Last Epoch


FoH nuclear response team
I think that site is the best I've seen so far.

Difference with Primalist and Necro is the pets with Primalist get an ability to smash. Where necro pets just summon and you don't press anything. I'm using storm crows on shaman and it's pretty fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any minion enthusiasts know whats better in Necro vs. Beastmaster?

necro with only golem is kinda crazy, u just basically zooming around with transplant (teleport) and u nuke your golem with ripblood to spam aoe bone nova. while cursing mobs. Golem has perma crit with the right spec, and it hit like a truck. Only issue is sometime golem get stucked but u can just resummon it easym only midannoying.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Any minion enthusiasts know whats better in Necro vs. Beastmaster?
I have both and the difference between mine is necro clear speed was faster, beastmaster were more tanky pets. Necro is much more hands off too, where beastmaster you’re a lot more interactive with the pets and mobs. Buffing and meleeing was the beast playstyle. Spamming suicidal zombies, resummoning any dead skeletons, and sporadically buffing pets was necro playstyle, don’t ever have to target anything.

I’m sure the playstyle difference is going to vary depending on the builds you use.


Molten Core Raider
Necro has more viable strong high end game builds for pets. Beast master has probably the best pet build but requires a pretty rare helm that is lvl 86 (squirrels!).

I finally gave in and made one and have pretty rock solid gear in most slots and I can take J4 down pretty easy. Also can kill the Soul bastion boss before he gets a single attack off so single target dps is just nasty (crit+shred amoror build). As mentioned its more engaging as I do melee damage as well that proc's various buffs/attacks and jump in with frenzy totem/war cry so pretty active play style. Clear is decent in mono's but definitely nothing to brag about.

I build my wife a fully self found build since no one has used saber tooth in a build in over a year....(dread just posted a necrotic version, mine is completely different). Built in mind of duo'ing with me so will see how it goes, got it to 58 and doing 90 mono's pretty easy but fairly good exalted gear I got her set up with.

Necro's has some real good options. Fire wraiths is pretty damn strong if you have the idols + a good rolled 1 or 2 LP A.Call unique. Few different bone golem builds that are strong, not sure if they nerfed the single target 1 shot abomination build but pre-MP I was doing 30-45k on high end bosses per auto lol. Clear speed and game play was boring but was my first ever J4 kill.

I got a 3 LP dragon edict this weekend which is insane as its a lvl 86 unique so to get 3 LP is crazy rare. Trying to make a hybrid damage lich but most likely will switch and make a necro and do a full on fire minion build. I want to see how hard i can scale the dragon nova proc with my lich and zombie's since technically they are minion so thinking zombies + infernal + dragon nova proc could be pretty strong clear and single target with hungering souls fire damage + ignite. Probably trying to do too much...will get it to 86 and see where my damage sits before I roll the LP.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The problem with pet builds is that the best ones use a single pet.... which sounds ok, but the issue is that the whole reason that one pet is really strong is because you have to constantly cast a bunch of skills on it (Dread Soul and Rip Blood on the necro's golem, Shield Throw/Void Cleave/Javelin on Forgeguard's armor) while also keeping up stuff like Bone Curse or Sigils of Hope. It's a really clunky playstyle that I got sick of long before getting to empowered monoliths, and I even foolishly tried both of them to be sure. And unlike most LE builds I've tried they're also completely unplayable with a gamepad.

If you can stand the gameplay though, it sounds like the two top pet builds are well ahead of other stuff when it comes to Julra 4 and (especially) running extremely high corruption.


Molten Core Raider
J4 definitely favors high damage burn pet builds. I wouldn't say single pet builds do extremely well in 400+ corruption relative to non pet....but just my opinion. Also definitely some solid necro builds with high pet numbers that do well, wraith dps is massive for single target and not shabby for clear.

My biggiest issue is trying to figure out what things are bugged on interactions, i'm finding alot of questionable stuff with beastmaster and squirrel's in particular where nodes that impact wolf's howl doesn't seem to carry over which if so seems like poor design and should state that and/or add alternative effects for squirrel devil shout...

