Infestation/Rat Trapping Product Suggestions?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Our house is facing mouse infestation. We caught 5-6 of them in our food storage, kitchen, and living room this year and it has been going pretty great. Then we found out about the mouse (or mice...fuck) that's been living inside of our floor and now that has become a problem. They've been making noises and I think they are eating shit in there.

The thing is, we do have the access to that floor but the level of access is limited from the basement floor. Our body is too big to freely travel in between the floor. So, we set our trapping at the edge and came back to see that the mouse has escaped from the trapping.

We were really disappointed.

We have been using small-to-large mouse superglue trappings. Overtime, we've found that larger superglue trappings is more effective than the smaller ones. This time, larger one seems ineffective to it's goals.

Do you guys know any product that might catch this motherfucker?


Silver Squire
First step is to figure out how they are getting in and seal it.

Fail there and you can kill them all you want you'll always have the problem. Foam and anything they can chew through does not work long term.

Then trap it up and kill them


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I've never had more success with killing mice than when using the good old fashioned wood-and-metal snap traps. They're incredibly cheap, too.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
First step is to figure out how they are getting in and seal it.

Fail there and you can kill them all you want you'll always have the problem. Foam and anything they can chew through does not work long term.

Then trap it up and kill them
we are in the process of sealing up one of the holes we found near the AC unit. It looks like a sloppy installation job that we never noticed when we bought the's a pipe that connects AC unit to our house, which goes through our wall and it was not properly sealed...


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've never had more success with killing mice than when using the good old fashioned wood-and-metal snap traps. They're incredibly cheap, too.

Peanut butter on those for the win. I've also had success with Ketchup and Chocolate Syrup.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
we are in the process of sealing up one of the holes we found near the AC unit. It looks like a sloppy installation job that we never noticed when we bought the's a pipe that connects AC unit to our house, which goes through our wall and it was not properly sealed...
That's a good start, but the problem is they'll chew their way back in (even via another route if necessary). Once you kill a few more in traps, cut off their heads (kitchen scissors should work nicely) and stand them on tooth picks around the external areas of your house as a warning.

*Note* In Italy they use thumb tacks and popsicle sticks in the shape of crosses to hold the rats and space them every 12 inches around the entirety of the house's perimeter, so that's another option.


If you want to go real cheap, get a 5 gallon bucket, a plank, dowel, soda can, peanut butter, and some anti freeze.


The anti freeze will stop them from stinking the place up and extend the time needed to empty it. Cheap and easy!



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I will definitely try that in our garage, where i think they were initially coming from. Tried searching for two products suggested but not really available in Canada.

Products of interest:


looks similar to Jait's suggestion





Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
If you're a gnome and you haven't done theGOD/Abyssal Sea tinkering quests, that might be even better. The last step gives you the recipe for the Wayfarer rat catcher:

1x Scrap of Dark Matter
1x Small Clockwork Cat
1x Small Wedge of Cheese

Do the combine in either a Toolbox or Deluxe Toolbox.




Molten Core Raider
I will definitely try that in our garage, where i think they were initially coming from. Tried searching for two products suggested but not really available in Canada.

Products of interest:


looks similar to Jait's suggestion
I'm a total skeptic when it comes to this stuff. We had 1 mouse and nothing worked. I tried to be kind and use non-lethal shit to move it outside etc..etc.. Bought a sonic noise thingy to chase it out. Everything was a no go until I read the reviews on the trap I posted. I read how one woman thought she had one mouse, then caught 5 in 15 minutes using those traps. I saw it had 300 reviews and all of them were 5 stars. Didn't understand how a 1.50$ trap was superior to the expensive ones..

So I bought it.

Took it home, bought 2 packs of 2 just in case I had more than 1 mouse. Put peanut butter in them, loaded them. Set the first one down. Set the second one down. Set the third one down THWACK! First one caught the mouse. Didn't even have time to put the final one down. They really, really work.

As for the sonic/sound device, we use those in commercial kitchens. They're great for keeping rats/mice out, but they are line of sight only.

Oh, and PS. These traps I posted are WAY better than wood and metal ones. You want to avoid anything with a thin "bar", those kill the mouse but also squeeze it...well you get the picture. It's the exact same principle, except they wont decapitate the mouse or explode the mouse all over. No mess cleanups are a huge +. You can also reuse these traps very quickly and easily or just toss the mouse out with it.






Bait your corners and walls at the base in out of the way places with gloves on. The blocks are an anti coagulant and a dehydrant. Mice get about 95% of what they need to drink out of their food, as such when they nibble on these they get insane thirst, leave to find water provided you dont have any ready sources for them indoors, and bleed out outside. Mice are cautious, so it may take 2-4 days of walking pass the blocks before they go in for the bait.

Each block kills about 40 or so mice or one rat. Traps are a waste because you never really see when you're getting control. Most traps kill one mouse, you can check your blocks to see when they're being eaten and where.

As for entry points, mice can fit into any space they can get their nose in and as such all they really need is the width of a dime to squeeze in. They key into air drafts to find entry points, cold air in the summer and warm in the winter. Get yourself some brillow pads, break em apart into some nice loose threads. Stuff your suspected entry points tight with the broken up pad and a screwdriver then caulk to seal, even if they rechew the entry points they'll tear their throats to bits.