Large language models (LLM)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Things are moving quickly in AI. Like, seriously. Try this: ChatGPT

My prompts, randomly having fun with it. What can it do in a few years?




Tranny Chaser
Bubbles Bubbles

was an Estonian man who was the biggest fan of Alinity, a popular Twitch streamer. He spent most of his free time posting photos and messages about her on an internet message board dedicated to her fans. Despite his efforts, the other users of the message board did not appreciate his enthusiasm and often referred to him as "asshat" behind his back.

Despite the negative feedback from the other users, Bubbles continued to post about Alinity on the message board. He was determined to be recognized as her biggest and most loyal fan. He would scour the internet for new photos and information about her and would post it on the message board as soon as he found it.

One day, Alinity herself happened to stumble upon the message board and noticed all of the posts from Bubbles. She was touched by his dedication and decided to reach out to him personally. She sent him a private message thanking him for his support and offering to send him some exclusive merchandise.

Bubbles was over the moon when he received the message from Alinity. He quickly replied, thanking her profusely and asking for more information about the merchandise.

From that day forward, Bubbles continued to be a loyal fan of Alinity, but he no longer felt the need to prove it to the other users of the message board. He was happy just knowing that his favorite streamer appreciated his support
  • 2Worf
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I've been using GPT algos for work for almost 3 years now. Many major enterprise sites in 2022 have been adopting this (mostly through Jasper AI) to churn out tons of content. The other day we churned out 800,000 words of content in 4 hours using Jasper

We dont train people to write content anymore, we train them to use Jasper/GPT-3 now. There are SEOs out there taking a brand new domain from 0 to 1M+ uniques in 12 months, using nothing but Jasper.
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Tranny Chaser
I've been using GPT algos for work for almost 3 years now. Many major enterprise sites in 2022 have been adopting this (mostly through Jasper AI) to churn out tons of content. The other day we churned out 800,000 words of content in 4 hours using Jasper

We dont train people to write content anymore, we train them to use Jasper/GPT-3 now. There are SEOs out there taking a brand new domain from 0 to 1M+ uniques in 12 months, using nothing but Jasper.

Write a story about an American man who larps as a pro Russia pro Putin fanatic, and who only has one friend, a mentally disabled midget

Once upon a time, in a small town in America, there lived a man named Jack. Jack was an odd fellow, to say the least. He was obsessed with Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin, and often spent his days larping as a pro-Russia, pro-Putin fanatic.

Despite his unusual hobbies, Jack was a lonesome man. He had only one friend, a mentally disabled midget named Billy. Together, the two of them would spend their days roleplaying as Russian soldiers and pretending to fight against imaginary enemies.

At first, the other townspeople thought Jack and Billy's behavior was strange, but they eventually came to accept it as just another quirk of the small town. However, as time went on, Jack's obsession with Russia and Putin began to consume him.

He spent all of his time and money on Russian military gear and memorabilia, and even started talking with a fake Russian accent. The other townspeople grew increasingly concerned about Jack's behavior, but Billy remained loyal to his friend and continued to support him.

One day, while out on a "mission" in the woods, Jack and Billy stumbled upon a group of real Russian soldiers who were conducting a training exercise. Thinking they were playing a game, Jack and Billy approached the soldiers and began speaking to them in their fake Russian accents.

The soldiers, confused and alarmed by the two men's behavior, quickly detained them and called for backup. Jack and Billy were arrested and charged with trespassing and impersonating Russian military personnel.

In the end, Jack was sentenced to community service and Billy was placed in a group home where he could receive the care and support he needed. The two friends were separated, and Jack was left to contemplate the harm his obsession had caused.

He realized that his love for Russia and Putin had blinded him to the reality of the situation, and he vowed to never let his passions consume him again

"Jack and Billy"


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I came here expecting videos of chubby models speaking in foreign languages. I was mildly surprised.
  • 4Worf
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Tranny Chaser
It's interesting to me that telling it to write stories based on any of this boards random weirdos always ends on a positive and uplifting note, lol
  • 1Solidarity
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Man if I was a kid in school I would be in a frenzy right now generating book reports for as many things as possible
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Been wasting a lot of time on this. I’m really impressed with something’s it does-


but it didn’t pass my personal Turing test -


Clearly still a long ways to the singularity
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