IOS/AOS - [SoulKing] - Hero Collector RPG


Trakanon Raider
I'm in a similar position, kind of roadblocked on the story mode around level 8. I have Joan up to 5* and promoted once, but I'm mostly just waiting until day 7 when I can get Hamelin, who is supposedly a good healer, which I need. Don't want to do much grinding with units I plan to replace soon.

I pulled Kalus from the daily summon thing. He's a natural 4* unit, but his damage doesn't seem all that impressive honestly. I played around with the codex where you can test run any hero, and one I liked a lot was Zenia. Hopefully I can get her to drop from the daily summon. Stuff I read online said I should pick Tina with the free pick you get later, but that would leave me with a team of all melee (Edward, Joan, Tina, Hamelin). Wouldn't I want at least one ranged unit?


Mobile Game Hunter
Ranged are nice to be able to hit the back line, but if you're killing the front line really fast it's not necessary. Once you perfect legendary world 1 you get a free Roxley, who auto attacks and hits everyone at once.
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Trakanon Raider
Roxley would be nice. When I can bring him as a a mercenary, he tears shit up real good. Tomorrow makes day 7 for me, which means I get 2 free unique 3* heroes of my choice and 1 legendary 4* hero of my choice (but not soulking heroes if I understand that correctly?)

I think with the picks I'm going Hamelin for heals, and another Hamelin to rank up her skills. For the 4* pick, I'm going to go with Dehild for an energy based ranged aoe unit. Team will be Edward, Joan, Dehild, Hamelin.

Once I get to the point I can clear legendary, I may swap out Dehild for Roxley. After 30 days when I can pick any hero at all, I'll have to see if Tina is still the right choice for my team.


Mobile Game Hunter
I like Tina a lot more than Seig, but that's because I run an energy team. My go to team at the moment is Hamelin, Pirata, Joan, and Edward - although I'm swapping Ed out for Jules once I can get her to 6*


Golden Squire
Still playing this, kinda stuck at 3-2 legendary until I develop my team a bit. I'm also working on fusing Tina, since I was lucky enough to pull Leviathan and Mawsti with 2 yolo 3000 diamond pulls.


Mobile Game Hunter
I'm not sure how useful Mawsti is, but I've only used system merc ones. Guild now has about 10 actives from rerolled. Working on awakening Hamelin's buff skill currently. Just 2 more!

Side note: We all use Line to chat about the various games we're playing. Currently Ark: SE, SoulKing, and Summoner's War if anyone wants to join us.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Looking for a new game. Just DL'd Hearthstone but... as I don't put money into phone games, it seems very limiting. Quick straw poll - Soul King or Hearthstone?


Mobile Game Hunter
Hey One!

I've never played hearthstone (I don't like ccg) so I can't say. Obviously blizzard games have better production value and longevity.

SoulKing gets a lot of stuff right, but I think the general consensus is that people feel stuck periodically in it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Heya Avery. May cya guys soon, bored with no real phones games atm. Need more excitement than Hearthstone I guess haha


Mobile Game Hunter
A few tips:

Dont fodder any nat 4*
Focus on leveling Joan
On the day you get a soul King selector, get Hamelin, she will be your primary healer until you skill up a Piet.
Buy stamina at night and turn on auto on a material dungeon overnight. You will gain quite a few levels.
Don't worry too much about guildwar until you go higher in legendary difficulty


Trakanon Raider
I've still been playing, very casually (too many mobile games...) and mostly all I do each day is get login rewards and finish 4 or 8 daily quests.

I got Tina from the 30 day reward, and got her to 5*, but need a lot more slime guys to promote to 6. Don't have enough crystals to rank her up either. My current team is:

Joan 6* rank 3
Edward 6* rank 3
Hamelin 6* rank 3
Zenia 5* rank 2

Goal is to swap Zenia for Tina once I can get her ranked up enough. Also I've been doing the exploration for Hamelin summon pieces to try to get her skills up for the extra perks. Think her first skill is now rank 5 and her second one is rank 3.

I've seen it mentioned that Jules is better than Edward as a tank? I have a Jules, but she's like 4* rank 1 or something, so it would be a big time investment to get her up to Edward's level to swap them out. Is it worth it long term?

Seems like the biggest issue I have on many fights is backrow enemies that spam aoe nukes on my team, but my idiot teammates won't kill them. I'll use Joan's teleport move to hit the back row, then she'll melee them a few times, then she goes off and attacks the tank mob while leaving the backrow enemies at like 5% life, and there's nothing I can do about it. Really makes me want to levelup Roxley instead of Tina, since he passively aoe's the entire enemy team with every single attack.


Mobile Game Hunter
Roxley is a good choice for a DPS due to his AOE skills. He's difficult to skill however, so if you wanted a unit that was easier to build - Luna apparently is a top back row DPS if you run an energy team. She ignores defense when fully skilled and also stuns the back line. Most of the 4* really need skillups to shine.

Here's a video example of Vaelek using her (he's pretty much the only youtuber for this game at the moment)



Golden Squire
I've had some duplicate rare heroes to upgrade their skill but it's always the second skill.

is there a way to upgrade the first skill?


Mobile Game Hunter
Unfortunately it's just RNG. I do notice that it tends to favor the 2nd skill first however based on the 4-5 I've awoken.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
I started last night. I haven't stopped playing most of today and still have 260 stamina in mailbox unclaimed.

Btw, I can't find the guild either. My username is Jdbz#e6bb


Mobile Game Hunter
From what I've read - Asia, Canada, and Europe have 2 different versions of SoulKing in the Play store. There is a soft launch and a global. The global is a patch behind, but where most of us currently are. It does not appear to allow you to transfer between the two. Monnoh had a similar issue.


Mobile Game Hunter
Estia is a decent healer when her skills are maxed, but she gets replaced by a few of the higher tier units pretty quickly. Ed and Joan can be used forever though. The other ones are meh, but Robin is nice to inherit skill from when you promote