Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


A nice asshole.
OMG....Hey everyone, I am saving $7.00 a week because I initially invested $250.00. This means nobody will beat me. I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!! I will be the bestest player of all time. If only you had entered the KS, you too could be impossible to defeat and get blow jobs for every victory.
or cheese if you opted out of blowjobs.


Molten Core Raider
Hey now, do not cheapen my Pro Player investment. I plan to win those drafts and so get more than just 3 packs.

Alpha + full download release with no authentication = very slow download. Lesson learned I hope for the company.
sorry, I'll be done soon. I made my own patcher that gets about 10 files a second instead of theirs that gets 1 every 5 seconds...


Trakanon Raider
1 every 5 seconds? You are doing better than me... I just got back after walking away for a couple hours, 8.6% complete.


<Silver Donator>
Found your answer for. Literally your answer.
Efficient use of your money isn't a game advantage though. It gives you some sort of advantage kinda if you stretch it, but mostly it saves you money. If you play a F2P game say like LoL, and you buy champions only when they're on sale, you don't have an advantage over someone who buys it at full price. And the guy who buys it right when it releases doesn't have an advantage over other people either(barring retarded balancing issues, but you don't buy a single card in a TCG so it shouldn't be a problem).

The "advantage" of the kickstarter shit is that you pay x$ and you get x+y$ worth of shit. But that y$ shit isn't any better or any different than x, you just get more of it. Now if the goal of the game was completing the set there would be a large advantage, but that's not how it goes. You'll buy your x$ then trade shit to make a strong deck, while the guy who has x+y might not have to trade away some cards so he'll make one strong deck and then has more cards to play around and make a 2nd deck or something. Unless you can change your deck in the middle of a bo3 match though(and I mean entirely, not change reserve cards), then it won't have a gameplay impact.

What I was complaining about at the time is simply that if you want the best value for your money, you had to buy then, and you had to buy the bigger packs. Not that I wouldn't get a similar game experience as anyone else.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What privilege to win did we buy? It's like you guys are whining just to whine and refuse to read/listen to any of our arguments.

Again, name me ONE privilege we got in PvP? I might have missed it, but the only thing the kick starter offered us is a discount on the items everyone will eventually have to purchase. You missed out on a sale, get over it.
Awesome Sleeve Art? That's a huge mental advantage if you ask me

You are correct. In a mirror match in the finals of a tournament, there is no advantage. The advantage is after the match and theease of switching said deckto something else to keep from having 100% mirror matches.
But with a $10,000 buy-in, you're not going to hear many people complaining about the perks at that price range unless the game is wildly successful.
The lower tiers have advantages at the additional price of blind faith. Good for those people if the game works out.
edit: added formatting for Pyros.
If you spend what a producer has spent during the period of the first two years I guarantee you; you'd have the same card collection (minus the exclusive). I can't say for the third year or longer since it depends on how rare some cards are and how hard it is for you to collect them. But there's no "mechanic" advantage for you as a producer besides getting every card in the game. True, you won't design a dungeon or a card of your liking... but that, again, doesn't give you an advantage if you do.

So, again... technically all what you're complaining about is having to pay a lot more than the kick starter backers. The truth is there is no PvP advantage for Kickstarter Backers and that's clearly obvious and the reason is because Cory stated he wants the game to be competitive (eSport) so there' no way he'd mess it up with such a decision.

You're frustrated that you won't get these nice "discounts" I hear you but stop putting your hands over your ears and yelling "Lalalalala" because you're confusing others with your claims that there's a PvP disadvantage for new players.

The 3 packs a week you get from a free draft is an insurmountable advantage in terms of achieving a full playset. That $6 a week is way over the top.

Also, this patcher is horrible.
The Pro Tier and every tier that gives you a free draft a week is an EXCELLENT deal.
I fail to see the PvP advantage though? All what the Pro Tier give you is a sandwich a week ($7). You get to play a draft for free. You can do this too; but you have to pay $7.... Seriously? That will give other people advantage over you? Because they draft for free every week? Again don't get me wrong it's an AWESOME deal (which pays for itself within the first year and that's why it was hard to get) but there's zero advantage.

Every draft you play against someone who is playing for free... you both will have the same chance of winning.
Again, all what I see is frustration because you didn't get the good "deal" not because you're at a disadvantage game-wise. Think of it this way; treat drafting as a sandwich and get yourself a sandwich every week and there you go.. You're a Pro Tier player.


Trakanon Raider
That's a lot of words from peole reiterating the same things I've said over the last couple pages and then inexplicably attributing someone elses's pvp comment as mine. Holy heck strawman.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Link to both a MEGA rar and torrent of the alpha client is up over on F13.net. If you are having trouble downloading I suggest grabbing it. Worked for me perfectly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Link to both a MEGA rar and torrent of the alpha client is up over on F13.net. If you are having trouble downloading I suggest grabbing it. Worked for me perfectly.
I guess that is for guild members only. Oh well. The Hex forums are hidden unless you are a member.


I had fun farting around in game, made some cool decks, but its not really playable yet. Played about 20 games, 18 of then ended in bugs. Of the two that didn't the opponent conceded early due to unwinnable position, prolly would of ended in bugs if played out to the end.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There are absolutely a ton of bugs. Took quite a bit of work to create my own deck and I still haven't figured out how to select a champion. Still I've had some fun experimenting with decks on the few times I can play a few game.

Still working on making a dual color deck that I like.


Yeah, I put a couple of hours into and went "Yup, Alpha. I'll see you in Beta!"
Same... but I keep getting drawn back into the game to create new decks (process can be a pain sometimes), and getting a game or two in. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I guess this is a good sign.


Does anyone have a link to the torrent for the client? Was browsing their website and noticed they had a paypal button to donate so ended up shelling out $50 because I'm so bored with games lately.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Torrent will not help you at this stage. They are only on the first wave of Alpha. The Slacker Backer will probably get in around December.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Same... but I keep getting drawn back into the game to create new decks (process can be a pain sometimes), and getting a game or two in. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I guess this is a good sign.
Agree with you and Onoes. I've been putting it aside to play path of exile and I started wondering if that meant I wasn't into it then I find myself wondering what kind of deck I could make to take advantage of void cards then I had to try and make one.

Then broken mechanics and game ending bugs need fixing asap.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I'm disappointed by the state of the Alpha too.
Very limited options you got: Play vs. AI (which is extremely stupid), Create a Deck or Play vs. Players (very limited pool of players from my experience and buggy as hell).

The auto-match thing never worked for me; I had to challenge other players.
Bugs, bugs, bugs.. sometimes games stop moving on due to some bug. I pressed 5 by mistake one time and got stuck in my turn can't pass-priority.

There's no PvE but you can look at the 3D planet.
Options are limited to Change Screen Resolution and Audio; that's it.

I think this Alpha needs a few months of hard work to be refined and that's only for PvP mode. I'm hoping they've already developed all the PvE stuff in a separate environment and they're just testing things out; otherwise we're looking for a 3rd Quarter 2014 release.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Late 2014 should right. We haven't seen a big patch yet to see how fast they fix things but they are improved over what we played at gencon.


I parrot the last few comments. I enjoy building the decks and can get through a game with another player about 40% of the time (seems up from about 10% of the time last week). I am not sure if there have been many updates of note, but I find myself building one deck per day and trying it out. I usually have to play three games to make it through one.

My impression is that this game needs months of work before it is at a polished beta state.