
Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
To be honest, if your problem is falling asleep and not staying asleep, just go get a script for Ambien. It will knock you out in 15 minutes flat. Just make sure you only take it when you really need to and can get a solid 7 hours sleep. Back in college, I would pretty much always take one the night before an exam as I knew I would have equations running through my brain preventing me from falling asleep.

Dealt with this a lot over the last few years, best advice I've seen in this thread so far are to avoid any form of light and don't look at the clock. It always starts for me by looking at the clock and starting to worry that I won't get enough sleep by the time I need to wake up, or I'll sleep through when I'm supposed to wake up and be late.

Melatonin did nothing for me, but my problem has always been falling asleep in the first place. Last night I got in bed at 1am and didn't fall asleep until about 6am. This was the first night in about 3 weeks I've had trouble sleeping. From about late November through mid-December I was freaking out about finals/projects due in school, once that all ended I was at ease and fell asleep pretty easily. The biggest factor I've found that helps me sleep is when I just don't give a fuck about what I have going on the next day. Sounds weird, but it puts me at ease and I fall asleep easily.


Bronze Squire
I have major issues falling asleep. Doesn't matter how few hours of sleep I got the night before nor how tired I feel, I can not fall asleep. Ideally I would like to be asleep sometime between 10:00-11:00pm but I am usually awake till at least 1:30am, usually later. Alarm goes off at 7:30am for work. I exercise regularly already and usually take in the equivalent of 2 cups of coffee a day in the AM. Have tried melatonin with little effect, but no scrips yet.

Also I don't feel like 8 hours is enough. 9-10 is usually perfect. And if allowed to sleep in I have no problems getting that much sleep. Also if something wakes me up I usually don't have a problem getting back to sleep. As a matter of fact, I have always felt like my best sleep is on those days where I forgot to turn off my alarm so it goes off but I get to turn it off and go back to sleep.

I think I'm just not a morning person.


I dont suffer from actual insomnia, but I regularly live off 4-5hrs a sleep. I work from 5:30pm - 4am Mon-Thurs. Since I have a wife and kid, I cant do like some of the guys there and sleep all day. I usually manage to get it bed between 6 or 7am and wake back at about 11, or if I am lucky I get to sleep till noon. I'm sure as I get older itll take a bigger toll on me though. I am hoping to move to day shift in a few years to get back to a normal lifestyle.


I dont suffer from actual insomnia, but I regularly live off 4-5hrs a sleep. I work from 5:30pm - 4am Mon-Thurs. Since I have a wife and kid, I cant do like some of the guys there and sleep all day. I usually manage to get it bed between 6 or 7am and wake back at about 11, or if I am lucky I get to sleep till noon. I'm sure as I get older itll take a bigger toll on me though. I am hoping to move to day shift in a few years to get back to a normal lifestyle.
Way to waste an awesome joke opportunity, Insomnia


Yeah I had a few in mind, but since I was already a handful of posts late, I just chimed in with my sleep deprivation.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wake up and cannot fall back asleep a couple times a month, my solution is to chug a beer, put on a podcast I have heard before, History lectures work well, puts me out in 30-45 mins.
I'm going to echo this, except the beer is gilding the lily. Anything that makes your mind work, physics lectures about quantum tunnelling etc tends to send me off super fast. My problem is my mind just won't stfu and unless it's distracted I have little chance of falling asleep.


Molten Core Raider
insomnia can go suck a dick, Ive got primary insomnia, the way my doctor explained it to me is i want to sleep i crave sleep but when its time to go to sleep my body cant shut down.

Ive tried almost every sleeping pill from ambien, lunesta, and now im on 200mg of seroquel and this barely gets me a few hours a night, xanax is actually the best thing that works for me Im tryng to find better solutions rather than just keep going up on my dosage... eventually im gonna max out then what? im fucked.
So right now i take my seroquel, smoke a blunt and pop a xanax and after a few hours of gaming or channel surfing i have a small time frame as to where i will actually get sleepy, and if i dont try to go to sleep right then im fucked and cant fall asleep, its so fucking weird annoying and stressfull i just want a normal fucking sleep pattern makes me sick seeing people like my dad and girlfriend literally fall asleep standing up.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Geez man that does really suck. I thought Ambien could put anyone to sleep.. Seroquel is some hardcore shit.. Maybe start smoking bigger blunts earlier in the evening? Back when I was living in Montreal and not dumbfuck Texas where they execute you for pot possession and employers have you pee in a cup once a year, I would usually light one up when getting home from work, then pretty much every hour after that. By the time 11pm rolled around I literally passed out before hitting my mattress and slept like a baby all night.

insomnia can go suck a dick, Ive got primary insomnia, the way my doctor explained it to me is i want to sleep i crave sleep but when its time to go to sleep my body cant shut down.

