League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
I think you meant to say gaming gear.eu or mineski. So far the real problem is that other teams just aren't mechanically as good as OMG/SKT1. OMG/SKT1 are getting out picked and out played in the early game to some extent but then mid game hits and they just are going in to a totally different gear and murder their opponent. I really didn't expect anything other than what is happening though Gambit/Fnatic on top with OMG/SKT1. I feel the only chance we had to begin with was Cloud9.

As far as TSM is concerned I really feel that they just need a very strong mid laner to replace Regi as he has tooo much other stuff outside of actual gaming/practicing to worry about...but if he makes as much of the play calling as they claim then I am not sure what options they have.


Tranny Chaser
The OMG vs TSM is pretty rough. Xspecial and wildturtle choose to harass at red rather than leash for oddone and that puts oddone 5-6 seconds behind so he isn't in position to help Dyrus at top. He then proceeds to get killed again and do nothing relevant for the entire rest of the game. You can also spot some of the individual skill of Dyrus and wildturtle come back to bite them as they both have situations where they try and get out of ganks using the least amount of resources and die for it where a much worse player may have lived by immediately panic Flashing.

I know Dyrus is much more comfortable on Vlad but I wish he would have gone with something like Zac instead. Zac has two buttons to potentially interrupt Shen ults, a big escape, a bunch of AE dmg, sustain, and passive that might just save your bacon. Trying to gank for a Vladimir that is behind is just so damned difficult. I'm sure he told oddone to not come top. They had no kill potential vs Shen for basically the entire game.

Also, fuck Shen.


Golden Squire
Snapped a four game losing streak with one of the most satisfying wins ever. Their team was Vayne top, Zac, Morg, Leona, Graves and our team was Caitlyn (me), Janna, Nocturne, Wukong, and Mordekaiser.

Anyway I told the team to lane switch so we started out with me and Janna top, Wukong mid, and Mordekaiser bottom. Shut down Vayne top and took her tower at the 7 min mark then proceeded to switch lanes back to "normal" smoothly. The other team caught up a bit but then we managed to coordinate ourselves in team fights such that Nocturne killed Graves and Wukong killed Vayne and the other team couldn't keep up.

I wish every game had team work like that. Hell Nocturne was even disconnected for the first five min.


you can add my smurf Buffylol as well if you don't mind me going mid most of the time(you might get stuck with support nonstop)


Bronze Squire
So....2 teams never win a game....interesting, not sure how I feel about that. Before somebody says GG.EU beat TSM, it was clear TSM were trolling...


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So....2 teams never win a game....interesting, not sure how I feel about that. Before somebody says GG.EU beat TSM, it was clear TSM were trolling...
Kind of expected considering those 2 teams don't compete in a competitive league. At least it gives other regions a chance to try, though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I like the fact that it gives other regions a chance and let's people see how they stand up. Last year with TPA nobody really gave them a chance because they figured a Korean team would win it all, instead they pretty much stomped on every other team. It is pretty sad though that teams like EG, CLG or other korean teams like KT or CJ didn't make it because they would have definitely put up more of a fight. Both Mineski and GG had great attitudes though and hopefully stay together and keep on working hard.


A Man Chooses....
Yay silver 1. Won 7 out of 8 to get there so hopefully I can get through Silver 1 and get to gold pretty quickly.


Still being sub 30 is fun. I get all sorts of fucked up comps.
Sometimes I wish there were an "I don't give a fuck" queue so that I can play whatever, wherever. Anytime I do this in normals, I get some tryhard asshole who bitches at me for violating the sanctity of normal queue.


