Investing General Discussion


Molten Core Raider
Electric vehicles are the new shitcoins. I should create a demo using my old Capsela toys. Leak something to the underwriters at Goldman.
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Sanrith Descartes

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Electric vehicles are the new shitcoins. I should create a demo using my old Capsela toys. Leak something to the underwriters at Goldman.
And call it Blockchain Electric Vehicles. Gotta double dip.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
SPI ended up 3400% breaking just over 40 per share. Absolutely insane. I had a 2k share order at 17.80 but sold waaaay too early.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So, just so you guys know. This thread is starting to become no different than /r/wallstreetbets. This is becoming a great place to come to, to figure out what the fuck to stay away from.

Sanrith, for your own sanity, knock it off with the reverse merger SPACs and IPO watches.
I actually went to that reddit for the first time today based on this post. Do they talk about anything other than TSLA?

Reddit sucks so maybe I'm just using it wrong.

Sanrith Descartes

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So, just so you guys know. This thread is starting to become no different than /r/wallstreetbets. This is becoming a great place to come to, to figure out what the fuck to stay away from.

Sanrith, for your own sanity, knock it off with the reverse merger SPACs and IPO watches.
I chase Alpha wherever I can find it. /r/wallstreetbets is full of those people I am using to make money. I know what SPACs are and I understand the risk/reward. I closed out two of my 6 speculative SPAC positions today and made about 10% on each for a month's time. The other four I am holding because I like the company they are merging with or in the case of PSTH I trust Ackman to make me money. As long as they keep making me money I will keep playing them. And for the record, speculative stuff like SPACs are less than 10% of my total portfolio. The bulk of my money is in old man boomer stocks like MSFT, ABBV and UNH ;)
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Sanrith Descartes

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Im not making light of those kids, Im really not. Taking huge losses like that is sad. That being said, the reason I play in the SPAC water is I know who is sitting at the table with me. These kids. I don't trade on hunches or emotions. I trade on data and technicals with as much info as I can vacuum in from every source I can find. There is an old saying "let your winners run and cut your losses short". I keep a short leash on both. Yes, I have "lost money" by selling early now and again. But the more volatile the position the tighter the leash I keep.

The last great lesson I learned is not to double down on a bad trade. Ever. If its a bad trade, admit it and walk away. This works hand in hand with cutting your losses short. I was wrong on INTC and CVS recently. They were bad trades. I cut bait and moved on. Last thing I will mention on this is have someone you trust to bounce ideas off of when you start thinking of buying something you know you shouldn't. I recently got enamored with CVX and its dividend yield even though I know in my head energy is a shitty place to be. Someone very politely pointed out what a fucking stupid idea it was and I came back to reality.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Best day of day trading yet. Been at this for a month or so now. (12 active trading days has netted me about 19% return - Two red days, Ten green ones)

Today's prize:

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The best part of the wallstreetbets thread is checking his post history and see him calling himself a financial genius on a level above buffet, sincerely. He was planning on starting a hedge fund!
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Sanrith Descartes

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The best part of the wallstreetbets thread is checking his post history and see him calling himself a financial genius on a level above buffet, sincerely. He was planning on starting a hedge fund!
Its all fun and games until some short seller exposes your main investment as a vaporware fraud.


Molten Core Raider
I cant feel sorry for those guys when they take losses like that, the way they play the game is all in or all out. Watched a few random videos for shits and grins of biggest WSB losers during the CV crash. One dude was up 4m on SPY options (IIRC) and didnt cash out. I think the announcer said he actually ended up losing money on that trade in the end. The announcer said the same thing I was thinking, you could take 3 mill of that, buy nothing but SPY and it would net you almost 200k in dividends a year.. but no... he held for more. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered, isnt that how it goes?
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<Gold Donor>
There's levels. Not cashing out some of a big win and watching it evaporate is just greedy. Selling lots of naked put options on a stock that the CEO just resigned from and facing a SEC investigation is negative IQ territory.
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