How to hide a train for 70 years - but is the gold there?

Running Dog_sl

If you've read the novel Cryptonomicon then this story might sound familiar. For the moment, it's still just a story.

During the war the Germans dug miles of tunnels into the hills and mountains around Walbrzych. Historians differ on why this was done. Some say they were creating a secret command centre, others say they were underground factories for weapons, while others claim the tunnels were research sites for the atom bomb project.

But there are tunnels: some of them very big. At the end of the war the Germans flooded or blew up a number of them. As a result not all the tunnels have been explored.

Not long after the war a Pole spoke with a German miner who was about to leave the area because it was to become part of post-war Poland. The miner spoke of how a train laden with treasure had been parked in a secret siding in the last days of the war. Since then people have been looking for that train. There is no documentary evidence supporting the ?gold train? legend.

...It appears that something has been found but that could be a number of things. It could be an old train that got buried in a tunnel years ago. It could be abandoned rolling stock. Or it could be a train laden with treasure that the Nazis left in a tunnel. Why they would do this, is not clear. The locomotive broke down, perhaps? Did the Allies bomb the track?
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Nazi gold train 'found' in Poland: live - Telegraph


Murder Apologist
There was a movie about the US army unit that found all those nazi loot trains. It was supposed to be fairly accurate so if you wanted to dig for Nazi loot, you're prolly better off digging around the Smithsonian's vaults. The same unit (the "monuments men") also found the tunnels filled with tons of nazi gold,but those we seized, recast and partially used to pay for the Marshall Plan.


Running Dog_sl

Well, there's been a press conference from the Polish ministry of culture and a couple of details have emerged:

- They have found a buried train using ground penetrating radar. It is 100m long and believed to be armored, but they don't know what (if anything) is inside. If there's anything valuable it will be handed back to the rightful owners.

- The train was found after one of the people responsible for burying it during WW2 "made a deathbed confession" about it's location.


what Suineg set it to
Well, there's been a press conference from the Polish ministry of culture and a couple of details have emerged:

- They have found a buried train using ground penetrating radar. It is 100m long and believed to be armored, but they don't know what (if anything) is inside. If there's anything valuable it will be handed back to the rightful owners.

- The train was found after one of the people responsible for burying it during WW2 "made a deathbed confession" about it's location.
Wasn't expecting them to say they'd give the train back to Germany.