Join together as Jugs. The union of Rererolled.

Do you support the Jug community, identify as a Jug or hope to one day become a Jug

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Queen Bee
I have a few questions that I must ask:


Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your interest in our community during your upcoming election. I would love to help answer your questions.

Who are the current members of this club? All Jugs are a member of this club.

Who were the members of this club historically, or is it membership for life? Once a Jug, always a Jug. The only way to be removed from Jug club is speaking ill of your Jug brothers. One may, however, speak ill of trex because I am Jug Queen and not a Jug Brother. I am the only one who has appointed me as a Jug.

What are the benefits that we would gain upon joining such a club? You would get to become a Jug for life. You can say things like "Jug life". You also may get access to The Database™ if you prove yourself to be an honorary Jug. If you get sick or broken up with, the Jugs will all sign a card of a Reeses Cup dropped in a pile of dick hair.

Could you lay out a history of this club and the power it has wielded in the community? Picasso's Thread. Foler. Any avatar with a kool-aid man in it and any name with Big attached to the front of it. Also 00100101...anybody know where he's at? I have reason to believe he is ZyyzYzzy.

Please lay out your grievances against Tuco and Cad. Tuco is poor. Tuco is a big fat blob of boring and he takes his job too seriously. He also sent antrax to my house, and that was wildly unappreciated. Cad is just easy. Nice guy being too nice. Got to shake him up a little bit. Shaking people up a bit is one of the main beliefs of the Jugs. I also have reason to believe he is enormously fat and his wife looks like Roseanne.

The above grievances, are those yours or are those ones that members must share? It is possible. I would suspect most people enjoy Cad's presence. A lot of people think Tuco is a homo. I know this because we have a secret club called "Tuco is a homo" in this club we send many messages and have many inside jokes about what a loser Tuco is.
  • 3Faggotry
  • 2Hodjing
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Reactions: 6 users


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
This is like listening some white chick from Nebraska telling ISIS what there mission statement should be and how to accomplish it. WTF ?

Fuckin Wannabee Hanger-Ons
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Treasured Member
False. Foler was King Jug, keeper of the database.

RIP Big Foler

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Potato del Grande
RIP Big Numbers

As a tribute to a fallen brother you must also wear this avatar for a minimum of two weeks.

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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Should have had Shinobi do some Shepard Fairey style campaign posters for Jug candidates during the election, it would have turned the tide imo.
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Trakanon Raider
post beneath this one is better than the stupid shit i posted so here we go boys
Last edited:
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The great thing about Trex is that when Foler returns we'll already have a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem.
  • 6Ice Burn
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Trakanon Raider
The great thing about Trex is that when Foler returns we'll already have a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem.

You can store at least 2 weeks worth of water in the nose alone so that's a huge plus for my man Foler.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
This is the 'Annoying little sister who tries to bum cigs and smoke in the boys room with the cool kids' thread now?

I believe the expression is Tits or GTFO ....
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