Justice for Zimmerman

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reason why he is a retarded faggot. his positions change every time someone says something and he goes to other island and hope it sticks.

All without solid proof.

Correlation is not causation, faggots.

also, how are you celebrating today.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
When did I say I know with emphatic fact (whatever that means) what the outcome would be?
Its implicit every single time you say "There's no way Martin was INTENDING TO KILL Zimmerman when he was bashing his head into a concrete sidewalk. Derp"

Assuming the gun saved Zimmerman's life is foolish
That group of jurors apparently disagreed.


If I get drunk and get behind the wheel of my car and go out on the big major road that circles our town driving the opposite way down the road at 90 miles an hour because I'm so wasted I don't know what the fuck is going on, I didn't intend to kill anyone.

But that family filled minivan on their way home from church or Easter vacation or their grandmother's house died anyway, and I will be found culpable of engaging in an activity which I should have known had a high probablity of leading to someone's demise.

Somehow Tanoomba thinks in this situation, right here, that because "intent" wasn't in play, I shouldn't get charged with 2nd degree murder.

But I will be.

And I"ll go to prison for it, too.

More evidence they're the same person.

No, I've pretty well shown that's all you and Tanoomba have been doing this entire thread, actually.

I'm still waiting for that magic citation I asked for.

Tanoomba does not hold the same position. Tanoomba has held 30 different positions as he sees fit throughout this thread. Are you incapable of reading this thread?

How far down the retard rabbit hole do you want to leap here?
You managed to not address a single point I made. Thanks for conceding the victory.


Its implicit every single time you say "There's no way Martin was INTENDING TO KILL Zimmerman when he was bashing his head into a concrete sidewalk. Derp"
Once again, completely immaterial as a question of fact in relation to the application of Florida's self defense law. Why do you persist with this when it has utterly no meaning on the application of the law in the case at hand? The only finding of fact that matters is whether there was the threat of great bodily harm, which you both agree there was, yet you still try and argue about this.


Unelected Mod
You said, repeatedly, that Martin banging Zimmerman's head into concrete isn't evidence of intent to kill or injure, and that Martin would still be alive if Zimmerman did not have the gun that night.

Here's one example of you attempting to downplay the blows to Zimmerman's head

Not according to Dr DiMiao. Who is a bit more of an expert on this than you. I reference you back to here, 40 minutes in

He directly refutes this claim by you.
Tanoomba, I am sure you have already watched this, but I just rewatched from 40 minutes in to 60 minutes in and I just don't see how watching this testimony doesn't essentially settle the point about whether his life was at risk.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
When did I say I know with emphatic fact (whatever that means) what the outcome would be? I'm just going by the evidence. Despite a 40-second+ beating Zimmerman was taking while he cried for help, he ended up with (say it with me) a couple of cuts on the back of his head and a fractured nose. He wasn't dizzy, he hadn't suffered a fractured skull or a concussion, there was no brain damage, he didn't get knocked unconscious,he didn't even want to go to a hospital. Sure, there's a chance Martin would have killed him, but it's foolish to assume that would have been the case when all the evidence shows he was just beating him up. He had been in fights before and had never killed anyone before, nor did he have any motive to kill Zimmerman, especially in full view of several households. Assuming the gun saved Zimmerman's life is foolish, particularly if you pride yourself on basing your assumptions on facts.
your basing evidence in a universe where there is a gun involved, if no gun was involved you have to go about imaging all the differences in the way the scenario went down, and some of those scenarios end with the death of Zimmerman, you cannot say emphatically you know exactly how the fight would have evolved or how it would have ended. You can't really use the intent argument either because there are plenty of fights that ended in the other party dying when murder wasn't the original intent, ie roid rage, or altered states sometimes occurred in habitual drug addicts. You can have all the opinions you want in the world, opinions are fine, opinions are great but you can't claim to be Nostradamus that's a no no.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You managed to not address a single point I made. Thanks for conceding the victory.
Burden shifting fallacy. You have yet to support your conclusions and I have clearly already addressed your points two pages back in this post

That's your (and Tanoomba's which is why I know you're Tanoomba) problem.
(Majority of post redacted for size)

I direct you to Danthe's law.


As an internet discussion grows and grows, it's often tempting to declare victory and move on, especially if you've rammed the point home too many times and your opponent just ignores everything you say. In this case, declaring victory and moving on may be legitimate and excusable.

Unfortunately, the majority of the time, declaring victory is just spin: a last desperate attempt to trick people into believing you came out on top (providing that they don't actually go and read the discussion, of course).Sometimes, the individuals declaring victory may well be convinced that they're right; often they'll have gone into the discussion knowing that they're right and with no possible option that they might be wrong. When combined with the ability to expel someone from the discussion, Danth's Law takes on a more sinister tone - indicating that a group or individual can only defend themselves on their own terms, through the medium of extreme deceit.
Enjoy your complete butt devastation though.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Funny. You know what I notice in this post?

