Jerle Committed Suicide Today


Potato del Grande
Victim on the trans-lobby? Take a vulnerable person, fill their head full of weird shit which everyone is going to call them out on, now you have another person to validate your terrible decision to cut your own dick off.

So instead of learning the minimum sports needed to get by in a conversation, he brings up extreme feminism/trans viewpoints instead, leading to even more social isolation so no wonder he didn't get on with coworkers. Then instead of giving him advice on how to dress well and exercise and actually look good, someone gave him some breasts and long hair which cannot be pulled off with that jawline, of course he felt bad looking in the mirror but that didn't have to be the case.

It's sad and I think that there needs to be some kind of structure to help people with mental health issues adjust to society.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I only ever had one personal interaction with Jerle, back on, I believe two or three years before he came out with the whole trans thing.

I knew he was an American going to school in Europe, which was at the time something I was also interested in doing, so I sent him a brief PM asking about his experience. He wrote back a huge, multi-paragraph explanation telling me about going to school there, getting accepted, etcetera, which was nice of him.

Most germane to this conversation, I remember him IN DETAIL talking about how ugly the women are in the U.K. (was he in England or Scotland? I don't remember.) He went on and on about "don't come here and try to find any women, it sucks. You have to find women from other European countries who are studying here too."

Then when I saw a couple of years later he was doing the whole transition thing, I was like, WHAT? He just wrote me this huge message about finding attractive women not long ago!


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't believe that was Jerle.
There have been like 4? or 5 publicly discussed members.

The one I think you are thinking of. was from Texas iirc, and studying abroad. who forum name I also forget.
a friend they invited to talk at one point.

Also, sexual attraction and gender identity are not related.


Potato del Grande
Where was he going to school lol? University level girls here are really attractive.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I don't believe that was Jerle.

Also, sexual attraction and gender identity are not related.
Wait wait wait then...was there another guy on FOHguild who went M to F transition?

He was always involved in a big transsexual thread in screenshots, used to post pictures of him(her)self. Maybe I am confusing another one.


Buzzfeed Editor
I only ever had one personal interaction with Jerle, back on, I believe two or three years before he came out with the whole trans thing.

I knew he was an American going to school in Europe, which was at the time something I was also interested in doing, so I sent him a brief PM asking about his experience. He wrote back a huge, multi-paragraph explanation telling me about going to school there, getting accepted, etcetera, which was nice of him.

Most germane to this conversation, I remember him IN DETAIL talking about how ugly the women are in the U.K. (was he in England or Scotland? I don't remember.) He went on and on about "don't come here and try to find any women, it sucks. You have to find women from other European countries who are studying here too."

Then when I saw a couple of years later he was doing the whole transition thing, I was like, WHAT? He just wrote me this huge message about finding attractive women not long ago!
I believe you're thinking of Goliath. A lot of people are getting them confused (Which is understandable, they both kind of intertwined in our transexual thread). Goliath was the huge "use proper pronouns, pigs", advocate/SJW. Jerle, from what I remember, started out pretty mild mannered, and even argued with Goliath about how terms like cisgender sound stupid, but Jerle of got unraveled by the end when things were not working out smoothly in his transition (And he got more and more extreme with his positions in order to defend his choices but never quite as bad as Goliath.)

But it was Goliath who wrote a lot and who was going to school abroad and wrote about his lesbian encounters in England ect and how progressive people are there.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I believe you're thinking of Goliath. A lot of people are getting them confused (Which is understandable, they both kind of intertwined in our transexual thread). Goliath was the huge "use proper pronouns, pigs", advocate/SJW. Jerle, from what I remember, started out pretty mild mannered, and even argued with Goliath about how terms like cisgender sound stupid, but Jerle of got unraveled by the end when things were not working out smoothly in his transition (And he got more and more extreme with his positions in order to defend his choices but never quite as bad as Goliath.)

But it was Goliath who wrote a lot and who was going to school abroad.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, you're right. Yes, 100 percent correct. Now I remember, thanks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Suicide and depression are fucked. There is no possible way you can understand the thought processes of these poor people unless you have experienced depression yourself.

On another note, how has no one posted the Blaezen vs. Jerle dual-wielding bats picture yet?


Avatar of War Slayer
oh, yeah. goliath was the one studying abroad.

who was the first, I was thinking of? They were into bsdm too weren't they? they started the kink thread.

(not Evelys or millie obviously either)


Molten Core Raider
Haven't read the whole thread... and apologies if this is a sore subject... but whatever happened to Enigmatic Paradigm?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Suicide and depression are fucked. There is no possible way you can understand the thought processes of these poor people unless you have experienced depression yourself.
This. All you badasses really aren't, you're just giant pricks /shrug


Tranny Chaser
Jerle was working for Riot for a while under the handle Damiya. He was an insufferable attention whore.

Still sorta sad he's a corpse though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No, no. He was studying tobea broad.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Soygen again.


Avatar of War Slayer
This. All you badasses really aren't, you're just giant pricks /shrug
well some are sure. and many just have no idea of trans or depression, or just plain being in a shitty place.

Heres my thoughts.

1. we all knew Jerle's transition was going to fail, from the little experience we had from here. She/he had many problems WAY beyond transgender. which many even questioned. As jerle seemed to have a knack for leaping from one identity to another.
Those problems needed to be addressed, and we certainly were in no place to do it over the internet.
2. I'm pretty ok with suicide as an option. I've certainly been in "that" place mentally. and there are much worse possibilities. the "permanent solution to a temporary problem" makes a pretty big assumption the problem is temporary. Are you suggesting a magic button to allow perfect transitioning will appear in our lifetime? pretty sure it won't, so that problem is not temporary. Financial, and other concerns may or may not be similar. Very often this requires direct intervention from someone else. Emotional, financial, etc. If you don't HAVE someone that can do that for you. again, permanent. And obviously, more "serious" medical issues like alzhiemers, etc. It won't ever get better. why are we insisting people suffer to make ourselves feel better about them not suiciding or something?

Jerle was clearly miserable. so uh. ok. quick and effective. good on her.

Would have been nice if someone in a position to intervene would have, sure. But we don't really know how possible that even was itself.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All I remember is someone here using Jerle's pic as their avatar with a santa hat on.


EP posts here every so often. Him being sick wasn't a scam. Ravvenn saying they were getting married was a joke/scam/whoknows.