Ink Master


Silver Knight of the Realm
After a couple of weeks in now, and it seems pretty clear to me who the final 3 or 4 will be. Sadly I don't give enough shits to know their names versus their faces except for Josh. And if cunty mcboobs if the black haired chick, they are gonna keep her there until just at the end to keep giving the other tattoo artists both a hard time and hard ons.


<Prior Amod>
these subpar artists suck, wtf, these are lol worthy portraits.

that is just disgusting.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Maybe he set out to draw a hula girl with broken ankles and different sized boobs that just received 100 bee stings on her face and used jizz for hair gel like Cameron Diaz in "There's Something About Mary".


Silver Knight of the Realm
They are having all kinds of messed up fun this year, aren't they? Butt tattoos with cheek vs. cheek being a head to head (
), and several people who put out some very good tattoos. Still wouldn't want a tattoo on my butt cheek.


<Prior Amod>
Josh got kicked for doing weed, reason:

contract of the show,

I guess you're not allowed to have contraband while doing the show, which is pretty bullshit, look at everyone there, they're all poster children for say no to drugs,

Fuck look at dave navarro!

This is more bullshit, sure it's a contract, but i bet dollars to donuts give everyone a drug test and 50% will fail.

It's also the second bullshit excuse to get rid of josh, his first kick on s3 was b/c he can't draw, wtf, they kick a guy who was almost final four b/c they "think" he can't draw.

I'm not on the Josh train, but i've seen this bullshit show try to conjure up as much drama as they could.

Like Josh will always change the placement of a tattoo , well NO FUCKING SHIT, who wouldn't.

The other competitors hate on Josh cause he's got the gift of gab, sorry if you fail at communication!, what Josh is doing is being a fucking salesman, as a former salesman it's hard, and i can respect what he's doing, while the other competitors are jelly.


Trump's Staff
Yeah that was super-bullshit. He had the best tattoo of the day and still went home. He and Clean were the #1 front runners and I think Josh could have taken the whole thing. Real bummer, he didn't bother me nearly as much this season as he did last time.


I swear they ONLY cast sandy vaginas for this show. Never in my life have I seen such a collection of whiney bitches who complain about everything. That fucking ginger beard is the worst too. Weed gives you an unfair advantage, really? All they do is bitch, bitch, bitch.


Silver Knight of the Realm
While I also thinks it was a weak excuse, if I was one of the other artists on the show, I'd have been pushing to get him booted over it. He's clearly one of the top to win it, and getting him booted gives other artists a better chance. It was still pretty lame though. Looks like it will come down to Kleen(?) and Eric imho.


<Prior Amod>
No it's lame b/c every cunt on that cast thinks they're top dog and "I WILL OUT-INK YOU!!!", but fuck it if i can circumvent directly challenging you, i'll do that too.

If they were real competitors, they'd be like "fuck it, it's only weed, let's fucking ink-battle!!!"

No instead they hide behind a piece of paper, when these cunts are supposed to be like outlaws and shit.

(truthfully everyone was scared of Josh, imo, he was easily top 1 or 2)


Yup, pretty much my thoughts exactly lanx. I am far from a Josh fanboy but damn those other whiney cunts talk all this shit about being such a better artist and "let the ink speak for itself", then the second someone farts in the wrong direction they run tell the teacher on them. In that episode they were acting like Josh got caught taking steroids in a baseball hitting competition. It's fucking weed!


Just a Nurse
If Josh wasn't smoking during the actual competition (during the process of inking), then there is no unfair advantage. The same can be said about smoking cigarettes: nicotine can act as an anxiolytic to these smokers. Hell, the same can be said about alcohol. He is coming from a state where weed is legal. I wonder if the contract specifically states weed is a contraband or if it just says, "no contraband" -- leaves room to debate.


<Prior Amod>
Navaro said "contraband", they also film in NY (growing up in nyc public school systems they have a big "just say no"). At this point it's not as subjective as wtf judges thinking, (like does weed help you perform better or shit) but rather objective, they ALL signed a piece of paper, having to do with contraband, one person got called out on it.

I've never done drugs and I think Josh is a sleaze ball, but wtf look at swim GOD Michael Phelps, 14 Gold medals, his face on wheaties (or whatever cereal) and he got tons of kids interested in being a fish, a twitter pic with a bong and he's fucked.

It's basically Corporate America, you have to learn to Cover your Ass (CYA) and not be taken down over semantics. Josh should have been smarter, just cuz you can Hippie your life away in Oregon doesn't mean that shit can work in NY, also wtf, he was a previous cast member, does this mean he also smoked weed on s3 and no one gave a shit?


Trump's Staff
The "advantage" Josh got from weed was basically getting rid of his anxiety. Which, you know, Jason was popping fucking Xanax for. But hey Xanax is okay because rules.


Silver Knight of the Realm
HA! So Jason "I'm having a panic attack" Dunn wins this seasons Ink Master.

What is up with the live finale stuff. It's just terrible. Glad we record it so we don't have to watch all that shit. Good to see Sausage again.


<Prior Amod>
Just got around to the finale, i am shocked that fatbeard won. Honestly, he did have the best back tattoo, erik or whoever boring fucks back tat was boring, and clean who always on top sucked dick with that nasty ass back tattoo. I'm shocked that they actually let fatbeard win, not that his tattoo didn't deserve it, it was nice, but the fact that they all were lusting after clean the whole season. i did think josh had the best tattoo and clean was either phoning it in, or just sucked ass with the style given.

also during the finale sausage was doing an elf tat on a chick, and that's the best tattoo i've seen all season cuz this bunch of losers really suck at tattoo'in.

this was the casting call.

you ink?

you got beef with someone who inks also?

let's go!


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I didn't watch this season. Did anyone manage to come up with something that didn't involve a snake, a vampy chick, and a skull for the finale? I swear for people who are calling themselves artists when you leave them to their own devices, they go straight for "Dude, there could be a chick and like a snake around her, and she's holding a skull or a head or something, and she's got a knife and there's blood and maybe her boobs are showing and she has a lot of eye makeup. That would be totally badass! No one has ever done a tattoo like that before am I right?


Trump's Staff
The twist on the final piece was that they all had to do back pieces, but that the other two people would pick the third person's style that they had to create it with.

Jason "Xanax" Dunn had to tattoo new school style and won with this:


Which to be honest is probably my favorite tattoo coming out of a finale. The other two guys were supposed to do color photo realism, and both of them looked cartoony as fuck, like they didn't even understand what the challenge was.


<Prior Amod>
I didn't watch this season. Did anyone manage to come up with something that didn't involve a snake, a vampy chick, and a skull for the finale? I swear for people who are calling themselves artists when you leave them to their own devices, they go straight for "Dude, there could be a chick and like a snake around her, and she's holding a skull or a head or something, and she's got a knife and there's blood and maybe her boobs are showing and she has a lot of eye makeup. That would be totally badass! No one has ever done a tattoo like that before am I right?
this season, mo drama, less talent. nothing impressed me, seems like they just to go all housewives with the drama for ratings and retweets.