything like this, but is it really worth the price of admission? I'm sure I would have fun, I'm just not sure I would be having $300 a day fun. I'm 33 years old, and for around 32 years I've been pretty hard up financially, and its only in the last year that I've managed to go "Wait a minute... everything I need to pay for is paid.. and I still have some extra money... every month? Whhhhaaaaa?", so, as you can imagine, I'm pretty ingrained into cheap bastardness. Maybe if I wasn't planning on trying to do PAX next year, or if it was within driving distance, or who knows... just seems like a really costly thing for playing games with strangers, when I already have a "play games with friends" night once a week at the cost of some snacks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well I live in Indy so the only cost is the ticket price for me but I don't think I would pay for the cost of airfare + hotel (and quite a few hotels sell out near the convention center during Gencon) just to go to Gencon. It all depends on how much you are into tabletop and TCG games. If you are into them A LOT then this is like Mecca which if you take advantage of all the meet-ups will be 4 days and nights of non-stop gaming. I haven't personally done this but from everything I hear you just find a group or visit a forum and ask to meet up with some new people (lots of people do this) then when you get there its gaming, food, drinks, gaming, and well you get the idea.

In your case since you're hard up I'd say hang on to the cash and blow a little bit more in New Zealand or Disneyland for a really good time. Hide $1k or more away and then when trip time comes and the budget is all planned out pull out the 1k and hand it to your wife and say "Honey I was saving this all year just for you to spend on our trip on just yourself and I didn't want it to be part of the budget". Could even do a couple of hundred and it should still work.

I'm planning on trying to get a couple of copies of the Alternate art exclusive they are going to have there. I'll save you one if I can score more then one.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, definitely seems like a no brainer for you, living there and all. I'm sure I would have a good time, but yeah, who knows, I may end up going next year if I plan early enough. (Pretty sure one of my sister-in-laws lives around there too, so that may even end up an option for me)

And hey, if you do end up snagging an extra card, that would be fantastic! If you have to, tell them its for a friend who's going to die at some point, that's technically accurate. "He only has maybe a year or two left, or possibly up to 50 more, who knows with medical advances, anyways, its a real sob story right?" I also suggest winking over and over while unbuttoning your shirt while you talk. It sounds crazy, and you will likely appear crazy, but they will probably do whatever you are asking just to get you to go away. Win - Win


I'm going to Gencon. Been meaning to go for a long time, and figured I might as well this year considering I backed at Dragonlord and got the dinner with the devs dealie as a stretch reward, plus I realized it's only a couple of hours away from where my sister moved, so I'm combining the two.

I think the alternate art Ozawa is one of the trade-ins for league tickets, so it's less a matter of begging the devs, and more just winning enough games to grab multiple. I hope they have enough machines open to support the demand. I expect quite a few people will want to pretty much camp out there. I care less about cosmetic stuff, so I'm most concerned with the exclusive merc (which is actually free with registration it looks like), and any PvE exclusive stuff they might toss into the league reward selection. After that I'll start tossing my tickets at any AA cards and sleeves and the like.

Ko Dokomo_sl

This will be my second year at GenCon, and I'm able to go mostly through working the convention. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities and they will either give you some money to reimburse you or provide badges for free leaving you with just hotel expenses. You'll give up half your con time, but it can be pretty rewarding to do the work as well. I'll be combat DMing True Dungeon this year, and it should be a blast.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just read this on a thread at Hextcg

Fun Promo Distribution Ideas

so after reading the*sub-gifting*thread i got to wondering what inventive and fun ways can we come up with for distributing promotional cards.Tiered - Owners of event exclusive cards can gift others with a different but related promotional card. you can even take this multiple steps and let the owner of that card gift a different but related promotional card to others.for example:King X -> Lord of X -> Knight of X -> Squire of XViral - copy of promotional card is given to players the owner plays with/against. have the promo be effected based on the % of the player base that owns a copy.for example
utbreak -> epidemic -> pandemicyou could even go further and have an anti viral promo card.
This was posted by a user but I really like the outbreak idea and it shows something unique you cab so with the digital environment


