IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.


A Mod Real Quick
Squash I thought would work for that. I'm kind of confused though. Can you draw in paint or shit what your branch that you're trying push looks like?

New job annoying thing I noticed. Everyone on all the teams are recent college grads outside me, my boss, and four system engineers. I'm the only experienced software engineer. And they never shut the fuck up. It's open office/agile/scrum so I have to hear these people all day. Based on what they talk about I'm not sure they even graduated


<Bronze Donator>
Do you mean you have like a CI platform that is running tests or something and it doesn't like build 9? Is it Gitlab or something similar?
No, we have a commit hook that prevents pushes if finds certain undesirables in your commit. It's gitlab, but like anything else in this company, we've done it "our way" and made it our own. Just because.

Squash I thought would work for that. I'm kind of confused though. Can you draw in paint or shit what your branch that you're trying push looks like?

New job annoying thing I noticed. Everyone on all the teams are recent college grads outside me, my boss, and four system engineers. I'm the only experienced software engineer. And they never shut the fuck up. It's open office/agile/scrum so I have to hear these people all day. Based on what they talk about I'm not sure they even graduated

No, I'm an engineer, if I bust out paint, it's just going to make things worse.

I branched off someone else's branch, so you have origin -> someone else's branch -> my branch. During development, the someone else made commits twice that I need to merge into my branch. So my history looked like:

  1. Attempt at appeasing commit hook.
  2. "Final" commit to prepare for pushing to remote.
  3. Merge from parent branch.
  4. Other shit
  5. Other shit
  6. Merge from parent branch.
  7. Other shit
  8. Other shit
  9. Commit with carriage returns the commit hook didn't like.
  10. Creation of my branch.
Squashing 1 through 9 DID appease the commit hook. What it also did was take all that shit from 3 and 6 and put it into my merge request like I had written them when they were actually commits from origin. The solution ended up being making another commit reverted the problem file to 10. And by revert, I mean checkout. Coming from svn, I'm a little annoyed that there is no hard revert behavior in git.


A Mod Real Quick
I feel like a fetch && rebase rather than merging shit into your branch was what you should've done. Am I wrong? Been a few years since I used git. Let me tell you about clear case...


No, we have a commit hook that prevents pushes if finds certain undesirables in your commit. It's gitlab, but like anything else in this company, we've done it "our way" and made it our own. Just because.

That sounds stupid. You should be able to do whatever the hell you want within your own topic branch. It's the pull request that would reject any undesirables.


<Bronze Donator>
Likely just a leftover from svn. Case in point, I call it a commit hook but it's really a push hook. I'd actually prefer it was a commit hook so I wouldn't got 10 commits deep before finding out one of my files has carriage returns in it.


A Mod Real Quick
What I ALWAYS did in git was go on my dev branch, fetch and rebase master and have them synced. Make my changes/commits. When I'm ready to merge back to master I'd stash all my changes, fetch and rebase, unstash and fix and conflicts. Then I'd do a pull request and merge to master if someone accepted my changes.

I kind of had a feeling you guys might be using git like it's svn, which to reference your original analogy would be like using c++ as c with classes.


<Bronze Donator>
Your methodology sounds similar. I'm not sure the stashing is necessary, committing your changes should protect them from pulls.

I'm sure at least some of this user error. It's exacerbated by the realization that no one really wanted this, we we're happy on svn. The research side of the company pushed for it.


A Mod Real Quick
I did stash before commits because when I'd pull in merges/changes from master I'd want to make sure I didn't have merge conflicts and handle it manually. Little.more work but I had some headaches in the past.


Watcher of Overs
I've used just about every flavour of version control out there, but git easily won the award for going full taco bell on my code. It's my own fault for not properly reading up on it, but so much seems like it is renamed from other systems out of spite or a crapple like "think different" mentality. Let's be confusing on purpose.
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
When your company forces you to use Microsoft Teams, so you draw godzilla in the onenote extension

  • 2Worf
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<Bronze Donator>
Anyone use headless chrome? Hell, even just chrome? I'm trying to find some way to get the output from the console log so I can scan it for errors. And like everything else browser related these days, you can't fucking do anything without at least 5 javascript frameworks or node libraries.

Why is this so indirectly obfuscated? I don't want to run headless chrome through your stupid "Puppeteer" framework just so it can listen for console events.
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<Bronze Donator>
No, I want to call headless chrome and dump the console so I can scan it for JavaScript errors. I'm not doing this from JavaScript itself. I was hoping for a command line call so it would be language and framwork neutral.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Just learned that my old manager managed himself out of a job and got his team dissolved lol. He did this by pursuing the purchase of several expensive and useless technologies then pushing his team to use and learn them. Putting tons of timebucket hours into them instead of actual projects. Thinking it would provide massive returns. Apparently the return was so terrible that that department shifted his team's duties onto a bunch of Business Analysts and said fuck it. We don't need that QA team anyway just make the analysts do it.

He is one of those people where you at first think he's pretty smart. But as you learn about your role and the projects you were working on you quickly realize that he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about to the point of batshit insanity. Then it becomes annoying to even talk to him because he brings up a bunch of shit that is completely irrelevant but sounds technically deep if you're not familiar with the context.

He emailed me a, "report card" on some automation I designed for him and gave me a D- one time. Complete with red highlighter crap everywhere. I kept it because it was hilarious. I'll post it in here if I remember. But anyway, this automation would run a bunch of tests and calculate response times and transaction volumes then spit out an excel sheet comparing them to requirements if you set it up for that. I arbitrarily set up a 20% over under range on transaction volume. So it would show green if it was within that range and red if not.

The red would not mean a failure really just that it was outside of the target range I chose just for debugging mostly. He was using this tool and then explained to the owners for this project that the red was a critical failure or some shit. Product owners then became concerned but he couldn't explain what the red was even for. Just that it was super critical halt all development. Then tried to chew me out for being incompetent.

His report card showed an alarming misunderstanding not only of project requirements but of the project and it's functions itself. Total batshit crazy.

I need to ask my old teammembers if they're getting shuffled around or let go. I hope just shuffled around. If they are laid off it will 100% be that guy's fault.

If anyone cares the tools in question are:
  • CA tools. This company just laid off 50% of their workforce.
    • The Performance monitoring tool was garbage. It did look pretty though and had a few cool and useful features. But the overall setup was lipstick on a pig.
    • Some weird flowchart looking thing. You were supposed to use it to make test cases in a flow chart form. Then it would, or could, spit out method stubs for selenium automation and create a really nice history of exactly what it was doing for business analysts to look at. Assuming you got the workflow built correctly in the flowchart thing. Which was very fickle.
  • Accelatis - A performance testing tool that is designed only to work on Hyperion. Which by default makes it stupid since Loadrunner with all its faults is leagues ahead of every other performance tool Jmeter being the only other one you would ever need to use.

I don't know how much CA shit cost. But Acceltais has a $500k pricetag. The guy I know who was supposed to use it was a performance engineer with like 8 years experience and really good at it. He couldn't get it to work with any of the hyperion projects correctly and just went back to using Loadrunner.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Everytime I read this thread it makes me sad because of:

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Trakanon Raider
This isn't the mathematician thread. I also don't see spreadsheets getting much mention either...

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
A lot of CS degrees have that math in it. And then you get to do nothing with it.
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