Ink Master


<Prior Amod>
kyles tattoos were pretty basic imo

now i don't have a single tattoo and i can't draw a circle, but hey those who can't do, critique, right?

imo, only the beast tattoo looks good, not cuz i like comics, but cuz beast is fucking a fucking hairy furball, hell he doesn't even get this level of detail in the comics, usually he's just blue and a few lines to signify a hair or two.

he's just your avg hothead and he didn't deserve to come back with this level of skill, so i guess the judges were having fun with him (they were riding him harder than the other contestants)


Molten Core Raider
Melissa Monroe didn't deserve to go home, she has a lot more raw talent then those guys. I hope she's the person who gets picked to come back.


Molten Core Raider
Scott is going to murder these guys on the final tattoo. I'm excited to see what he can do with more time and more freedom.


Silver Knight of the Realm
These final 4 did some excellent work this week! The breast cancer survivor tattoos were all just top notch quality and quite beautiful. The "cover up" stuff came down as more of a tiebreaker I think. I think these three are the strongest tattoo artists I've seen on the show as a group. I am very impressed with the tattoos this week can't wait to see the final pieces!

And if they do the "person coming back" thing again, I think it's Melissa as well.


<Prior Amod>
they'll probably have the person coming back is whoever had the most twitter votes or whatever stupid online voting. or just melissa vs halo.


Trakanon Raider
Melissa is super talented. Halo had a lot more personality and camera time, also did good work.


Molten Core Raider
That was close. Hard to actually pick a winner.

Sausage could have won if scott hadn't won so many flash challanges. His work was just as good as scotts most of the time and he was always on the receiving end of shit canvas's. Scott played the game part really well though

I didn't hear anything about anyone coming back other then the grudge match thing. I watch most of the season finale muted because its so cringe worthy though so Idk.

Really want to see Melissa again, shes fuckin hot and super talented.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I don't know how they missed the ring on the middle finger looking so strange, like it was between the fingers.


Molten Core Raider
I don't know how they missed the ring on the middle finger looking so strange, like it was between the fingers.
Wow your right, and look at the arrows going through the heart. They are totally not lined up. And the pinky is floating nowhere, you cant spread your fingers that far.


My favorite of the final 3 back pieces was Matti's. Just appealed to me the most. The color choices on Scott's were awesome, though. Anyone else think the woman on Sausage's tattoo looked weird?

Umm..fantastic ass on Sausage's canvas...holy crap.


<Prior Amod>
scott drew such an ugly face, matti's boob shot looks like an ass, since it was also like 3in away from the guys ass, it looks like he has double ass.

this season tho, all 3 were actually talented and it wasn't a landslide imo, not like all previous seasons, also the final 4 (inc, halo) i think were the only ones to win challenges and have best tattoo, no one else won shit.

overall i think sausage pulled out better tattoos, knowing the way these guys vote, they just wanted the controversy more than to award a deserving winner.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I was a bit surprised Sausage didn't take it, but really he and Scott were very close throughout the whole season. And yes, the whole live finale thing is pretty cringe worthy and we fast forward all the crap in between just to see the tattoos and what the judges think. I could give a rats ass about all the sabotage, back stabbing, and fake melodrama.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
Season 5 started up focused on rivals. Basically they figured out that they need to add drama to keep the series going. Right off the bat I can't wait for Emily Elegado to be eliminated, she's annoying as fuck.

Seriously, anyone that gets eliminated before LT is pure suck


Season 5 started up focused on rivals. Basically they figured out that they need to add drama to keep the series going. Right off the bat I can't wait for Emily Elegado to be eliminated, she's annoying as fuck.

Seriously, anyone that gets eliminated before LT is pure suck
Happy to see this show start back up. Hopefully there is more talent this year than last. I 2nd you on Emily..just an unappealing cunt for no reason. Anyways. Yeah, best "reality" show on TV


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I have never watched this show but I powered through the second half of last season when the marathon was on the other night. I find tattoos really interesting but this show is hard to sit through because of all the drama and the cornball dramatic pauses that last 20 seconds. That said, I don't really understand the fascination with cheesy gore, monsters, skulls, etc in the tattoo community. These dudes all get to make a whole back tattoo of anything that they want and they all do vampy women with snakes and hearts and one of the women eating a fucking heart. Who in the fuck wants a giant picture of a cartoon woman eating a god damn heart raw on their back? It seems like all of these dudes idea of "art" came from the t-shirt stand at the Sturgis bike rally.


<Prior Amod>
is this your first time watching the show? you'll be amazed at how famous this show is. the first season they practically had to have walk-ons/volunteers sign elicit wavers that they won't get fucked up tats, and i'm sure even a few of the judges said "i'll fix that".

now they're swamped with volunteers, who just want any god damn fucking tat.

mona lisa on a shaved head challenge! sign me up!

if anyone else whose watched all the seasons please comment on this, as i know zero/ziltch about tats have none, don't care for them, but my wife and i like watching good reality comp shows.

this show is one of the best, b/c the judges give real honest opinions, and don't sugar coat shit to look good for tv, they also don't have a girl on the judging panel, just to have a girl. cuz honestly 99% of all female judges suck and are pathetic, best female judge, heidi klum, every other female, wants to be your bff, or cause dramz for tv cuz they're ugly like that one horseface on top model. (like i said we watch these shows)

HOWEVER, the fake drama in s4 was pretty much dogshit, kyle didn't deserve to comback and when he did they picked on him for the LULZ and wait for him to explode for dramz.


Trump's Staff
Oliver is probably the best judge on any competition show.

Started watching the new one last night and it took about 30 seconds before I started wishing that girl Emily would get hit by a truck. She's trying to be a female Josh but she just comes off as a super cunty try-hard. You can tell she's lowering her voice to seem more edgy too. Girl just wants her tits on tv as long as possible.

The rivalries seem pretty trite, two dudes had never even met and were just beefing on Instagram.


<Prior Amod>
i would counter the instagram beef.

apparently most of these tattoo artists live and die by instagram now. they finish a tat, they take a pic for their book then post on instagram.

instagram is like the de facto outlet for all artists

i'm the opposite with cunty mcboobs, i hope she stays, not cuz i like her, but well dramz. the dramz created by the contestants is cooler to watch than the fabricated shit between judges like that contrived nunez/kyle bs.

also seems like they all attacked that black boy like fresh meat since he's only got 2 1/2 years in the industry.

just 30mins of that, that'd be cool.