Last Epoch

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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Floaty is a good way to put it. Torchlight Infinite is the same for me. It just feel like your hits dont hit anything, but numbers fly up like you're doing damage. And don't fully realize when you're hit either. But in PoE, for some reason, I feel getting hit, and I feel doing damage.

It bugs me, because LE is pretty fantastic.
Yup. LE has a lot of really cool systems and doesn't require 9 hours of YouTube just to do basic shit or build a character that isn't complete trash 1 hour in. But I agree that the combat feels "off" in so many ways. Like a game still in early beta or something.
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Log Wizard
Game is a much more casual PoE with more depth than D4. I think it's a good game, but it doesn't "click" with me like a lot of people have said. Things seem almost too easy a lot of the time in terms of builds/advancing/gearing. Definitely good for building a larger player base when your only hopes aren't dumping hours into farming and/or complete RNG. Wish I liked it more because I hope it succeeds as a least a PoE Jr if not a PoE rival.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Game is a much more casual PoE with more depth than D4. I think it's a good game, but it doesn't "click" with me like a lot of people have said. Things seem almost too easy a lot of the time in terms of builds/advancing/gearing. Definitely good for building a larger player base when your only hopes aren't dumping hours into farming and/or complete RNG. Wish I liked it more because I hope it succeeds as a least a PoE Jr if not a PoE rival.

It's the combat for me. It feels a lot of times you aren't hitting mobs or getting hit.
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Got something right about marriage
The end game gameplay loop also doesn't suit my tastes. Instead of being able to say, choose a layout/map/tileset/objective you like and target farm that, the echos are just sort of random. You don't need anything to drop to be able to run them and you unlock stronger ones with better loot as you go and complete objectives. But the objectives themselves being random (and some being very annoying) and the tilesets of the echos being random is just kinda... meh. Mob density is also really low I feel.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
The end game gameplay loop also doesn't suit my tastes. Instead of being able to say, choose a layout/map/tileset/objective you like and target farm that, the echos are just sort of random. You don't need anything to drop to be able to run them and you unlock stronger ones with better loot as you go and complete objectives. But the objectives themselves being random (and some being very annoying) and the tilesets of the echos being random is just kinda... meh. Mob density is also really low I feel.

Yeah, I forgot about that shit. Wasn't horrid, but made me sigh a few times.


Trump's Staff
I played the primal it’s zoo mode. Had raptor, bear, scorpion combo and it was pretty fucking awesome. I went heavy poison type debuff on them and it was so sweet. Trash mobs die so quick that talent tree doesn’t matter much and the bosses would get poison raped while I dodged or ran around. I didn’t even have an attack(by choice) as my attack was the thorn totems to clean up everything else.

while fun like the above posts said it got a bit boring as I just ran around picking up shit while my pets raped face on everything. getting bored was probably my own fault due to passive playstyle but I never hit a wall with that build.

i did eventually try a true ranger type dude and a paladin, both, obviously, far more active but never got them to endgame, just mid/high level to see how it felt. Enjoyed both for different reasons. They really did a good job with the talent trees being meaningful, requiring choices/sacrafices, and giving some decent options. Of course there is always the min/max spreadsheet dudes but I found anything backed by a bit of common sense to be viable.

You have a build link for that type of build? Is it still viable with whatever version the game is on now? I haven't played in 2 or 3 years.


Molten Core Raider
Oh definitely not a perfect game but i'm excited about the faction system being put in 1.0. Definitely some better methods within CoF to help on farming stand point as well as better access to gear if you want to go the merchant side. I am happy they made it much harder to efficiently RMT...don't get me wrong I have no issues using RMT myself but actually rather not have it present in masses.

Between the few bosses and end game mono grind plenty to keep you busy but you need to have that "Alt" desire or else i could see the game getting stale. For me there is enough good design decisions so far coupled with listening to the community that I am confident that major areas of concern will eventually be addressed on expanding the game loop side.

I took a break from Sept to now but getting ready to get back into it pretty hard at least until AoC alpha 2. I actually hate the idea of cycles/seasons personally, never been a fan of that with other ARPG's, rather they do content updates quarterly with new challenges and do an expansion yearly or something but such as life. I have 90+ stash tabs and really enjoy trying to make unique/OP builds that people haven't come up with but I'll probably start on new cycle and go merchant just to get the idea of how a new cycle economy will work out. No reason to go new cycle out the gate if you are going CoF really....outside of ladder.

Will see...hope they release patch notes with a few days notice before launch so i can decide on my final game plan. Probably play my juggernaut werebear build as that's the most fun and can scale really high with gear but has a strong base foundation once you come online by lvl 80. Then chase 3 items on the open market and make my 2nd character after death squirrels build...looks like they nerfed the weapons on it but still pretty nasty for ST DPS/boss killer.

Falconer looks really cool but not my playstyle...think wife is going to try that if we start on new cycle. Haven't looked at warlock in detail yet and never tried runemaster yet so will have plenty of pet projects to keep me busy.
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Got something right about marriage
It seems most of us that have played share similar opinions on the game.

It's likely a product of the Devs trying to appease everyone with their approach to various mechanics which results in a sort of bland, forgettable experience.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Never had any problem with the gameplay itself (I guess I'd agree about the sound, especially coming directly from PoE playing a build that used Herald of Ice, but I generally have LE's sound drowned out by my own music anyway); it's the endgame loop and how tedious upgrading builds past "functional" was that always turned me off of the game. Looking forward to seeing how much less painful the SSF faction makes trying to gear up a character, though I suspect trying to get LP3 items will still be retarded and LP4 will continue to be a myth. Don't give a single fuck about trading so the other faction sounding like complete shit doesn't bother me at all.