Ive tried almost every sleeping pill from ambien, lunesta, and now im on 200mg of seroquel and this barely gets me a few hours a night, xanax is actually the best thing that works for me Im tryng to find better solutions rather than just keep going up on my dosage... eventually im gonna max out then what? im fucked.
So right now i take my seroquel, smoke a blunt and pop a xanax and after a few hours of gaming or channel surfing i have a small time frame as to where i will actually get sleepy, and if i dont try to go to sleep right then im fucked and cant fall asleep, its so fucking weird annoying and stressfull i just want a normal fucking sleep pattern makes me sick seeing people like my dad and girlfriend literally fall asleep standing up.


Ive tried almost every sleeping pill from ambien, lunesta, and now im on 200mg of seroquel and this barely gets me a few hours a night, xanax is actually the best thing that works for me Im tryng to find better solutions rather than just keep going up on my dosage... eventually im gonna max out then what? im fucked.
My mom has a similar issue and has to cycle through sleep meds as their effectiveness wanes. Even things as powerful as Xanex will eventually lose their effectiveness for her over time but that tolerance dissipates after she's been off them a while.


Molten Core Raider
My mom has a similar issue and has to cycle through sleep meds as their effectiveness wanes. Even things as powerful as Xanex will eventually lose their effectiveness for her over time but that tolerance dissipates after she's been off them a while.
Yeah this is kinda what im catching myself doing with seroquel and xanax, and other things like buspirone to help keep me sleeping, but it all ends the same way with about two hours of sleep unless i really up my dosage. So i wanna find another solution before i get to deep and rely 100% on a pill to sleep, at this point im jealous of michael jackson and how they were able to put that American Inventor to sleeep.


Molten Core Raider
Geez man that does really suck. I thought Ambien could put anyone to sleep.. Seroquel is some hardcore shit.. Maybe start smoking bigger blunts earlier in the evening? Back when I was living in Montreal and not dumbfuck Texas where they execute you for pot possession and employers have you pee in a cup once a year, I would usually light one up when getting home from work, then pretty much every hour after that. By the time 11pm rolled around I literally passed out before hitting my mattress and slept like a baby all night.
Ive tried it all at this point on average i smoke about an 8th a day between me and my girlfriend go to the gym regularly i can get physically tired but just not mentally enough to where i can just relax and fall asleep without throwing together a cocktail.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
200mg of seroquel is insane. 50mg of that shit makes me feel like a fucking zombie for 24 hours, it's worse than not sleeping at all. 200 though... christ


I personally have had insomnia issues throughout my entire life... What my wife introduced me to was melatonin. Not the crap you buy at CVS you need a really clean version you can get online from Swanson's or another reputable source. I take 5mg before bed and it keeps me sound asleep for 7 hours. Been a life saver after 15 years of never sleeping more then a few hours at a time. The thing with melatonin is you need to work yourself into the correct dose, sometimes 5mg is not enough sometimes 8mg is too much. you really have to work at finding the perfect balance.


Molten Core Raider
I personally have had insomnia issues throughout my entire life... What my wife introduced me to was melatonin. Not the crap you buy at CVS you need a really clean version you can get online from Swanson's or another reputable source. I take 5mg before bed and it keeps me sound asleep for 7 hours. Been a life saver after 15 years of never sleeping more then a few hours at a time. The thing with melatonin is you need to work yourself into the correct dose, sometimes 5mg is not enough sometimes 8mg is too much. you really have to work at finding the perfect balance.
what were your experiences with other medications before melatonin? my doctor told me about it to maybe help keep me asleep, but like i listed above 200mg of seroquel atm barely gets me 3 hours of sleep, with aid from buspirone(sp)


Over the counter sleep aids and supplements don't even phase me when I can't sleep. The same can be said for other medicines that frequently knock people out like Benadryl and Nyquil.


Molten Core Raider
So a just had my doctor switch me from 200mg seroquel(sp) to 3Mg lunesta, he said this was "the" best sleeping med but was one of the more expensive.

ok i go home take 1 the first night, dont sleep for shit i take it that im still useed to the seroquel etc so i write it off, next day same thing, goes on for a week and im still not sleeping, i slept a few days ago for an hour or two just from like napping, but the other night id been up for over 28 hours, was out of my mind and wanted to fucking sleep so i pounded 20mg of lunesta and end result was FOURTY FIVE minutes of sleep.