Iron Man 3 [Spoilers Everywhere]


Molten Core Raider
I wouldn't give up on the Mandarin just yet. One of his rings allows him to mentally control people. What if the Mandarins plans were to test Tony Stark, all the while throwing the scent off of him by making it seem like Killian was the Mandarin and he was some harmless buffoon, in order to get arrested for some nefarious purpose. The Mandarin was always a pretty smart guy and tactician in his own right. If this is the case they wont ever see him coming.


what Suineg set it to
Re: Blowing up all his suits, I just assumed that he was keeping his own suit? He just blew up the army of automatons (which were, as mentioned, simply an over-reaction to NYC events)?
This was my thought as well?

I never got the feeling he was giving it up, just that he was at peace with the events of Avengers and his ability to deal with new threats again. IE, he's just back to being Ironman (which is what he said?)

IAMIronman vs. building robot suits.


<Prior Amod>
I wouldn't give up on the Mandarin just yet. One of his rings allows him to mentally control people. What if the Mandarins plans were to test Tony Stark, all the while throwing the scent off of him by making it seem like Killian was the Mandarin and he was some harmless buffoon, in order to get arrested for some nefarious purpose. The Mandarin was always a pretty smart guy and tactician in his own right. If this is the case they wont ever see him coming.
Because even acting like he did in the movie is a slap in the characters face.


Avatar of War Slayer
I wouldn't give up on the Mandarin just yet. One of his rings allows him to mentally control people. What if the Mandarins plans were to test Tony Stark, all the while throwing the scent off of him by making it seem like Killian was the Mandarin and he was some harmless buffoon, in order to get arrested for some nefarious purpose. The Mandarin was always a pretty smart guy and tactician in his own right. If this is the case they wont ever see him coming.
I had similar thoughts to this. So far, out of all of the villains that Marvel has introduced to the screen themselves, Loki has been the most interesting. This is great, but it would be nice to have a fresh reoccurring villain and I think the Mandarin is the best villain to do that with. Just imagine: In Avengers 2, The Mandarin reappears. We find out he used the alien tech that came through the first portal to "engineer" his rings and used Killian to get at Tony Stark. He starts causing a ruckus and in steps Loki to seize the moment and then BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE we have a slow motion scene of Black Widow and then BAM, in stomps Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet on one hand and a fucked up Odin in the other. Man, that would be awesome.

--plus, the rings would work out great in Guardians of the Galaxy. They wouldnt be out of place at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It felt like Downey was mixing Tony and Sherlock, a little in his role this time around. Some of that was because of the giant sequence where he didn't have his suit and he had to go all Macgyver, but I couldn't shake that weirdness that sometimes he didn't have which movie he was in straight lol. Overall the movie was really good, didn't like it as much as the first two, it lacked something I can't put my finger on. Gonna reserve final judgement for after I get to sit down and watch it at home without 3D. The 3D wasn't bad, but it got blurry in a lot of the action scenes, enough so that I couldn't tell fuck all what was going on a few times. This is coming from a guy who has to play super tard and wear the 3d glasses over my regular ones.


what Suineg set it to
In the Avengers 2, Thanos is going to turn out to be an actor and the real villain will be revealed to be Mysterio using his special effects to create him.
If you had said Loki would be doing that, I?d believe it.


<Silver Donator>
Just came in here to reiterate that I share the massive Nerd Rage over how they handled Mandarin , such ... nerd... rage..... Also not completely happy with how they did extremis, but that's forgivable. That Mandarin shit is NOT. WIth that said, if I did not have the familiarity with the characters and subject matter that I did and went in with a clean slate I would have been solidly entertained. Also nice to see Patty the Daytime Prostitute from My Name is Earl getting some work.

The way they handled Mandarin almost makes me think that was the reason that the director from the first two (who seems to have a deep love for the source material) chose not to direct this one, and may have even chose to be in a coma for most of the movie in his acting role.

Also, I feel they wasted a perfect opportunity to introduce one of my favorite Hulk characters in the post credit scene, as Bruce would probably refer him to someone who IS a therapist....


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not even sure if this has been mentioned in this thread but I'm fucking EXCITED for the new Avengers movie as Ironman is going to have probably my FAVORITE suit.

THE Bleeding Edge NANOSUIT!!!


In the comics Extremus, which was upgraded by Reed Richards (See F4 reboot) powers the suit that's stored within his body



Throbbing Member
I love how everyone is nerd raging about how they portrayed the Mandarin. Yet, since most of all this stuff is taken from the Ultimate comics, people seem to not realize that the Mandarin doesn't even exist there. The Mandarin in Ultimate was a dummy coproration called Mandarin International that was set up by Howard Stark to help build up Stark International. It later turns into this corporation coming after Iron Man to take back what they think is theirs. There isn't even a Mandarin character. With that in mind it actually works out well with the blending of the Extremis plot-line.

Although I do like the old school Mandarin, I don't think he'd make a good on screen villain at all.

Also Favreau left over money. Same reason he almost didn't come back for Iron Man 2. Fact is Marvel is being rather tight with their budgets, only Avengers has gone over 200 mil and the others have been 20-30 mil below that. It's one of the main reasons that we'll probably have a new Iron Man after Avengers 2. Hell that's why they replaced Terence Howard when he started asking for more money.