Can't decide what build I want to start 1.0 with either. Normally I'd just make a VK Autobomber and use it to farm the stuff I need for a 'real' build, but Falconer is looking really good and might not be too much of a hassle to farm up its own gear. And more importantly, it's not something I've already played 100+ hours of.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Oh definitely not a perfect game but i'm excited about the faction system being put in 1.0. Definitely some better methods within CoF to help on farming stand point as well as better access to gear if you want to go the merchant side. I am happy they made it much harder to efficiently RMT...don't get me wrong I have no issues using RMT myself but actually rather not have it present in masses.

Between the few bosses and end game mono grind plenty to keep you busy but you need to have that "Alt" desire or else i could see the game getting stale. For me there is enough good design decisions so far coupled with listening to the community that I am confident that major areas of concern will eventually be addressed on expanding the game loop side.

I took a break from Sept to now but getting ready to get back into it pretty hard at least until AoC alpha 2. I actually hate the idea of cycles/seasons personally, never been a fan of that with other ARPG's, rather they do content updates quarterly with new challenges and do an expansion yearly or something but such as life. I have 90+ stash tabs and really enjoy trying to make unique/OP builds that people haven't come up with but I'll probably start on new cycle and go merchant just to get the idea of how a new cycle economy will work out. No reason to go new cycle out the gate if you are going CoF really....outside of ladder.

Will see...hope they release patch notes with a few days notice before launch so i can decide on my final game plan. Probably play my juggernaut werebear build as that's the most fun and can scale really high with gear but has a strong base foundation once you come online by lvl 80. Then chase 3 items on the open market and make my 2nd character after death squirrels build...looks like they nerfed the weapons on it but still pretty nasty for ST DPS/boss killer.

Falconer looks really cool but not my playstyle...think wife is going to try that if we start on new cycle. Haven't looked at warlock in detail yet and never tried runemaster yet so will have plenty of pet projects to keep me busy.
The squirrel build isn’t beginner friendly, that hat that’s required is a pretty long farm.

The Runemaster is really fun. Doing skills in certain orders to create new spells is a nice playstyle change from all the other classes.


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
It's the combat for me. It feels a lot of times you aren't hitting mobs or getting hit.

Agreed, I like everything about the game, but the combat needs some heft to it, make it feel impactful.
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Millie's Staff Member
Man I played an autobomber for about 100 hours; did the endgame grind and farmed for my BiS item and never saw it.

Not sure I can find the interest to return to the game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man I played an autobomber for about 100 hours; did the endgame grind and farmed for my BiS item and never saw it.

Not sure I can find the interest to return to the game.
That's kind of how I feel, having done the exact same grind with the same result. I'm really hoping that the Circle of Fortune faction makes it possible to not just get "very rare" drops like the old Omnividence, but also see them at LP3 and LP4. Same goes for finding the T6 and T7 items you need to actually use uniques with LP. The whole system was just layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of RNG with insanely low odds of success. Otherwise I don't see myself hanging around for long when I have plenty of other games to play that actually respect my time investment.

On the bright side, Omnividence is crap now so at least you don't have to worry about that particular shitshow of a grind anymore. Current BiS for the VK bomber is Mad Alchemist's Ladle which looks to be a lot easier to farm. Boardman seems to think that there's a good chance of it getting nerfed in 1.0 though, so I guess there's not much point in planning a build until there's actual patch notes if stuff like that is still up in the air.
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FoH nuclear response team
Falconer looks interesting, some videos out there on it, none of them that aren't worthy of posting here. Some annoying youtube presenters if you wish to look it up yourself.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Falconer looks interesting, some videos out there on it, none of them that aren't worthy of posting here. Some annoying youtube presenters if you wish to look it up yourself.
The most interesting (and not at all annoying) one I've seen for Falconer:

Still leaning towards playing Autobomber first though. It's simple to gear and a sure thing when it comes to being able to farm the required gear for any other build. Trying to figure out how to transition from a 1-76 leveling build to something that can actually do moderate amounts of corruption and clear echoes efficiently enough to get the minimal amount of gear for the endgame build is always a pain in the ass in LE. Having an Autobomber (or some other build that you already know can clear 200+ corruption and stuff like Lightless Arbor with minimal effort--unfortunately I don't know what other builds might qualify for that so I'm stuck playing it safe with VK) in reserve just makes everything else you might want to play so much less of a hassle.


FoH nuclear response team
The most interesting (and not at all annoying) one I've seen for Falconer:

Still leaning towards playing Autobomber first though. It's simple to gear and a sure thing when it comes to being able to farm the required gear for any other build. Trying to figure out how to transition from a 1-76 leveling build to something that can actually do moderate amounts of corruption and clear echoes efficiently enough to get the minimal amount of gear for the endgame build is always a pain in the ass in LE. Having an Autobomber (or some other build that you already know can clear 200+ corruption and stuff like Lightless Arbor with minimal effort--unfortunately I don't know what other builds might qualify for that so I'm stuck playing it safe with VK) in reserve just makes everything else you might want to play so much less of a hassle.

The only ones that popped up on my youtube were people I couldn't stand to listen to. Didn't see that one.