I need your votes gutter onslaught NSFW


Hey guys lets have an internet-based voting competition without having a fucking clue as to what that actually entails. Then when it undoubtedly goes in a direction we never anticipated because we don"t know how the internet works, we"ll just arbitrarily enforce a bunch of non-rules in an attempt at "damage control."


Millie's Staff Member
these people are retarded and do things so haphazardly, they leave the gutter votes we pumped in but the UF votes they removed. obviously cuz the band only existed in their nonoriginal minds. along with ground zero and dr suess. they should be outed for running a rigged contest with bogus entries.


Buzzfeed Editor
Neferata said:
Hey guys lets have an internet-based voting competition without having a fucking clue as to what that actually entails. Then when it undoubtedly goes in a direction we never anticipated because we don"t know how the internet works, we"ll just arbitrarily enforce a bunch of non-rules in an attempt at "damage control."
Their logic is pretty astounding.

1.) Make internet poll to attract attention.

2.) Get a ton of attention from a large forum community.

3.) Get angry at the attention and try to restrict it.

I mean, yeah, I get it"s embarrassing to get caught making up bands just so your dinky radio station in east bum-fuck doesn"t look completely pathetic by only having 3 real bands sign up for their "awesome" competition, but there were better ways to handle that embarrassment than going whining-nazi.


And it"s all underlined by some sort of vague "gentleman"s agreement." I mean what the fuck is the guy from Gutter apologizing for? As though this was a dishonorable way to win or some shit. This is the entire fucking point of these contests.


That"s sad that they are actually blocking FoH as a referral. As far as I know, that poll is open to everyone.

Funny thing is this thread"s view count is probably higher than their website lifetime view count.


At the very least I"m sure Mr. Burgoyne would be interested in the shenanigans some shitty once a week radio host has been up to in creating a bogus contest for local bands, creating fake bands, and manipulating voting. What kind of a GM of the Year would allow that to take place under his watch.


Tarrant220 said:
I"m pretty sure making up things like band names in a contest is against the law isn"t it?
Can we get some lawyers to look into this?

FOH could own it"s own radio station and then we could have ultimate failure"s debut album on repeat forever.


Millie's Staff Member
Tarrant220 said:
I"m pretty sure making up things like band names in a contest is against the law isn"t it?
dunno bout illegal, but
its seriously unethical at the least. if the local press were to find out an area radio station is running a rigged contest and screwing over hometown sissy boys like 7fb it could fubar the whole contest and put this jade shithead in a bad light.


<Prior Amod>
Chuk Astrocreep said:
dunno bout illegal, but
its seriously unethical at the least. if the local press were to find out an area radio station is running a rigged contest and screwing over hometown sissy boys like 7fb it could fubar the whole contest and put this jade shithead in a bad light.
Someone make it so.


Millie's Staff Member
need to find out what the big newspaper is over there then find the name of the local beat reporter and email him about whats going on. at the least we get a response from the reporter and can lulz on that for a while. best case scenario we can fuck over these amateurs at the radio station and cause them to lose sponsors and lose jade his job so he has to suck dick for food.


The Big Mod
Chuk Astrocreep said:
need to find out what the big newspaper is over there then find the name of the local beat reporter and email him about whats going on. at the least we get a response from the reporter and can lulz on that for a while. best case scenario we can fuck over these amateurs at the radio station and cause them to lose sponsors and lose jade his job so he has to suck dick for food.
looks like it"s.:post Register - Idaho Falls, ID:.

have someone pose as millie izaman and make it sound like a real sob story. millie became badly adicted to drugs after his parents were killed by a drunk driver. he eventually found the power to kick the drugs and channel his grief in a more productive fashion: into music. his band becomes one of the fastest up and coming acts in idaho and everyone thinks these guys have what it takes to go big. they rally their friends to vote for them in the poll but then jade interferes and crushes their hopes and dreams. it turns out that jade is romantically involved with the limecat looking creature from seven feet below and has rigged the contest in their favor.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If we"re going to contact actual news people, definitely have to put this thread in stealth mode or something. Any number of google hits are filling it~

I"ve been keeping up with this since day 1, and voting, and have to say, this is just beyond epic.


I have mixed emotions about the results of all this. I think Gutter is going to end up getting the nod which means technically we pulled through. Despite the lols (which were epic) I am worried about what transpired here resulting in us not getting tits in the future though...


Trakanon Raider
Video incoming soon. It isn"t polished, but I wasn"t going to do a dozen takes to get the timings right. I think it"s still better than Lezzie and McLovin, though.