Justified - Season 4 starts Jan 8th


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I thought there was going to be a bomb in the cushion of the chair at the end.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think there probably is, but it's remote control.


FPS noob
threatening the pregnant wife is a little too Jack Bauer 24ish for Justified, wish they didn't go there. There is only one more episode though so it can't get too melodramatic. I was pretty surprised that Colt was the only one who died was expecting Ava, Ellie Mae, Johnny, and even possibly Tim to be retired. Also have been a bit disappointed Arlo hasn't fucked things up post-death.

Limehouse's talk with Ava was interesting, nice to see his character not turn into a cartoon villain. Have been pretty disappointed by the Detroit Mafia though, they seem incredibly incompetent. And where is Duffy...


Avatar of War Slayer
it was established with the one FBI agent that offed himself that was one of the ways Tonin Family operated. who are more cruel than smart for the most part it seems.

Duffy said he was going to Canada.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That is great to hear.

Ultimately, I do not think their over-arching storylines are all that great or interesting, compared to other shows on TV these days... but their characters and performances certainly make up for what ever lack of creativity they have in the writers room. The last few episodes have been some of my favorite in the series and I am hoping the season finale really sends the show off on a high note.


Trakanon Raider
Is it just me or has the show fallen apart from a plotting perspective in the last two weeks as they rush to shuffle pieces for the finale?

Why did Colt kill Mort (the Detroit sniper) at the ambush? Was it to protect Tim for their big showdown? If so, why did Colt continue with an unwinnable fight? If Colt just wanted to suicide, why didn't he do it the last timeat that same location. Why didn't Nicky wonder why Mort was dead?

What is going on with time now. The first 10 episodes took place over two weeks or so, but now in what seems like 2 more days, Colt's kicked drugs, Winona's a couple more months pregnant, etc. What the hell?

Why did Nicky antagonize Ava so much? Why would Duffy even fill Nicky in on the Boyd/Johnny situation? Why would Nicky mention that to Ava? The entire scene seemed like the writers having to get to the Johnny reveal and only having two spare minutes to get there.

What is going on with the preacher's sister? The early episodes insinuated she was there just for the money, but now she hasn't left (or even dismantled) the gathering. It would be one thing if it was only a couple days ago, but as said above, I have no idea how much time has passed.

I think the show killing off Winona would be too dark. Winona getting scared/pissed off at the mess and leaving forever (and clearing her schedule for The Following fulltime) seems entirely reasonable. I'm not sure "Nothing to live for, pissed all the time" Raylan will be that interesting to watch though.


Avatar of War Slayer
guessing Winona is 4 months along, that is around the normal time you find out the sex. she didn't seem much bigger than when she was at the doctors office earlier.

Nicky was just being an ass and a bully to people he thinks little of. Causing a rift in boyd's little crew was a fairly good tactic. Weren't they all in Duffy's RV once? or was Duffy on the phone with Nicky when he was there.

Preacher's sister really don't seem like she has anywhere else to go. Guess she has a few people showing up to give her money still.

Colt is harder to understand with drugs and PTSD. The way i saw it. He wanted to be the good solider a kill Ellie Mae, but was really torn and was using to drugs to cope with that. Once it got back to a group hunt for her, it wasn't all on him. Boyd was he his boss/friend that is why he stood down the 1st time. the final fight, he really didn't want kill her and it was his ticket out of the whole conflict.

according to Yost, from season 1 to the end of 4 will be roughly 1 year, which i really can not understand how that would be possible.


Yeah I liked it, went for the more psychological after the opening gun battle (and "wtf Winona!" in that) and the final shot of Raylan sat at Arlo's home staring at the gravestones established his thought process rather well. Boyd scored a big hit on him when he turned Raylans arguments against himself on how he justifies his brand of marshalling.

I'd thought Sammy had said "Take him" and had killed Nicky and presumably Picker but I've since read elsewhere he apparently said "Picker" and it was he who killed his former bossman. I'm glad about that, would like to see him pop up again.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I enjoyed the finale very much. I loved the shot where Raylan is walking away and the limo is getting machine-gunned in the background. I also liked how they handled the scene with Winona. That was a little too much of a cheesy network TV move getting her involved but they didn't draw it out and Raylan took care of business like he always does.


Buzzfeed Editor
I liked the episode, it was good tv and all, but I was left kind of bummed. I really wanted things to work out for Boyd and Ava. And I'm not sure what that dumbass is thinking crossing Boyd like that. Sure, because that just ends it right there! We all know that this dude is going to die, given the rl history of Harlan and the established show background this guy should know that too. Seemed kind of like drama for the sake of drama.


I think Season 5 will see Boyd turning state's evidence to help Raylan take down Duffy. I think Boyd is getting tired of the game and that's why they had him go through the house at the end.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm sure he is tired of the game, but he isn't getting that big house without doing some dirt. I figured he was in the house realizing his dreams of legitimacy with Ava are now gone. And Ellen May is a fucking little bitch. Ava kills the guy who was trying to kill her and she turns in Ava because she feels guilty. Wow.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It is going to suck to be the first guy who breaks Raylan's daughters heart.



Good episode, happy with how it ended the season. However, I am really looking forward to next season in the hopes that Boyd just unleashes his full wrath to get his woman back. Not sure how he is going to get there, but I really want to see that fucker owning him a Dairy Queen in the end...probably with bodies buried underneath the foundation.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
For the amount of work Boyd puts into being a criminal I think he could found a fortune 500 company.

Good season though given that the show is done in true noir novel style the climax is always going to be a few episodes from the end, followed by a few episodes of falling action, which really goes against TV series expectations.