A Man Chooses....
Sometimes I wish there were an "I don't give a fuck" queue so that I can play whatever, wherever. Anytime I do this in normals, I get some tryhard asshole who bitches at me for violating the sanctity of normal queue.
People complain in normals? Normals are for testing shit and goofing around, that's why they're normal and wins and losses don't mean anything.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I want to punch dolphins as I feel like I'll never ever get out of Bronze 1. It's highly annoying because normally I play at very high levels (rank 1 /gladiator in wow, top ~100 eu ladder in War3 etc) and it's annoying sitting with downies who can't grasp the simplest of teamwork or strategy. EVERYONE dives all the time and starts yelling. I dunno, I'm just trying to find my golden ticket that can carry games because right now, it feels like 2 out of 3 games I get teammates that are actively trying to hurt the team.

Like last night, I was first pick and called ADC so after the banphase I locked in and went to do my dishes. Came back and suddenly we had the following:
Ashe (me)
Wukong (top)
Taric (sup)
Ezreal (you would think he would go mid... nope. He wants adc as well)
Blitzcrank (mid)

The game after that our lastpick refused to pick a support so he took Mordekaiser instead and we ended up having the game lost at about 7 minutes in. That's where I called it a night and played two unranked games instead, fuck people and having to play with them. It feels like at this rating they don't give a shit either, if they have an uphill battle in the first 5 minutes they might just go afk or alt-f4 away. BLERGH

Sorry for the rant, I'm trying my best to get to gold or higher before the season ends but my friends rarely want to play in our 5s team (which went quite good, silver 2 after the placement matches is aight in my books)


2 Minutes Hate
People complain in normals? Normals are for testing shit and goofing around, that's why they're normal and wins and losses don't mean anything.
I don't get upset with losses in Normals. They are essentially like lanephase practice. I get angry for a few reasons:

1) Game is pretty much done at 10 minutes, but no one will surrender at 20, so the game takes 45 minutes.
2) If I'm playing mid, and bottom feeds 10 kills in record time and I can't even get through a laning phase before I'm getting 3v1'd mid lane when bot roams 9 minutes in.
3) I want to practice Top lane, yet we get a guy insisting to do a duo top lane when top and jungle are already called.
4) We're winning in kills, objectives but players refuse to push or close out a game because they want to "farm creeps" more. So instead of making it a 28 minute game, it turns into a 55 minute game.


I want to punch dolphins as I feel like I'll never ever get out of Bronze 1. It's highly annoying because normally I play at very high levels (rank 1 /gladiator in wow, top ~100 eu ladder in War3 etc) and it's annoying sitting with downies who can't grasp the simplest of teamwork or strategy. EVERYONE dives all the time and starts yelling. I dunno, I'm just trying to find my golden ticket that can carry games because right now, it feels like 2 out of 3 games I get teammates that are actively trying to hurt the team.

Like last night, I was first pick and called ADC so after the banphase I locked in and went to do my dishes. Came back and suddenly we had the following:
Ashe (me)
Wukong (top)
Taric (sup)
Ezreal (you would think he would go mid... nope. He wants adc as well)
Blitzcrank (mid)

The game after that our lastpick refused to pick a support so he took Mordekaiser instead and we ended up having the game lost at about 7 minutes in. That's where I called it a night and played two unranked games instead, fuck people and having to play with them. It feels like at this rating they don't give a shit either, if they have an uphill battle in the first 5 minutes they might just go afk or alt-f4 away. BLERGH

Sorry for the rant, I'm trying my best to get to gold or higher before the season ends but my friends rarely want to play in our 5s team (which went quite good, silver 2 after the placement matches is aight in my books)
In the first game, you just have to play Ashe mid and take over the game. If your opponent was bronze 1, and you are a high level player, you should have no trouble winning that lane and coming out ready to carry the rest of the way.


Got something right about marriage
In the first game, you just have to play Ashe mid and take over the game. If your opponent was bronze 1, and you are a high level player, you should have no trouble winning that lane and coming out ready to carry the rest of the way.
Until the Blitz rages that they called mid and then starts to troll or feed.


2 Minutes Hate
I love this sale that starts tomorrow. Can finally pick up Nami just to have. The best Ori skin (and I play Ori often), and I get to mess around with Gragas.