Also Favreau left over money. Same reason he almost didn't come back for Iron Man 2. Fact is Marvel is being rather tight with their budgets, only Avengers has gone over 200 mil and the others have been 20-30 mil below that. It's one of the main reasons that we'll probably have a new Iron Man after Avengers 2. Hell that's why they replaced Terence Howard when he started asking for more money.
too lazy to find data, but that's sad to read. Are you sure? i thought IM1 and 2 were pretty successful


Throbbing Member
too lazy to find data, but that's sad to read. Are you sure? i thought IM1 and 2 were pretty successful
Even though Iron Man 1 and 2 made big bank, doesn't mean that they need to pump more money into them if they don't have to. You can't really fault them though. They've proven you don't have to throw 200 mil at every movie to make it look good and be popular. It's things like this that let them gamble on movies like the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, and the rumored Doctor Strange. Plus movies like John Carter really bit Disney in the ass, they lost like 200 mil on that movie alone.

Realistically they I don't think RDJ would have stayed around much longer. Not many actors want to keep playing the same character over and over again. I'm really surprised they got 4 Iron Man portrayals out of RDJ and actually he's not even signed on for Avengers 2 yet. Whedon seems to think he'll be on board, and I do as well. After that I think it'll be time for a Stark recast.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I love how everyone is nerd raging about how they portrayed the Mandarin. Yet, since most of all this stuff is taken from the Ultimate comics, people seem to not realize that the Mandarin doesn't even exist there. The Mandarin in Ultimate was a dummy coproration called Mandarin International that was set up by Howard Stark to help build up Stark International. It later turns into this corporation coming after Iron Man to take back what they think is theirs. There isn't even a Mandarin character. With that in mind it actually works out well with the blending of the Extremis plot-line.

Although I do like the old school Mandarin, I don't think he'd make a good on screen villain at all.
I completely understand needing to change/drop the Mandarin for the adaptation of comic -> movie. I think the thing that is most upsetting for people isn't the fact that he was changed from his comic form, but that the entire presence of The Mandarin was a giant troll job by the filmmakers. They had a big name actor in Ben Kingsley and all the trailers focused on The Mandarin as the "big bad" of the movie and then suddenly it's "lol just kidding".

I would have been perfectly happy if they had kept Killian/Extremis as the villain and had him running "The Mandarin Corporation" or something similar. That would have given a nod to the comics without completely ruining an iconic character.

Anyway, like I said before, until the big reveal of The Mandarin being a hoax, I really thought they had adapted him perfectly. He was a very plausible verison of the character that fit well into the Iron Man movies' world.


It's not really fair to characterize the twist as "lol just kidding." It goes along perfectly with the themes of image/identity and 'creating your own monsters.' I understand you point about being disappointed because it seemed at first their Mandarin was a good reinvention of the character.


It's not really fair to characterize the twist as "lol just kidding." It goes along perfectly with the themes of image/identity and 'creating your own monsters.' I understand you point about being disappointed because it seemed at first their Mandarin was a good reinvention of the character.
It think it is a great theme the whole image/identity creating your own monsters and so on. And very well suited to a comic book character based movie.

But for a Comic Book movie the path they took was at the expense of the super hero character and any other super characters.

It is a bit like having a box of colours but painting only in grey.

They could of achieved the telling of this theme in other ways in my opinion featuring the suits more and a better villain would of made the movie better, and aided in the toy sales which it seems they have ignored.


<Prior Amod>

looks like 3 was officially the last one of the stand alone IMs
Makes me sad. Though the theory of
"It would be a definite negative for that particular franchise. He is Tony Stark. The other individual franchises -- Thor, Captain America, Hulk -- etc., don't have near the level of box-office potential that Iron Man does.
seems odd to me.

Are they basically saying "The other movies wont make nearly as much so we wont have to pay those guys nearly as much."? Because that seems like a really retarded way to look at it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Makes me sad. Though the theory of seems odd to me.

Are they basically saying "The other movies wont make nearly as much so we wont have to pay those guys nearly as much."? Because that seems like a really retarded way to look at it.
They're saying that it will be "costly" for the franchise (i.e negative) because Downey Jr. is way more famous and identifiable as Iron Man than the other actors are with their characters. I think part of that is that Iron Man has already had 3 movies, whereas the others are all still working on their sequels. Plus, Downey Jr. was made for the role of Tony Stark and unlike with Bruce Banner, Thor, or Captain America, it would be a lot harder to replace him. Compare this with the Incredible Hulk, who has already had 3 Bruce Banners (well, 2 if you consider Eric Bana's version moot) without really affecting anything.

I think everyone wins in the end though. Marvel doesn't want to spend the money it takes to keep Downey in the role (because he knows he is the only one fans want to see as Tony Stark and he has unlimited negotiating potential). Downey doesn't really want to keep doing Iron Man, anyway. Fans don't want to see the Iron Man movies devolve into shitfests like the pre-Nolan Batman films did.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have Tony Stark semi-retire as Iron Man in the Avengers 2 and then test the waters with an Ant Man movie afterwards, with an eye towards having him become the ultimate replacement (both in terms of franchise and character for future Avengers movies).


<Prior Amod>
I just don't get their reason for money when they didn't blink an eye and literally printing money for Depp for his Pirates movies and I'm fairly sure this franchise is netting them more.


And now my Watch has ended...
would you be okay with going to see a Batman movie and The Joker being turned into a piece of shit character? Or how about your favorite video game/anime made into a movie and the main villain being turned into a joke?
But as it was stated before, this is more of the Ultimates setting. And there is no Mandarin in the Ultimates setting. So...