

Life's a Dream
It was definitely the episode that was most similar to Zero Dark Thirty.

This was a good episode.


It was good but I think this is a little far. I just don't feel like anything after season 1 has been given the same level of attention to detail.
Yeah, it just seems like season 1 was on a whole other level than the rest of what we have gotten. But this most recent episode was pretty decent I think.


Tranny Chaser
My understanding is that Season 1 was a remake of an Israeli show that only lasted for one season, therefore they had proven material to work with. Seasons 2 and 3 are their attempts in getting new stories out of the same characters so it stands to reason that their efforts at original content won't match the season 1 stuff.

Season 1 was a few years ago now and I have not rewatched it, therefore it's hard for me to compare s1 episodes vs this weeks one. I still think it was a great episode, lots of drama, tension and emotion


I think Season 1 was more thrilling as a lot of things happened at a fast pace, there was no pussyfooting and the whole 'traumatized soldier tries to reconnect with his family' angle was very good (all the flashbacks with him and his captors, not so much). Season 2 kept the same pace but got really shark-jumpy toward the end of it. Season 3 slowed the pace down significantly, but, free from the obligation of constant thrill, the writing is a lot better and it's very solid episode after very solid episode.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My understanding is that Season 1 was a remake of an Israeli show that only lasted for one season, therefore they had proven material to work with. Seasons 2 and 3 are their attempts in getting new stories out of the same characters so it stands to reason that their efforts at original content won't match the season 1 stuff
Brody and Carrie are supposed to die in season 1, so ya, they are completly on their own at this point.


FPS noob
season 1 also had some seriously awesome titties by mrs brody

the chick who does the homeland XXX porno also is fucking hilarious at doing the same surprised "omg wtf" face, but instead of doing it when bad stuff is happening she does it when a dude puts it in her butt


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, Mrs. Brody is fucking ridiculous. They definitely need to show more of her. Just a random gratuitous nudity scene per episode would do it.

I finally got around to watching the last episode. The thing that got me was how in the world are they not being monitored while they are in that cell waiting on Javadi? Eh, whatever. I wouldn't put too much stock in Carrie saying Brody isn't the father of her kid.


Molten Core Raider
The way they've been pushing Carrie's instability and bipolarisms I see that coming into play


<Prior Amod>
I wouldn't put too much stock in Carrie saying Brody isn't the father of her kid.
yea i don't know if it was hella good acting, but the way carrie responded was the way a teenager would respond when they were caught in a lie. which is weird for carrie since it's her job to lie with a smile. (how else would she get those assets to betray their country and do traitorous acts?)


FPS noob
I like all the spy shit and brody being brody but it is so ridiculous that carrie can run around tehran and not have one single person go "hey... why the fuck are you wandering around alone, white woman". Do the writers really think Americans believe Tehran is just full of French woman... shopping? whoring? designing award winning museums?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I don't think anyone would bat an eye at a female tourist wandering around Tehran. Iranian women don't typically walk alone but that doesn't necessarily extend to foreigners. Even in more strict areas like Saudi Arabia it's not fucking Taliban country. They understand that foreigners don't follow sharia law and they don't flip out about it.

If you want something unrealistic I would point out the typical Hollywood suffocation where you hold a pillow over someone's face for 9 seconds and they die. They did this in Sons of Anarchy recently as well where Tig drowned that dude in the tub of urine in like 6 seconds. People on TV have shockingly low lung capacity.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't think anyone would bat an eye at a female tourist wandering around Tehran. Iranian women don't typically walk alone but that doesn't necessarily extend to foreigners. Even in more strict areas like Saudi Arabia it's not fucking Taliban country. They understand that foreigners don't follow sharia law and they don't flip out about it.

If you want something unrealistic I would point out the typical Hollywood suffocation where you hold a pillow over someone's face for 9 seconds and they die. They did this in Sons of Anarchy recently as well where Tig drowned that dude in the tub of urine in like 6 seconds. People on TV have shockingly low lung capacity.
6-9 seconds is way too short no matter how much energy they are expending during the smothering/struggle for death at least (3+ minutes) but in Homeland's defense there was a lot of blood coming out of the guys cranium from the smash.


I enjoyed the episode, but there were some things that could be nit-picked: like 1) sneaking out of the hotel only to use the secret phone once back there, 2) needing the help of the israeli to provide a weapon that will transit through Javadi anyway, 3) Brody never communicating his intend to wait for an opportunity (when he apparently knew Carrie's number - unless he has a serious case of photographic memory from getting the phone call at the mosque - and anyway knew he could contact the CIA through Javadi) or 4) the fake meeting that is theatrics for the audience and not for Brody. Also 5) Carrie's french!

I guess you can sorta argue 2, 3 & 4. And 5 is a production issue, not really a scenario issue.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
If you want something unrealistic I would point out the typical Hollywood suffocation where you hold a pillow over someone's face for 9 seconds and they die. They did this in Sons of Anarchy recently as well where Tig drowned that dude in the tub of urine in like 6 seconds. People on TV have shockingly low lung capacity.
I think most people understand this (at least I hope so), but who wants to watch a guy hold a pillow over someone's face for 3+ minutes? I am 100% okay with them shortening that for TV/Movies. Also as already pointed out, the guy did have some serious bleeding coming from his head.

I think to really enjoy this show you really have to suspend your belief in reality a bit, and just enjoy the ride. There are a ton of things that you can nit pick about, but overall I think this season has been great. Started out a bit slow, but I actually really like how they have tied up some of those lamer story lines.

I have a hard time seeing the next episode going anything other than them getting out safely after some crazy close calls. I am sort of hoping that they shock us and it doesn't play out that way, but I am not holding my breath. Very curious to see how it will end and what the big storyline will be for next season.


He was smothered for 35 seconds while suffering severe head trauma so I'm ok with the death under those circumstances. Also, Iran isn't a popular travel destination, but an American woman walking through the streets of Tehran isn't outlandish.