Poll How open minded are you politically?

How open minded are you politically?

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Poet Warrior
I'd say I'm mostly open. I was raised Atheist and Capitalist but I've spent most of this year reading books about Islam and Marxism/Collectivism (and Botany which has nearly nothing to do with politics). I was aware of Islam and Marxism before now of course, but I wanted to really try to make an effort understand them. So I sunk my heels and dug in.

So I read the Koran and the Satanic Verses. I read the Communist Manifesto and The Wealth of Nations. I read many other ancillary works on both subjects. Both ideologies are currently being fellated on bended knee by the Left. This is important in my case because I have always considered myself to be 'on the Left'. I am challenging my Leftist teaching for the first time in true earnestness.

I have found nothing convincing in either subject. I was skeptical of both ideologies before I started my reading projects and at this current time I continue to remain so. Even more so now that I actually have a somewhat functional understanding of their gear-works.

There is this idea, it seems, that the past offers us some truly wonderful ideologies that we moderns are raping, appropriating, and ignoring to our everlasting peril. I find that sentiment to be mostly incorrect. We moderns are (mostly) awesome and we shouldn't lose sight of that.

While it is certainly true that we should endeavor to understand the past, it is not necessarily true that we should always endeavor to emulate it. See: That South African chick who recently encouraged us all to abandon science in order to allow us all to listen to a tribal shaman regarding his ability to summon lightning bolts from his arse.

Plato and Aristotle are, more or less, great exemplars of this.

Plato all but created metaphysics, which is a useful tool in thinking about philosophy. But ultimately it appears that his Theory of Forms is useful only in thinking, and not in actual practice. It is useful to imagine Heaven. It is not useful to actually believe in it wholesale. There is no such thing as a 'Platonic Rabbit'.

Aristotle encouraged us to observe nature and draw conclusions based on the objective world while trusting in our own ability to practice reason. Most of his own observations were wrong in the end but he started us on that path.

So although both men turned out to be wrong about most things, they were right to have had the thoughts they did, in the time they did, and to have shared them with us. So if we think either of them to be bearers of ultimate truth, we are making a mistake. They were merely teachers, not actual Gods.

I appreciate the Left and I appreciate the Right. At least, I try to. Lately it's been difficult to appreciate either.

The Left is supposed to be Progressive but I find them recently embracing Marxism and Muhammadanism, both of which appear to me to be old and dead wretched and disgusting philosophies of ruin. Why any thinking person would embrace them is still a mystery to me.

The Right is supposed to be Individualistic and for holding the torch of the best of our past, but recently I find them to be abject slaves to Monotheism and Eugenics.

Anyway, I appreciate the thread Picasso. I do try to be open to ideas. But I do not try to be inclusive of them all.

In other words, I will read a thing but I will not always agree with a thing.
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Musty Nester
Fairly open.

I'd have to say i'm more tolerant than open minded. There's no shortage of dumbfucks or dumbfuck ideas in this world.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
So when I worked in personal finance one of the first things I would ask people is how good are you at saving money? How financially responsible are you? Many people thought they were good but did not write up a budget, did not put aside money as part of a routine (unless 401k), and most importantly few actually sacrificed any comfort to do it. That's not being good at it at all. No.

I look at open minded the same way. Are you willing to analyze your views and check if you're leaning hard one way, if you're inconsistent, if you're hypocritical? Do you ever do what some strangely find absurd and actively try to change the way you think about a subject? Do you seek out differing opinions and more importantly do you make a sincere effort to look at things from other sides? Do you, for a quick example, hear about neo nazis getting the shit beat out of them in CA and think perhaps "I should not be supporting this violence even if I hate them" or maybe it's "I should not be feeling bad for these terrible people" or something else... and let this cause you to reflect and maybe change? Are you willing to challenge your own ideology and worldview by asking questions like "is this actually good for people", maybe "does this work" and "why do people disagree with me" or "how can I make this even better" etc?

If your open mindedness does not involve planning, nor does it take work, and especially if you don't regularly challenge it and question it and try to deliberately improve... you're probably not all that open minded, sorry!
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I am very open, I am fully aware of the bad acts of the people that I am voting for and against.
I do base my voting in the circle strategy, first circle is me, second circle my family, then my friends, then my local social group, then I go expanding the circle up.

