

Vyemm Raider
I like how it ended off just for Saul if nothing else - i mean its exactly what the fuck i wanted to see. The shit with Carrie has me fuckin baffled bc like....what the fuck? did the letter have a p.s.. or something? Otherwise my main dissatisfaction is with the fact of what didnt go down in train station.


Log Wizard
At least Saul iced that bitch. Cold.

Wish the closing shot was Carrie putting the pillow over Quinn's face. Guess we'll all just have to imagine it in our head.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Saul is a cold bastard. Only redeeming part of that episode. I give the writers credit though for killing Quinn off instead of going hollywood and giving him a miraculous recovery from the kind of sarin poisoning that he was exposed to.


privileged excrementlord
Yeah, but his death was retarded. All this work goes into keeping him alive from various fronts/people and Carrie kills him trying to get information he didn't have or wasn't able to state before coughing up his fucked up lungs and having a brain hemorrhage. LOL at the window light. Saul getting Allison was a bonus at least.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why didn't they capture Allison instead of killing her ? Makes no sense, if you want someone to suffer, you'd rather get them sentenced to life in maxsec federal prison instead of killing them by surprise. Also they could have milked her and her secrets, gather intelligence about what she gave to the russians, about what the russians know, etc. Saul is a shitty spy.


They have Ivan too. And I am not even sure having both to be able to somewhat corroborate their stories would be a plus or a unwanted source of complexity.

About the light, I read that as Carrie being about to kill Quinn but not going through with it at the last moment because of the change of light she sees as a sign. I guess we'll know next season!

Also, if there is a "creepiest marriage proposal" category at award shows, it should rake in the prizes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hey I know I'm your super rich, comprehensive boss and I know you've just been through a lot of stuff lately, you friend dying at the hospital oh and yes that whole terrorist attack. And people looking to kill you too, yeah. Anyway, would you like to marry me ?


FPS noob
dating in germany is weird!

boring finale, i dunno why the producers of this show and 24 have such a hard on for having the climax in the episode before the finale and then having a slow wind down for the finale. Go all out balls to the wall in the finale man. Shoulda spend more time in the train station, have carrie improvise a better plan than "lol go distract him while I try and sneak up". It woulda been cool if Qasim had to hold his cousin down on the rail tracks and both of them get squashed by the train while Carrie watches and muses on how everyone she talks to ends up dying 30 seconds later.

oh well, still fun to watch and i'll be back next season to watch the dumbest spy show on cable TV

at least laura got a taste of what its like having to make the hard choice


<Bronze Donator>
Why didn't they capture Allison instead of killing her ? Makes no sense, if you want someone to suffer, you'd rather get them sentenced to life in maxsec federal prison instead of killing them by surprise. Also they could have milked her and her secrets, gather intelligence about what she gave to the russians, about what the russians know, etc. Saul is a shitty spy.
He's got all that info from the Russian dude he made a deal with. Literally all of it.


Vyemm Raider
Not sure what you guys are thinking but Saul just wanted that bitch in the dirt, thats all it was. I dont think that Quinn is dead, im sure he will be alive next season but likely so fucked up hes of absolutely no use to anyone and Carrie will be caring for him with her now bleeding heart.


<Prior Amod>
wasn't that light, basically Quinn's soul going to heaven, so Carrie can mercy kill him more easily?


Vyemm Raider
I am pretending that scene didnt happen because it belongs no where in my series of homeland.