Oh for fuck"s sake. Are you guys for real?
We"ve got Lyrical in here every day bitching about how everyone he hires is a fucking imbecile and you"ve fucking joined him on more than one occasion Eomer, don"t fucking lie. And aside from that there"s mountains of fucking data that shows that if you"ve got a goddamned college degree, you earn more fucking money. I"m not saying everyone who puts up fucking sheetrock is Merlin, but if you"re gonna start with this all or nothing shit every time I saw something like "
MOSTof the people you have actually doing the work around your house (including the people who built it) are not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed" then we"re gonna be here all fucking day arguing semantics, not withstanding the fact that I that trades are the way to go and have labor jobs all my fucking life.
Now, if you wanna sit there and pretend that I"m looking down on shit when I"m pointing out fucking facts, go right ahead, I honestly don"t give a shit. But it"s not what I said, and it"s not what I meant, and you fuckers need to stop taking snippets of shit outta context and extrapolating it out to something I didn"t mean. If you want to honestly claim that what I said was factually incorrect, then you"re saying people doing manual labor for a living are somehow smarter than the rest of the population, and I think you"ve got a tough road to walk.
Fuck, you guys sit here saying "get a home inspection" and then in basically the same breath say "There"s no qualifications required to be a home inspector, just a class down at the community college" and then you fucking dog pile me for the same shit. Unreal. But go ahead. Regale me with more how who applies for or works with you is a fucking genius.
I don"t think that going to college or having a degree makes you smart, and quite honestly, I think it"s bullshit that it"s even required for most jobs, but I"ve spent more than enough time working with people who didn"t to know that not going doesn"t make you intelligent either. You really gonna sit here and tell me that when faced with a blind choice of who"s more intelligent, you"re gonna pick the guy who installed your windows over the accountant?
This is his schtick. I really hope he"s not like this off the internet. Feel sorry for his wife & friends.
Yeah, because like minded people never congregate, right?