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
GenCon is awesome. I miss back when it actually had a heavy MMO presence in the dealer room. Definitely not worth the travel money if you're not engaged in any of the large events that go on there, though. If you're knocking out 30 hours of RPG mods you can't find people to run in locally, or playing in various card game national championships then it's fine, but definitely not worth the money just to go play in one hex tournament and walk around the dealer hall.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah, finally, after just over a month of back and forth about my pledge issue, got an actual resolution.
For anyone who doesn't know, the issue was, I pledged a Grand King ($500) and when the kickstarter closed I got an email saying "Congrats, we funded, you are pledged at the Pro Plus Tier ($250) and $500 has been charged to your account.
I contacted Kickstarter right away and after a couple of days I was able to get them to give me a written letter expressing that they did see me pledged for a Grand King, and they sent me an email for it. They had no idea why it didn't go through and said it was out of their hands, and I would have to contact Cryptozoic.

I contacted Cryptozoic with the Kickstarter letter, plus the email confirmation about a Grand King, as well as the email saying I had been charged $500 for a pro plus. After almost 2 weeks they closed my ticket with a note that said "Sent to finance dept".

So now, close to 3 weeks later, I sent the following letter -

Hi, I went to call today as it's officially been over 1 month without anything but the most bare bones of communication. Unfortunately, I discovered the telephone system lacks anyway to speak with an operator, and since I'm not at the point of being rude enough to just random dial extensions, I'll once again return to email for help.

The last update I received was from almost 3 weeks ago, and as you can see, was simply "We are passing this to an unnamed person with no contact info and closing your ticket, but someone will get to you... you know.. sometime?", and while I understand you don't want to have to deal with non-stop phone calls from people, I found the complete lack of accountability a little off putting. I would recommend something along the lines of "We are closing your ticket, but John Madeup in the Finance Department will be taking over the case. He will contact you as soon as he is able, and you can reach him at[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */if you have any questions or concerns." as a much better customer service experience.

Anyway, I would like an update to my case. It's been just over a month since the successful funding of the Hex project, and I would like to know the status of my issue, something I had assumed would be handled within a day or two, but has instead left me wondering for a month the fate of my hard earned $500.

Sorry for the obvious frustration in this communication, but the lack of any obvious effort on your part to correct the issue, followed by the customer support phone number that is clearly set up to just reject calls, has left me feeling pretty undervalued as a customer.

I would appreciate anything you can do to help, as always.


Within 2 hours I received a response -

There are two ways we can handle this for you.

1) We can give you the Grand King, which is what you paid for

2) We can refund part of the money and give you the Pro Player, which is what you now have.

Let me know what you want to do.

By the way, this happened to a lot of people apparently, there was some rare condition with Kickstarter/Amazon code that allowed people that were already in a transaction to appear to get the tier they wanted even if someone else had beaten them to it.


So, Hoo-fucking-ray. Glad to have that all sorted out!
Cory Jones_sl said:
Sorry for the delay, the end of the kickstarter was a crazy busy time for us, plus we moved offices, did a little E3 and had NACC
when it comes to CS for HEX there will be a dedicated staff handling issues, as you would expect from a real MMO
Didn't expect that little extra touch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nice update for Slacker Backers
Project Update #38: Buffs, Streams, and More
Posted by Cryptozoic EntertainmentLike
Hi HEXers. We're here with your weekly HEX update! We have a lot of great news to share, so let's start with the buff to Slacker Backer.

Fashionably Late

Many of you have asked us to take a look at the Slacker Backer rewards. After all, you want to bring your friends into the game and help grow the community. That's awesome, and we want everyone to feel welcome. You Kickstarter backers were the ones who initially had our back, the first believers in the HEX project. We want to make sure that your rewards are still special for being early adopters. We saw an opportunity to help the people a little late to the party come in, and we're going to offer the Slacker Backers the Princess Cory promo card, the Chest 'O Hex Promo Card, and the digital art book.