Justice for Zimmerman

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Breaking up any monopolies is a good idea, but I also fail to see how the quality of the news would change if big media corporations were broken up into smaller companies. The problem is it's all about money, and it's going to continue to be all about the money no matter how many smaller companies are working distinctly from each other. It's still going to be more profitable to make the news than report the news, so even the smaller companies are likely to continue sensationalizing and focusing on the entertainment and emotionally manipulative aspects of news stories. If you really want honest news, take money out of the equation.

In fact, if you want to fix just about any problem in this world, take money out of the equation.

You seem to be arguing against points I don't make, but you wish I'd made, rather than the points I did make. You'd think after how badly Tanoomba got schooled on that very activity yesterday, people would stop trying to put words I didn't say into my mouth, so they can then argue those points, rather than what I actually said.
Interesting. If you could find a way to market that level of delusion and unintentional yet incredibly overbearing irony, you could be a billionaire.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
DOJ has a tip line email set up for sending in tips about Zimmerman to "help" in their investigation in the hate crime.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
While trashing SYG and self defense laws, he was saying that everyone should have the duty to retreat. It is like he doesn't even care about the facts in the Martin/Zimmerman case. Zimmerman could not have retreated even if he wanted to since Martin was on top of him. It is preposterous to talk about that or even race about this case where there is no evidence to back it up.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
People are tired of retreating, which is why SYG laws passed in the first place.
People are tired of retreating, which is why SYG laws passed in the first place.
with it's origin from an 1895 case I'm not sure how applicable to real life 2013 SYG is. Albeit, conceptually I agree.

Clearly though, there's likely no forethought regarding population increase & civil modularity.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Oh the past is so far away, don't listen to the past, never remember a single thing from the past EVER
Oh the past is so far away, don't listen to the past, never remember a single thing from the past EVER
I gotta say as a firearm owning, concealed carrying, lawn mowing republican - I think the idea of the 2nd amendment supporting my "right" to buy modern firearms is honestly hilarious & totally misguided.


Tranny Chaser
Huh? That article is saying self-defense laws are stupid. Sorry but Ill take laws that protect my right to defend myself if I am attacked.
It also misconstrues what happened and paints Zimmerman as the aggressor when the evidence is to the contrary. In the conclusion it states that "at the end of the day an innocent man is dead." Straddling someone and beating the shit out of them is actually a crime.


Molten Core Raider
Huh? That article is saying self-defense laws are stupid. Sorry but Ill take laws that protect my right to defend myself if I am attacked.
it's a sarcastic article, like all onion articles

"But thanks to these dumb-as-dog-shit laws, while the defense had to introduce some evidence that George Zimmerman acted in self-defense, they didn't actually have to completely convince us of it. All they had to do, according to the undoubtedly moronic but explicitly written Florida statutes, was create a "reasonable doubt" as to whether he acted in self-defense."


Tranny Chaser
The threshold to be found guilty is proof beyond a reasonable doubt so yes, all the defense has to do is create a reasonable doubt.

What exactly are we talking about here? Do you want lower standards of establishing guilt?

edit - ah, wonderful. I'm so ginned up over this that the nuance is lost on me. If it is actually the case.


Does anyone feel like playing devil's advocate on why ZM is guilty? I haven't heard one convincing argument that isn't just the black card argument.
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