I never understood why people vote against their self-interest, and then complain that they are not doing better under the new government.

You guys made fun that I actually took my time to read my local newspaper recommendations on voting, when a shitload of people don't even bother to do that, they just vote from the hip.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm very open minded, politically. I feel I'm truly independent, as there are parts of pretty much every party that I agree and disagree with. I'm willing to give second thought to pretty much everything except religious belief.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm very open minded, politically. I feel I'm truly independent, as there are parts of pretty much every party that I agree and disagree with. I'm willing to give second thought to pretty much everything except religious belief.

How open minded are you with lasagna?

My wife has been making hers with a bechamel, it's too liquid for my liking but i don't know how to get out of this. I feel like communication is a bad idea here.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
How open minded are you with lasagna?

My wife has been making hers with a bechamel, it's too liquid for my liking but i don't know how to get out of this. I feel like communication is a bad idea here.
Continue to eat it and tell her it's delicious. Let the resentment of this subpar lasagna brew for 5 - 7 years(assuming you're both still alive). Then when you're in the middle of an argument, let that half-decade of brewing bechamel hatred explode in a furious torrent of cooking insults.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
*murder-suicide and the final collapse of foh
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>


Mr. Poopybutthole
I am very open, I am fully aware of the bad acts of the people that I am voting for and against.
I do base my voting in the circle strategy, first circle is me, second circle my family, then my friends, then my local social group, then I go expanding the circle up.

I never understood why people vote against their self-interest, and then complain that they are not doing better under the new government.

You guys made fun that I actually took my time to read my local newspaper recommendations on voting, when a shitload of people don't even bother to do that, they just vote from the hip.
I can respect that more than what most people do.

But as far as your last statement, I'd expect more from people in this community. Read the actual positions of the candidates, and use your own analysis to determine how you feel about the positions. Reading the newspaper's opinions and using that as your own is lazy and not actually forming your own opinion on the subject, it's making an opinion of an opinion.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Gravel Gravel
Please read this opinion on marco rubio and tell me what you find wrong with it.
This newspaper has a long history of supporting U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio’s electoral campaigns, going back to his days as a promising political newcomer from West Miami with a strong measure of personal magnetism and a crowd-pleasing message that served him well as he climbed the political ladder. When he ran an insurgent campaign for the Senate against a sitting Republican governor in 2010, we backed him because we believed, “He has the potential to be the kind of statesman Floridians can be proud to call a native son.”

On occasion, Sen. Rubio lived up to that early promise, never more so than during his freshman year in the U.S. Senate when he led an effort to forge a historic compromise on immigration. It ultimately failed, but the young senator displayed political courage and a willingness to defy his own party. This year, he again broke from the Republican majority by supporting President Obama’s request for $2 billion in emergency funding to fight Zika.

But in many other ways, Sen. Rubio has been a disappointment.

He has fought Obamacare at every step, even though it has brought immeasurable relief to millions who previously had no healthcare. He has joined the Senate majority in the scandalous move to block any consideration of the president’s nominee for a Supreme Court vacancy. He has unilaterally blocked other meritorious presidential nominations for purely political reasons, including confirmation of a judge he himself had once recommended.

Beyond the political differences, there are issues of sincerity and character for voters to consider. First, he reneged on his unequivocal pledge not to run for re-election for a position he once openly disdained — but only after he lost his bid for the Republican presidential nomination to his nemesis, Donald Trump. Then he endorsed Mr. Trump, whom he called a con man during the campaign. And still at this late date, he continues to stand by that endorsement, even as the Republican candidate stumbles from gaffe to insult to outrage.

Mr. Trump’s candidacy is a test of character, and Sen. Rubio is failing that test. How can voters believe he’s sincere when he says he does not share Mr. Trump’s awful views on Mexicans, immigrants, Muslims, women, etc., yet — at the same time — stands by his endorsement of the New York billionaire? His act is unconvincing. It reeks of political convenience rather than political conviction.

And he has refused to issue a clear, unequivocal statement on whether he will finish out his term if he wins reelection. And though he used the June massacre at Pulse, the gay nightclub in Orlando, as his excuse for getting in the race, he has a disastrous record as far as LGBT issues are concerned, opposing marriage equality and adoption by gay parents, and voting against giving LGBT Americans workplace protections.

Read more here: Miami Herald recommends Patrick Murphy for U.S. Senate