Also don't think fury leap nodes are all triggering properly when mauling.


Lord Nagafen Raider
started a new lich buidl. Started with hungering sould build, switched to marrow shard in the end. I like the build alot, hungering soul was ok but pet kept dieing on bosses forcing me to loose the big multiplier on hs, Marrow shard instead is much more fluid dmg wise, prob my fav lich build atm.

i also started a bladedancer and goind with umbral/shadow daggers, i think so far its my favourite char/build all in all. Veeeery good dmg, with insane mobility and decent tankyness.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I gave in and got this, just doing normal campaign still so no endgame, but I like it so far. Nice graphics, smooth gameplay, good build options. Will comment more when I get a chance to play it through. I do plow through everything pretty easily at the moment, but that’s not unexpected in these type of games as I did the same in PoE.

a few questions…

  • I found some loot site I stole a filter from but it seems overly complicated. Maybe that’s just because I’m low level and switching gear all the time as I find better stuff? Maybe in the end game when I know I only want X/Y/Z I can see more value.
  • ‘have not tried crafting yet, I’m guessing it is required at end game level? I have been saving all the mats I find though. Wish I could automatically pick them up
  • when I first started it asked me something about solo where I could share gear with my other characters or online where I could group with people. I didn’t really understand this choice so picked online to play with friends or group up for endgame shit. Was this a mistake? Can someone explain that piece to me?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I gave in and got this, just doing normal campaign still so no endgame, but I like it so far. Nice graphics, smooth gameplay, good build options. Will comment more when I get a chance to play it through. I do plow through everything pretty easily at the moment, but that’s not unexpected in these type of games as I did the same in PoE.

a few questions…

  • I found some loot site I stole a filter from but it seems overly complicated. Maybe that’s just because I’m low level and switching gear all the time as I find better stuff? Maybe in the end game when I know I only want X/Y/Z I can see more value.
  • ‘have not tried crafting yet, I’m guessing it is required at end game level? I have been saving all the mats I find though. Wish I could automatically pick them up
  • when I first started it asked me something about solo where I could share gear with my other characters or online where I could group with people. I didn’t really understand this choice so picked online to play with friends or group up for endgame shit. Was this a mistake? Can someone explain that piece to me?
Online means you can group with people if you want and there’s loot share, I believe if they’re grouping with you at the time.

Offline is fully offline, can’t play it with other people, can’t trade loot.

I agree about crafting mats, I wish they would autoloot and auto-go to the crafting section. Manually picking them up then manually pushing them to the crafting section is just annoying to me.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I agree about crafting mats, I wish they would autoloot and auto-go to the crafting section. Manually picking them up then manually pushing them to the crafting section is just annoying to me.

This is the biggest annoyance I have with the game. It really is a PITA.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got a bit further today, think I’m around level 40. Still face roll but somewhat fun. Same move every time:

  • See mobs
  • drop totem on them so they are distracted attacking it
  • get closer or hit “a” for pets to attack depending on move
  • everything vanishes
on boss fights I just run around dodging whatever shit they do no the pets burn the living fuck out of them. Rolling with a bear, scorpion (with babies), and raptor combo. At some point I’d like to try some other styles, char’s, combos but I still have a bit to go.

do people group, is there a benefit? Be nice to have some in game buds


FoH nuclear response team
Got a bit further today, think I’m around level 40. Still face roll but somewhat fun. Same move every time:

  • See mobs
  • drop totem on them so they are distracted attacking it
  • get closer or hit “a” for pets to attack depending on move
  • everything vanishes
on boss fights I just run around dodging whatever shit they do no the pets burn the living fuck out of them. Rolling with a bear, scorpion (with babies), and raptor combo. At some point I’d like to try some other styles, char’s, combos but I still have a bit to go.

do people group, is there a benefit? Be nice to have some in game buds

Benefit is you can get drops that you need from other characters (Effectively double the drop rate). Usually when I group I always get drops for the other classes in my party and vice versa. It's still a faceroll for some classes until you get closer to end game. Usually when you get to the last few areas you will start having to be careful.