A complete inability on your part to support your retarded strawman argument which I just ass fucked without lubrication.

I mean you've had plenty of time to provide it, after all.

Put up or shut up, kiddo.

Your issue is with a strawman argument because my position has nothing to do with certainty Martin would kill Zimmerman in the first place. You're still incapable of reading what has been written directly to you. This is why you are a troll.
Jesus man, you are starting to come across like some dude that hasn't seen daylight in 2 years because he's too busy 'slaying nerds on the internet'. I think everyone knows your a pretty smart guy at this point, you don't really need to high five yourself in every god damn post.


Its evidence of intent to do enough bodily injury that death becomes a possibility.
Troll harder. You can't double back down on retarded now.
What's the matter with you, man? Intent to kill is not the same as intent to beat someone up, even if theoretically beating them up much harder than you are could result in their death. Yes, you could theoretically beat someone up until you accidentally kill them, but since Zimmerman only had a couple of cuts and a fractured nose, it's pretty safe to say Martin was nowhere near crossing that line yet. Assuming he would have without any evidence is foolish.

Yes, actually, it really is. Especially when its a forensics specialist who has dealt with more cases in 40 years than you can even imagine, is one of the foremost professionals in his field of work, and is demonstrably correct in what he's saying.
Absolutely. But,AGAIN, he said nothing about Martin planning to beat Zimmerman to death.

Irrelevant. The point is that if you're bashing someone's head into concrete, you have a reasonable expectation that serious bodily injury, up to and including death, can occur.
Yeah, I'm not arguing this. I never did. As the person being beat up, you have a reasonable expectation that you could suffer serious bodily injury up to and including death. That in and of itself is not proof that the person beating you up will cause you serious bodily injury or kill you. It doesn't have to be, I get it, but it really isn't.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Once again, completely immaterial as a question of fact in relation to the application of Florida's self defense law. Why do you persist with this when it has utterly no meaning on the application of the law in the case at hand? The only finding of fact that matters is whether there was the threat of great bodily harm, which you both agree there was, yet you still try and argue about this.
Still arguing a point a never made.

I refer you back to my previous post, which directly links you to why you are a retarded.

We're still waiting on that citation by you of me stating that Florida case law said self defense only relies on fear for one's life. I mean we've only been waiting two plus pages for it now. You keep forgetting to actually, you know, support your argument with any facts whatsoever. I really don't see the need to do much but laugh at you from this point on.

Jesus man, you are starting to come across like some dude that hasn't seen daylight in 2 years because he's too busy 'slaying nerds on the internet'. I think everyone knows your a pretty smart guy at this point, you don't really need to high five yourself in every god damn post.
I merely feel I'm defending myself against untrue charges.

However, I'll tone it down a bit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
hodj, redshift, tanoomba, knock this shit off. This is like a cripple fight. State your arguments succinctly and if they other person doesn't understand it leave it alone.


Still arguing a point a never made.

I refer you back to my previous post, which directly links you to why you are a retarded.

We're still waiting on that citation by you of me stating that Florida case law said self defense only relies on fear for one's life. I mean we've only been waiting two plus pages for it now. You keep forgetting to actually, you know, support your argument with any facts whatsoever. I really don't see the need to do much but laugh at you from this point on.
1. Statutory law, not case law, but you knew that, right?
2. You need to read up and understand what a question of fact is in a court of law and how it applies to your imaginary argument.


Tranny Chaser
hodj, redshift, tanoomba, knock this shit off. This is like a cripple fight. State your arguments succinctly and if they other person doesn't understand it leave it alone.
Would you please just lock this thread and throw it down the well? It's done. There's nothing new to talk about. It's time to move on.


hodj, redshift, tanoomba, knock this shit off. This is like a cripple fight. State your arguments succinctly and if they other person doesn't understand it leave it alone.
Ok, I'm back on the lurking bandwagon, but would you mind terribly verifying as best you can that Tanoomba and I are, in fact, different people?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
1. Statutory law, not case law, but you knew that, right?
2. You need to read up and understand what a question of fact is in a court of law and how it applies to your imaginary argument.
I don't know how to make this easier for you to understand.

I didn't say what you claim I said. Everything you are doing right now is arguing a point I never made. I never said anything about case law, or statutory law, I never claimed that fear of death was the only justification in the Florida statutes for self defense killings. Never said it. You've completely fabricated this argument from your own ass.

Now I'm done.


your basing evidence in a universe where there is a gun involved, if no gun was involved you have to go about imaging all the differences in the way the scenario went down, and some of those scenarios end with the death of Zimmerman, you cannot say emphatically you know exactly how the fight would have evolved or how it would have ended. You can't really use the intent argument either because there are plenty of fights that ended in the other party dying when murder wasn't the original intent, ie roid rage, or altered states sometimes occurred in habitual drug addicts. You can have all the opinions you want in the world, opinions are fine, opinions are great but you can't claim to be Nostradamus that's a no no.
OK, for your benefit:

"I'm not Nostradamus."

Drop it.
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