Justice for Zimmerman

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Here's my three step plan:
1. Build a strawman.
2. Attack it.
3. Desperately link anyone who disagrees with me to the straw man.


I know it exists you know it exists, but you want to beat it out of people instead of fixing the conditions that make it relevant. that's the difference your approach of authoritarianism is decidedly more harmful.


Take paula deen for example, a black guy held a gun to her head and she said the word American Inventor, I mean do I think that's ideal? no. but what's the bigger crime here? and who is missing the point?
"Beat it out of people"? What the fuck are you talking about?

Let me re-establish some very simple points here, for clarity:
1) Racism exists. Would anybody care to deny this?
2) Racism negatively affects millions of people every day. Any objections?
Therefore, racism is a problem. A real one. Not an imaginary problem made up by "intellectuals" or politicians. Are you with me so far? Have I made any wild leaps of imagination here?

OK, stay with me. When you casually (if not gleefully) make use of terms such as "American Inventor", "dune coon" and the like, you are endorsing racism. You're saying it's no big deal to dehumanize an entire race. You are, by definition, part of the problem. Have I lost you? I'm saying this as simply as I can.

Before you jump in with more "Here's therealproblem", please note that even if you are completely, 100%, factually right in every way about how certain approaches to combating racism aren't working (or making things worse), that in no way, shape or form changes the very simple points I just made. It doesn't. The points you bring up are absolutely worthy of discussion, I'm not trying to tell you that what you're saying doesn't matter. What I am saying is that someone who uses these valid discussion points as some kind of defense of their own "American Inventors gonna Kang" attitude is a fucking cunt who's still part of the problem, no matter how clever they think they are.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Yes the words are the problem not the reasons why the words have meaning. If only we could erase these words from our minds racial equality will be at hand!

Have you ever thought of considering "politically incorrect words" as the symptom and not the cause?


You bleed so much white guilt that you are literally a racist. How many times a day do you "check your privilege"?
CLASSICStep 3 shit right here.
You know who's never felt a single pang of white guilt in his life? Me. Why the fuck should I? I haven't done anything to feel guilty about, at least not "as a white person". I don't even use the term "white guilt", it has no fucking significance to me. I love how many of you guys keep insisting to me "No, really, youareall about white guilt", desperately trying to pull my words onto a clear side of the line you've drawn because that's the only way you can address anything I'm saying. Fuck your "white guilt" bullshit. If you can't understand the simple points I'm making, fine. But stop fucking projecting your bullshit assumptions all over them so that you can then pretend you've countered them with your tired "anti-PC" rants.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
That is why you beat white guilt into others so you can feel like you have clean hands, that is the classic upperclass liberal attitude. It's like the well off people who went to church and paid indulgences, they had a clean conscious too.

really your just describing why you do it.

Honestly good use of the use of the word "desperate" btw in your rhetoric.


Yes the words are the problem not the reasons why the words have meaning. If only we could erase these words from our minds racial equality will be at hand!
Not the words, the attitudes. The words just happen to be the way the attitudes manifest themselves the most clearly. Do you want to talk about why these attitudes exist? By all means, that would be a great conversation. Do you want to talk about modern circumstances that are making these attitudes worse? Awesome, I'm there. Do you want to talk about practical and realistic ways to reduce these attitudes? You're fucking golden. But when you bookend your intelligent points with "American Inventors gonna Kang" you are still contributing to the problem. See, those words make very strong points about your attitude. Those words say that you consider yourself superior to another race, and that you consider it not only acceptable but expected for people to make de-humanizing comments about said race. If you don't see that as being a problem, I don't know what to tell you.


That is why you beat white guilt into others so you can feel like you have clean hands, that is the classic upperclass liberal attitude. It's like the well off people who went to church and paid indulgences, they had a clean conscious too.

really your just describing why you do it.

Honestly good use of the use of the word "desperate" btw in your rhetoric.
Again, you're projecting. You can't stop, apparently.
I'm not beating white guilt intoanybody. I'm not even telling anybody to stop being a racist. I'm just saying it's funny how racist assholes feel they have to justify their racism somehow. My hands are already clean, I don't have to fight a crusade to make myself feel better. You know who is fighting a crusade? You, every time you dismiss my ridiculously simple points (that nobody has attempted to actually argue with, by the way) in order to pull the conversation back to your talking points about shit that has nothing to do with anything I've ever said. Keep swinging at those windmills, man.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I refuse to let you narrow the topic to the point where the relevant meaning and context can be distorted. Treating the complexity of the world like it's an isolated simplistic logic problem that has solutions without cost is an inherent flaw in the gestalt that you subscribe to.

Nobody is born with ideas we absorb them from our environment and those around us, some few of us can internally reflect and fuse ideas together but that's few and far between. Basically you can't claim that your thought patterns don't resemble others cause they do.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Again, you're projecting. You can't stop, apparently.
I'm not beating white guilt intoanybody. I'm not even telling anybody to stop being a racist. I'm just saying it's funny how racist assholes feel they have to justify their racism somehow. My hands are already clean, I don't have to fight a crusade to make myself feel better. You know who is fighting a crusade? You, every time you dismiss my ridiculously simple points (that nobody has attempted to actually argue with, by the way) in order to pull the conversation back to your talking points about shit that has nothing to do with anything I've ever said. Keep swinging at those windmills, man.
You're projecting racism on all of us (when we haven't said or done anything particularly racist) and then acting like we're all assholes.

