Jedi Fallen Order (By Respawn Entertainment)


Avatar of War Slayer
I started playing this and thought the intro was great and the first planet kinda sucked? Do you get back to fighting more stormtroopers later on? Fighting a bunch of different kinds of hoppy frogs that 2-shot you really wasn't interesting lol.

Agreed with Mist on this. Went from 100 to 0 on this game lol. The second world was MEH but then the tomb area was like 90% puzzles.

If you are into that cool, to each their own, but I uninstalled. Was never a fan of Tomb Raider and not compelling enough to Google all these solutions.

Got it for like 8 bucks on Steam sale so don't mind supporting Respawn. Better luck next time guys. Bring back Titanfall. :)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Agreed with Mist on this. Went from 100 to 0 on this game lol. The second world was MEH but then the tomb area was like 90% puzzles.

If you are into that cool, to each their own, but I uninstalled. Was never a fan of Tomb Raider and not compelling enough to Google all these solutions.

Got it for like 8 bucks on Steam sale so don't mind supporting Respawn. Better luck next time guys. Bring back Titanfall. :)
I kind of feel like there's a lot of competition in this area with already established monstrous IPs like Tomb Raider which you mentioned and Uncharted. The appeal of this was to do some of that open-world stuff with a light saber and to niche it into a puzzle game seems weird.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I fucking hate the overuse of "puzzles", jumping, QTEs, etc. in games that aren't platformers at their core. I play a Souls-like/lite for a fucking Souls experience. If I wanted a platformer experience, I'd play fucking Mario or Crash Bandicoot.
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Trakanon Raider
Reason I nev
I fucking hate the overuse of "puzzles", jumping, QTEs, etc. in games that aren't platformers at their core. I play a Souls-like/lite for a fucking Souls experience. If I wanted a platformer experience, I'd play fucking Mario or Crash Bandicoot.

Agree with that, but I also didn't like that there was no loot. Items basically only being cosmetic really didn't inspire me to explore and find secrets which is something I love to do in games like this. Doing side content jumping puzzles only to find a different poncho with a green tint or a cosmetic to the light saber. I have it on steam, 6 hours played. I still remember it. I installed it, played it once in 2019, closed it and never played it again.

Really have no excitement at all for a sequel.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I have it on steam, 6 hours played. I still remember it. I installed it, played it once in 2019, closed it and never played it again.
This was exactly my experience due to the puzzles. I think it's a symptom of having played too many games. I really just want to fuck things up with my lightsaber and feel like I've done these puzzles a hundred times in other games already.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Starting this again after a year. I had the same issues as other people with the second world being meh and the third being a puzzle fest, which isn't what I was looking for out of this game. IIRC I got extremely stuck in world 3 having no clue where to go next, but eventually got to the end by following YouTube guides (not really how I want to play).

The weird thing is, loading my previous file, I'm back at the beginning of world 3. Also, it's the PS4 version and isn't giving me any option to "change game version" to the PS5 version, which is what I was playing before. I'm guessing that's why the save is from an earlier time, because I switched to the PS5 upgrade.

So now I'm downloading the PS5 upgrade so I can get back to where I was. This is why I prefer to just buy PS5 versions of things instead of messing around with the PS4 versions and digital upgrades.

Hopefully I like the game more this time, but if I find myself getting lost in puzzle areas or big open expanses with no clue, like I kept doing before, I'll just nope out again and this time for good. This game has the potential to be great and I want to play it, so here's hoping it doesn't waste my time.


Trakanon Raider
There is a lot of really annoying doubling back in this game. I wish it was a bit more linear and a bit less circular.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
There is a lot of really annoying doubling back in this game. I wish it was a bit more linear and a bit less circular.

Yeah that's super annoying. My biggest peeve is when it leaves you with no clear objective and usually does a poor job leading you along with the level design. I wasted so much time on planets 2 and 3 roaming around trying all kinds of stuff to try and get past a wall or whatever that was obstructing where I was apparently supposed to be. It got so incredibly tedious that I gave up on the game for a year. This is the big shot though, either I beat the rest or I sell it and be done with it for good.

"Souls with lightsabers" should have been a no-brainer that sold itself, but it seems like the devs couldn't get out of their own way on this one.


Trakanon Raider
I liked it, it's a platformer/puzzle game with lightsabers though so if you hate that kind of thing you really won't like it. Graphics are good, controls are good, story is interesting enough if you are a SW fan, it stays pretty true to the original trilogies. Character progression is ok but is really just ability driven. I get not having armor determine power but it all basically looks the same too which makes finding new ones kinda boring. The big draw for exploring is find the extra med packs but the game isn't overly hard so that doesn't matter too much.

It isn't like dark souls at all and doesn't seem like it ever even tried to be so I don't really get the comparisons. There isn't a single fight in the game that I would call hard.


Tranny Chaser
I liked it, it's a platformer/puzzle game with lightsabers though so if you hate that kind of thing you really won't like it. Graphics are good, controls are good, story is interesting enough if you are a SW fan, it stays pretty true to the original trilogies. Character progression is ok but is really just ability driven. I get not having armor determine power but it all basically looks the same too which makes finding new ones kinda boring. The big draw for exploring is find the extra med packs but the game isn't overly hard so that doesn't matter too much.

It isn't like dark souls at all and doesn't seem like it ever even tried to be so I don't really get the comparisons. There isn't a single fight in the game that I would call hard.
Star Wars Cat GIF
amazon ok GIF
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Imagine continuing to buy Star Wars/Disney shit

I bought this a while ago, trying to finish things so I can get it off the backlog. Buying anything Star Wars or Disney isn't my bag at this point, though the Lego game was delayed so many times that it's like a relic of a time when I liked this stuff more.

I'm done with SW altogether after this, though. Said it here or another thread, I can't wait to put Star Wars in the rear-view mirror entirely. Ep 8 just killed it for me. They shat on the SW we grew up with and told us we had some sort of vague social responsibility to like it.
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I had the Jedi knight shareware pvp experience. It was pretty good. I think it was the first one, but it was actually good.

Had force shield and blind. Sight blocking blind if cast before but not after. Pretty good system of casting and melee.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Finally got the gold lightsaber I've been wanting for the whole game, only to find that it's kind of bland. Switched to purple.


I think the thing I like the most about the game is this robot dude, he's legitimately adorable.


On a less positive note, is anyone else sick of seeing Debra Wilson's stupid face in so many games?

Close to the end now, time to wrap this up. I like the game more now that I'm further along with it, but it's still missing something.
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FPS noob
is she the chick with the bug eyes from mad TV? yeah, her face always made me laugh, like WHY THE FUCK IS A PUPPET IN THIS GAME

she's pretty much black beaker

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
i think she's a decent voice actress, but yeah, she's pretty hideous. thing is, she looks better in the game than she does in real life.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
That character really bothers me, and is a not-insignificant reason I lost interest. I’m really tired of intentionally ugly and out of place characters/people. Used to be, ugly people were used for characters that ugliness was a relevant factor for.
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