Justice for Zimmerman

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Deus Vult
It's weird but historically the mob pressuring local law to stand aside and forsake justice was white. It seems blacks have learned this abuse of mob power and intend to use it to their ends.


Molten Core Raider
Would you say I'm more or less crazy than the guy who posted that they would rather see 100 dead Trayvons than have those people come onto your land from the cities?
I said id rather have 100 dead trayvons than the thousands dead and thousands raped and tens of thousands brutalized when people aren't allowed to defend themselves with guns when attacked. Get your shit straight, silly goose.


Vyemm Raider
Hah, yeah, so even though Trayvon had gotten to his home and Zimmerman had backed off, that somehow the jury would still buy that he felt threatened and had to go find Zimmerman and attack him?

That is some serious grasping for sure.
This is word for the word the prosecution's case and the most often repeated argument that Zimmerman was guilty.


2 Minutes Hate
No, what you need to do is actually punish the people that shitpost. You'll just be giving them what they want if you punish the thread as a whole.
We are. It's just that practically everything is coming from this thread right now and it's getting tiresome. It's like this thread is an infraction exploit and you guys are farming this shit out of it.


Really? Cause I'd also rather have the 100 dead Trayvons option and I'm a liberal, or at least a liberal leaning moderate.
I actually agree with this. I'm even fairly pro gun rights (for a libtard). He is still a frothing idiot. Look at all those stupid buzzwords. 'political science major' 'mean ole southern types'. Run of the mill conservatard.

EDIT: I saw you in game! At least your name. Some alliance-side quest.


Vyemm Raider
Start working out panzy. But, I don't think the world would be overrun with people attacking each other if you couldn't shoot people at the slightest hint of breaking one of your nails.
All of human history prior to the invention of the gun disagrees with you.


Here's what generally hasn't been mentioned in this thread, most likely out of fear of being singled out and ridiculed:

The reason why so many people wanted to see Zimmerman found guilty is not just because the media brainwashed them (although they certainly played a large role), it's because they know that racism in America is alive and well and that, across the board, black people are still given the short end of the stick (I'm not going to debate this, spare me your claims that this is wrong somehow). So when the public heard about the 17 year old unarmed black boy who was shot and killed by an armed adult, it seemed on the surface to be a cause to rally behind. It was a way to say "I don't approve of the systematic disenfranchisement of black people and and the death of this innocent boy should not go unpunished". It's a noble thought and the principles behind it are justified, but unfortunately the story chosen to champion this cause was a dud, as we have all clearly seen.

I point out the other story as a way of saying "Guys, if you wanna be pissed at the unjust race-inspired killing of an innocent unarmed black teen, stop looking at Zimmerman and look overhere. You're fighting a good fight, but focusing on the Zimmerman case won't get you anywhere." That's why I mentioned the article.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
without guns to level the playing field "might makes right" litterally if you aren't strong you are prey.

Homo homini lupus est
"man is a wolf to [his fellow] man." Titus Maccius Plautus


Mr. Poopybutthole
Here's what generally hasn't been mentioned in this thread, most likely out of fear of being singled out and ridiculed:

The reason why so many people wanted to see Zimmerman found guilty is not just because the media brainwashed them (although they certainly played a large role), it's because they know that racism in America is alive and well and that, across the board, black people are still given the short end of the stick (I'm not going to debate this, spare me your claims that this is wrong somehow). So when the public heard about the 17 year old unarmed black boy who was shot and killed by an armed adult, it seemed on the surface to be a cause to rally behind. It was a way to say "I don't approve of the systematic disenfranchisement of black people and and the death of this innocent boy should not go unpunished". It's a noble thought and the principles behind it are justified, but unfortunately the story chosen to champion this cause was a dud, as we have all clearly seen.

I point out the other story as a way of saying "Guys, if you wanna be pissed at the unjust race-inspired killing of an innocent unarmed black teen, stop looking at Zimmerman and look overhere. You're fighting a good fight, but focusing on the Zimmerman case won't get you anywhere." That's why I mentioned the article.
And I'd argue that a lot of the racism towards blacks is self-inflicted. Whether that's by "hood-mentality" or asshats like Jackson and Sharpton. Or just the fact that blacks seem to point out racism way more than any other ethnic group in America. My wife was watching Big Brother last night and some black guy saw a black woman crying and said, "When I see her, that could be my mother or my sister." Why can't it just be any woman crying? What is it about blacks that cause them to isolate themselves from humans moreso than other ethnicities?


Molten Core Raider
I actually agree with this. I'm even fairly pro gun rights (for a libtard). He is still a frothing idiot. Look at all those stupid buzzwords. 'political science major' 'mean ole southern types'. Run of the mill conservatard.

EDIT: I saw you in game! At least your name. Some alliance-side quest.
Keep focusing on what set of buzzwords make your hooha tingle rather than the substance of what's being duscussed, dipshit.


Unelected Mod
The reason why so many people wanted to see Zimmerman found guilty is not just because the media brainwashed them (although they certainly played a large role), it's because they know that racism in America is alive and well and that, across the board, black people are still given the short end of the stick (I'm not going to debate this, spare me your claims that this is wrong somehow). So when the public heard about the 17 year old unarmed black boy who was shot and killed by an armed adult, it seemed on the surface to be a cause to rally behind. It was a way to say "I don't approve of the systematic disenfranchisement of black people and and the death of this innocent boy should not go unpunished". It's a noble thought and the principles behind it are justified, but unfortunately the story chosen to champion this cause was a dud, as we have all clearly seen.
I disagree with you saying the media didn't cause it. The media caused it by presenting the information in a biased way such that people would see this as a case of racism when it clearly wasn't.

However, I do agree that many people at that point wanted Zimmerman to be guilty because they wanted a way to express that they think that the systematic disenfranchisement of black people is a problem. It is just too bad that at this point they weren't able to rationally consider the facts and see this wasn't a good case of it.


go live with black people tanoomba. seriously. stop wasting our fucking time with your lectures and do something in your life, you wasteful piece of shit. take fucking time and volunteer. I do it. I do it with my fucking church and homeless shelter at least 10 hours a week. Piece of shit like you who talk all day fucking long bore the fuck out of me you liberal piece of shit.
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