

Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It would have been poetic if Carrie saw the light in the window, thinks it is a sign from God, but in actuality it is the glow of an incoming missile launched from a drone.


Doer of Things
WTF was that finale...this season was so good leading up to it then they just shit the bed.


Religion was a little more present this season, but it was there from the start with Brody's secret praying, etc.

I have very little taste for the religious and thought it was pretty well managed here. You add a bit of color to Durig with his chapel, you add a bit of PC complexity with the most devout terrorist being the one with cold feet and the bomb maker being an atheist and then you close with a non-denominational chapel and sun light (which can just be sun light) which is both universal and bouncing well off Quinn's letter about him being swallowed by darkness.


<Prior Amod>
Who knew Quinn wasn't coming back? the minute Dar Adal started to talk about the secret history of Born Identity Quinn i knew he was a certifiable vegetable.


Yeah, but his death was retarded. All this work goes into keeping him alive from various fronts/people and Carrie kills him trying to get information he didn't have or wasn't able to state before coughing up his fucked up lungs and having a brain hemorrhage. LOL at the window light. Saul getting Allison was a bonus at least.
She didn't kill him though. She was about to do so when Jesus said "no, Carrie. No."

Now next season we get a grittier version of Fitz's recovery as in Shield, except this time with Quinn....and Islamo terrorists!!! And probably Carrie unfortunately.


FPS noob
did Dar Adal say Quinn went pedo gay for pay? he said something about a foreign paymaster was attracted to teenage Quinn or some shit, that was weird and creepy as fuck


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not sure what you guys are thinking but Saul just wanted that bitch in the dirt, thats all it was. I dont think that Quinn is dead, im sure he will be alive next season but likely so fucked up hes of absolutely no use to anyone and Carrie will be caring for him with her now bleeding heart.
That is basically what we should be afraid of. A whole season of spoonfeeding Quinn the vegetable to one up even the Brody family bullshit of seasons two/three.

Also, if there is a "creepiest marriage proposal" category at award shows, it should rake in the prizes.
Would you guys please stop mocking our German way of romance?


Vyemm Raider
They left Quinn up in the air for next season, he will likely never be 100% but maybe at some point be the new Chloe(24) but deskwork (highly unlikely also he would kill himself).. Perhaps he is gone and the next season is all about Carrie's new marriage to the guy who talked down about her to his coworker just days prior on how she was a bad pick for the company and it will turn into some WTF Vampire Diaries style long triangle with ISIS shit on the side.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hope Quinn is dead or a complete vegetable. So when they have no current reason to make Carrie cry in an episode next season, they can bring him in for some bonus tears because it was her who did this to him.


Trakanon Raider
God just cancel this show. I suffered through 5 seasons and looks like the best character (Quinn) is not going to be a wheelchair bound vegetable/pussy or dead.


Life's a Dream
Come on, that last season wasn't bad at all. Yes, it had some silly shit happen, but it was still very entertaining.


<Bronze Donator>
Passed on Homeland up until the last few weeks, which is weird considering how in love with the "Spy thriller" novel genre I am. Immediate thoughts were the show all-in-all is super solid. Absolutely loved the first two seasons, phenomenal entertainment, aside from Brody's stupid fucking daughter. Damian Lewis was amazing, and the show was obviously fresh at that point. Season 3 in all its unbelievability was still solid, but certainly a step below, & I felt 4 was it's weak point. Maybe just because Lewis wasn't carrying the show. Loved the backdrop they went with 5, and ultimately the cat & mouse game with Allison was great. That being said, I felt the Quinn side was awfully forced (hard for me to believe that guy would get fucked in that situation with how much of a ghost he is).

I still wish that they could've gone a different route with the closing of season 2. The dynamic of Estes over looking the Carrie & Saul pair, with Dara Dal & Quinn in the unknown. I also appreciate the nature of how shitty the character's can be as humans, seems like a good portrayal of that "Spook" mindset... Even if Carrie's character is overly whiny at times.

I'll certainly tune-in for season 6 later this year. It's set in NY, and I hope they bring the show back to the more on the ground realistic level. Doubt it though.


FPS noob

how do people around carey not punch her


Loved the backdrop they went with 5
This, so much this. It was awesome to have Germany as a setting instead of just 100% Middle East. I also agree that season 5 was a big improvement over season 4. I had not heard that 6 is going to be set in NY. I was kind of hoping we would stay somewhere in Europe, but NY could work I guess...as long as the writing is as good as season 5.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Just finished the first two seasons and started the third. Awesome show with amazing acting and script. The only downside is the sidestory of that whiny cunt of a daughter. Holy shit that is boring and the actress annoying!