kate has a hoof


A nice asshole.
gavinrad said:
As bogus as I think it is for people to keep harassing her, I feel obligated to point out that it is in no way a small deformity to her foot, that thing is majorly fucked up.
Anyone that uses the public to make money gets picked apart by everone. People have an obssesion about Famous actors actresses in this case I hot chick with a messed up foot. Honestly if she just posted a clear pic of it and said hey look at my foot yes it is wierd and deformed...people wouldn"t care so much and it would go away. Only because she tries to hide it from everyone, everyone wants to talk about it and find out the truth.

A prime example is Bill clinton. He was impeached because he lied underoath. No one gave a fuck that he was cheating on his wife. It was only a scandal cause he was trying to keep it secret. Hiliary fucking clinton for next president! It gonna happen that women can raise more money then god on any event...money talks.

Samus Aran_foh

Angelina Jolie has tattoos on her body of the names of all the guys she fucked. Why doesnt she show everyone those? she must be hiding them. quick somebody go stalk her about it!

Samus Aran_foh

The Sinister Urge said:
Angelina Jolie has tattoos on her body of the names of all the guys she fucked. Why doesnt she show everyone those? she must be hiding them. quick somebody go stalk her about it!
What?s with you always defending the hoof? Why so much love for that dirty fuckin camwhore? Were you not around to witness how retarded she was when this thread got started? Seriously who cares, she?s a dumb camwhore... why not shit talk her? You can?t respect hos like this.





Samus Aran_foh

What?s with you always defending the hoof? Why so much love for that dirty fuckin camwhore? Were you not around to witness how retarded she was when this thread got started? Seriously who cares, she?s a dumb camwhore... why not shit talk her? You can?t respect hos like this.
/shrug, shes a camwhore, so what? does that make her an inferior species where she should be stalked everywhere she goes just becuase some people suspect she might be missing a toe or 2? Wow missing a toe and a camwhore on top of it. She should be burned at the stake! Oh no she flamed some people who posted trash on her board! When people flame FOH on their board they get banned and/or flamed from FOH members, does that make FOH= kate? should people follow you around looking for your home address and rl name and school photos?

I dont have a problem with yall extrapolating a possible missing toe(s) to having a hoof like a barnyard animal but its fucking creepy to be tracking people in rl and in videogames and other message boards taunting her about it. ya had a little joke. let it go.


The Sinister Urge said:
/shrug, shes a camwhore, so what? does that make her an inferior species where she should be stalked everywhere she goes just becuase some people suspect she might be missing a toe or 2? Wow missing a toe and a camwhore on top of it. She should be burned at the stake! Oh no she flamed some people who posted trash on her board! When people flame FOH on their board they get banned and/or flamed from FOH members, does that make FOH= kate? should people follow you around looking for your home address and rl name and school photos?

I dont have a problem with yall extrapolating a possible missing toe(s) to having a hoof like a barnyard animal but its fucking creepy to be tracking people in rl and in videogames and other message boards taunting her about it. ya had a little joke. let it go.
I"d like to take this opportunity to say I disagree!

Down with the hoof!


A nice asshole.
Brittney said:
What?s with you always defending the hoof? Why so much love for that dirty fuckin camwhore? Were you not around to witness how retarded she was when this thread got started? Seriously who cares, she?s a dumb camwhore... why not shit talk her? You can?t respect hos like this.
Hell yeah brit I remember her calling the people that play WoW losers or of the sort. Only to find out that she plays them herself.


Brittney said:
What?s with you always defending the hoof? Why so much love for that dirty fuckin camwhore? Were you not around to witness how retarded she was when this thread got started? Seriously who cares, she?s a dumb camwhore... why not shit talk her? You can?t respect hos like this.
What happened? I wasn"t here to read it, or probably didn"t think to pay attention. Did she find out about this thread or something?


Trakanon Raider
Jesus man, where were you? Kiksar tracked her down in game with a character named Whatthehoof, along with other miscellaneous fucked up stuff. Eventually a bit of googling even managed to dig up her dad"s obit, her kung fu classes, so on and so forth.

It"s done now though, and time to move on.


Eomer said:
Jesus man, where were you? Kiksar tracked her down in game with a character named Whatthehoof, along with other miscellaneous fucked up stuff. Eventually a bit of googling even managed to dig up her dad"s obit, her kung fu classes, so on and so forth.

It"s done now though, and time to move on.
Would you shut the fuck up and leave this thread? You"re a faggot.

Samus Aran_foh

You know, the Kate thing was funny when it first went down. And it would have gotten less funny, but she kept the funny alive. This latest stuff where she tries to capitalize on the gamers who were all over her shit, that"s the funniest of all.

If she"d just let it go, this thread would have been buried a long time ago.


Don"t defend Kate. Not only did she make fun of people who play wow and play it herself, but she really blew the whole thing out of porportion. If in the begining she had said, "yeah i got a hoof" it woulda made everyone look like a jackass for giving her a hard time about it. But instead she tried to pull out the big stick and threaten people. Why does she care so much if she"s got a hoof? Bitching about it wont get your dead toes back on your foot.


Samus Aran said:
You know, the Kate thing was funny when it first went down. And it would have gotten less funny, but she kept the funny alive. This latest stuff where she tries to capitalize on the gamers who were all over her shit, that"s the funniest of all.

If she"d just let it go, this thread would have been buried a long time ago.


This thread has probably done nothing but wonders for her subscription numbers. I mean, there"s thousands of camwhores... but only one with a hoof. So what she loses in a little humiliation she"s probably gaining in extra revenue via extra traffic to her site. So I don"t really see what there is to feel sorry for.

And you know, there"s this general rule of sales. If you get your product in front of enough people, no matter how shitty or useless it is, there will be some percentage of people that will buy it. How big of a percentage will generally depend on how shitty or useless the product is. But it means that if you keep putting the product in front of new people, you"ll keep selling that product which is why late night TV advertising and the register shelves at Walmart work for shit like the "Alphabetical Keyboard" and the National Enquirer.

Which means that for all the people that went to her site to witness "the own" stirred up by this thread, I"m betting some percentage of you fuckers signed up over there (and I wouldn"t be surprised if the pics of her in the PGT aren"t clues as to who).