Inglourious Basterds


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Inglorious is my #1 Tarantino film to date. First time I watched it I was meh. But the second time I thought it was brilliant.

The opening scene was so good I wanted Christoph Waltz to shoot me in the face.


Trump's Staff
I watched this about a year ago with some Germans (I live in Germany). We all laughed hysterically throughout, and they cheered when Hitler and the Theatre crew got massacred.

They also all said it was about 10x better than Prometheus.

True story.


FPS noob
a pro jew movie sounds crazy on paper but it all worked out ok. it also reformed nazis in public opinion imo, waltz made everyone wanna be a nazi


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It would be one thing if it was just one post but on the whole Araysar's opinions are just horrible when it comes to movies, sports or just general life questions. I get that Araysar's business is flying in Eastern European women for us blue bloods to bang and lose a lot of money on. This certainly isn't Tarantino's finest work but it's by no means a bad film and Araysar talking shit about it while also having to put up with his guessingly poor American accent means he should just go home to Dagestan. Araysar please do us all a favor and fly home.
I wish I could tell you what I really been doing for the last 7 years, its not that distant from what you wrote.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
While we're at the old movie thread, could you watch 300, I used to like going back to this one's thread, the sheer amount of joy and nerdgasm over foh board when the first trailers came out was incredible.

Inglourious Basterds is a nice movie.
Its been a few years since I saw it. My experience has been colored by reading Steven Pressfield's fictional account about it several years prior. I enjoyed the fight scenes, as ridiculous as they were, but clearly the movie was largely shit


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Were you involved in white slavery, Araysar? The flesh trade


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Its a line of work that makes the news very frequently due to its notoriety and they make movies about. But it was not the flesh trade.


Musty Nester
I think IB was made specifically to be pretty and whatever else is going on was secondary.

It's all over the place. But rather than being pissed off at that, I guess I assumed that it WAS a pastiche. The tone of the movie starts spr srs with the french farmhouse and is deconstructed in every scene until you end with hitler being assassinated in the movie house with the jewgirl laughing on the burning big screen. It's a descent into absurdity. But it is a constructed and controlled descent, not a plane crash. It's actually a fairly creative way to do YET ANOTHER "lets kill Hitler" movie.

Not his worst movie. I still think Four Rooms was fucking horrible. Boring. Not even bad enough to rant about how boring that movie was. It was just fucking boring.


Buzzfeed Editor
You like Death Proof more?
Yeah, I thought Death Proof was cool though. For what it was, I can't imagine someone making a better movie like that these days. The other one, Planet Terror, that I just couldn't do.

I did forget Four Rooms. Yeah his segment was gay, the whole thing was boring.

If I had to rank them, I think I would go Pulp Fiction - Jackie Brown - Reservoir Dogs - Kill Bill - Django Unchained - True Romance (Yeah I'm counting it)- Death Proof - Inglorious Basterds. But most of that is probably nostalgia.


Still a Music Elitist
Jackie Brown at #2? You're off your rocker, sir. Jackie Brown is 30-45 minutes too long and it kills the film.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
1. Inglorious
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Kill Bills
4. Reservoir
5. Django
6. Jackie Brown
7. Death Proof

If you're not quite rustled yet, let me tell you this: A Serious Man is my favorite Coen movie.


I thought it was a collection of entertaining scenes. Perhaps a glorious collection of hot messes that work together to varying degrees. Every scene was not compelling, but it did have more than a few captivating, comical, or outlandish moments that made my time spent watching it seem worth it. I was indifferent to the historical revisionism, but I appreciated being uncertain where the movie was going.


Molten Core Raider
Of course True Romance counts, and should be near the top of any fans list.

It's okay to like this film, but there's PLENTY of Tarantino fans who think this movie just plain sucked. He had a great 15 minute idea as a "Fuck you" to Tom Hanks and Saving Private Ryan and it turned into a shitfest of cameos and over the top parody.


Millie's Staff Member
pulp fiction
jackie brown
reservoir dogs
kill bill vol 1
his half of from dusk til dawn
kill bill vol 2
death proof

honorable mention for his screenplays on
natural born killers and true romance