Why don't you talk about something that actually happens?

Like, guy X, who took action Y, which was racist, that sucks. I hate racism! We'd all be like... fuck yea bro, that sucks.

You're just like... RACISM IS BAD. FUCK YOU ALL.


Molten Core Raider
So what you're trying to say is that "black people" have white guilt because they use the N-word socially, publicly, and in media, and are in fact making racism worse, especially when they then try to say they're not racist and it's the other people who are racist for bringing up the use of the word?

That's complicated. No wonder it's such a prevalent problem.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
So what you're trying to say is that "black people" have white guilt because they use the N-word socially, publicly, and in media, and are in fact making racism worse, especially when they then try to say they're not racist and it's the other people who are racist for bringing up the use of the word?

That's complicated. No wonder it's such a prevalent problem.
stop blowing up my mind. Stopppppp.


I refuse to let you narrow the topic to the point where the relevant meaning and context can be distorted. Treating the complexity of the world like it's an isolated simplistic logic problem that has solutions without cost is an inherent flaw in the gestalt that you subscribe to.

Nobody is born with ideas we absorb them from our environment and those around us, some few of us can internally reflect and fuse ideas together but that's few and far between. Basically you can't claim that your thought patterns don't resemble others cause they do.
And I refuse to let you distort my words in order to allow you to wax poetic about shit that has nothing to do with what I said. Stop doing that.

Some things are simple. Racism exists. Everybody agrees (or has yet to disagree). Racism is a problem. Again, no objections (yet). Saying "American Inventors gonna Kang" is a racist comment that helps perpetuate the cycle of racism feeding into racism. Am I wrong? If you can't disagree with any of these 3 points, then you're arguing for nothing. Worse, your arguments can be construed as defending the use of "American Inventors gonna Kang", whether you intend to or not.

You're projecting racism on all of us (when we haven't said or done anything particularly racist) and then acting like we're all assholes.

Why don't you talk about something that actually happens?

Like, guy X, who took action Y, which was racist, that sucks. I hate racism! We'd all be like... fuck yea bro, that sucks.

You're just like... RACISM IS BAD. FUCK YOU ALL.
I am NOT projecting racism on all of you. I'm saying those of you who do use racist slurs (and there are certainly a few), are douchebags for thinking you can defend your shitty behavior with a few "This is therealproblem" mental gymnastics.

So what you're trying to say is that "black people" have white guilt because they use the N-word socially, publicly, and in media, and are in fact making racism worse, especially when they then try to say they're not racist and it's the other people who are racist for bringing up the use of the word?

That's complicated. No wonder it's such a prevalent problem.
No, I haven't said anything about how black people use the N-word. Your point, however, is still profoundly stupid. You're doing exactly what Fanaskin was (falsely) accusing me of doing: Assigning "X" racism value to "Y" word. It doesn't work that way.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
And I refuse to let you distort my words in order to allow you to wax poetic about shit that has nothing to do with what I said. Stop doing that.

Some things are simple. Racism exists. Everybody agrees (or has yet to disagree). Racism is a problem. Again, no objections (yet). Saying "American Inventors gonna Kang" is a racist comment that helps perpetuate the cycle of racism feeding into racism. Am I wrong? If you can't disagree with any of these 3 points, then you're arguing for nothing. Worse, your arguments can be construed as defending the use of "American Inventors gonna Kang", whether you intend to or not.
Yes it exists for economic reasons and historical momentum, will a prohibition of racist comments stop those factors? of course they won't. That is more a symptom than a disease. And if anything you are masking the disease like a painkiller masks the reason the pain existed to begin with.

It's just far easier and politically more convenient to brow beat decent compliant people than fixing an ungodly mess.

Show me the hard evidence that political correctness has helped? I know it seems we live in barbaric times but the word American Inventor said in pure hatred and not other reasons is drastically less now than it was 40 years ago. Being PC has been around a long while so it's results in the alleviation of black plight should be obvious and apparent by now.


Yes it exists for economic reasons and historical momentum, will a prohibition of racist comments stop those factors? of course they won't. That is more a symptom than a disease. And if anything you are masking the disease like a painkiller masks the reason the pain existed to begin with.

It's just far easier and politically more convenient to brow beat decent compliant people than fixing an ungodly mess.

Show me the hard evidence that political correctness has helped? I know it seems we live in barbaric times but the word American Inventor said in pure hatred and not other reasons is drastically less now than it was 40 years ago. Being PC has been around a long while so it's results in the alleviation of black plight should be obvious and apparent by now.
I'm not suggesting banning racist comments, nor am I suggesting that doing so would fix the problem in any way. I am saying that making racist comments objectively makes the racism problem worse. It might not be the most important aspect of a very complex issue, but there it is. And when someone who's making racist comments tries to turn things around and say "Actually,you'rethe racist because studies show that...", it's fucking retarded.

Yes, it's a complex issue. I'm not pretending it's not. I'm just addressing one particular aspect, one exceedingly simple aspect of the giant incredibly complicated clusterfuck that is modern racism. I'm not talking about political correctness, or white guilt, or even the N-word. Those are all great conversations, but they're not what I'm talking about and misinterpreting my words in order to force the conversation to these topics just shows a childlike inability to take even the most basic responsibility for one's actions. There is no justification for "American Inventors gonna Kang". There isn't. Saying that absolutely makes the racism problem worse. If you can agree with that (regardless of whatever other fascinating points you'd like to force down my throat), then we're on the same page.
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