Some classes excel at this greater than others.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Started playing this a week before the first D4 beta weekend. I really like the underlying systems the game is built on, but damn.. its all so ugly, the presentation of it all just sucks, imo. Yet, past that, the game is fun. Maybe a bit too close to PoE though. Only reason I'm still playing though is that I'm stubborn and keep wanting to get a certain unique (Judicator) and see how that works with my build, if at all.

I've done around 200 or so nodes in the Blood, Frost.. whatever timeline now trying to get the 2H Spear blessing (including 1 reset via the Shade). The current layout of this cursed timeline is kinda great though, I have a Chaos Vessel and a Memory Vessel to still use. Frustrating though since I've gotten several interesting unique weapons / sets for other builds, but leveling up again is a pass. Would love to see these be able to dump some real money into their art budget. Anyway, I would recommend it to anyone, I think it'll only get better.


Molten Core Raider
If you have a friend willing to help, leveling up can be pretty quick. It takes me ~ 1 hr to run my wife through specific quests in the main story to complete her 15 passives/8 idol slots/+1 attributes. Thats a refined method, initially was taking me 2 hours until I learned which quests to advance when by teleporting around to the right places.

Then you can grind arena's/low level mono with them another hour or two and at that point they are ready to do low level mono's themselves. I usually just take her straight to the top 3 mono's to unlock her empowered mono's so we can skip doing all the normal ones to begin with. So easy half a day invested and you can be playing another new character and testing things out if you have a friend!

Drops are rare enough in this game that it is really one of those "ooo X dropped, I should make a new class!" game haha, target farming things outside of specific boss drops can be depressing abit. Make sure to be using your ruins of creation as well if its a world drop and not boss specific. I am on my 400th echo (well probably 700 if you count other chars) trying to farm a 1 LP Bhuldar's Wrath which has a 50% base drop from Spirits of Fire boss. Have so many unique/exalted nodes on this bad boy map and 3-4 more vessels of memory to still pop. It looks like gaze of orobyss bonus caps at 50 points I think. I could be doing higher corruption but spent so much time building this think i'll keep farming until vessels pop or i finally get and land a 1LP + bhuldar's w/ some damage stats.

I've self made a freaking awesome lightning wear bear build that I've been tweaking for a long time, found alot of bugs with the interactions so soon as they have those fixed and i get my LP going to actually try my hand at a build guide for people since I have not seen anyone ever post one for this build. Super smooth and so fun to play.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does the Shades difficulty scale up with the distance from the center? Reason I ask is that the first time I fought it, I had no issues with the fight. Next time, and I don't recall how much further away from the center I was at that time, I got my ass beat down... like zero chance of winning. So it kinda boggles my mind to see ppl running 2-300+ corruption. I know my gear is trash being all uniques, but all those perks are good and my resists are capped. All the boss fights I've had so far in Mono's or Dungeons, are simply "restrict players movement" type... which sucks since most bosses will one shot me outright or have some atk that will.


FoH nuclear response team
Does the Shades difficulty scale up with the distance from the center? Reason I ask is that the first time I fought it, I had no issues with the fight. Next time, and I don't recall how much further away from the center I was at that time, I got my ass beat down... like zero chance of winning. So it kinda boggles my mind to see ppl running 2-300+ corruption. I know my gear is trash being all uniques, but all those perks are good and my resists are capped. All the boss fights I've had so far in Mono's or Dungeons, are simply "restrict players movement" type... which sucks since most bosses will one shot me outright or have some atk that will.
Uniques aren't that great at all. You'll start getting insane stats on purples. From what I've seen people Usually only run one unique.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Uniques aren't that great at all. You'll start getting insane stats on purples. From what I've seen people Usually only run one unique.

i guess cause u want uniques with high legendary potential, that way u can attach the purple item into the unique, so if im not mistaken and you have a 4 legendary potential unique, u can affix all 4 stat of the corrisponding exalted item. Only downside is that 4 lp uniques are extremely extremely rare.