League Of Legends


Potato del Grande
He can aoe blind/stun an entire enemy team with his E and it is a decent nuke on a quick CD and you can't really argue the merits of his W based on morons who don't know how to use it and instead just press W every time the box lights up. His turrets also give armor reduction (not sure if the armor reduc stacks on the aoe part of his turrets or not?) and the only reason to build zhonya on heimer is if you're going to try to play how you're describing with the turret zhonya nonsense.

Is he the best mage out there? Not by a long shot but if you play him to be worthless, he's going to be worthless... same with any champ out there.

Well i can't remember if i've ever played heimer but like all champions, if you can get fed his rockets actually start doing decent damage. I've seen Heimer carry games before. Problem is it's hard to get fed due to other champs trashing him during the laning phase.
Heimer mid ftw.


Tranny Chaser
Heimer has never, ever fit the game. At release he could have as many as five level three turrets and during the laning phase was playing an RTS while everyone else was playing a MOBA. He'd creep his way forward, his turrets were harder to kill, they didn't have the reduced damage against towers that they now have, they persisted through death, and his grenade could damage towers from outside their attack range. His siege was all but impossible to deal with at the time. After a couple sets of nerfs people gave up on him until they reworked his rockets to not have the random elements they had before. That gave Heimer three champion seeking rockets at rank 5 that had 1100 range.

Champion seeking nukes at 1100 range. 1100. I started playing him at this point after seeing him in action a couple times and was taking him mid but bot became the spot to have the Dinger. Imagine if Sona's harass double the range. I could push anyone out of lane that wasn't Soraka. His grenade still damaged and outranged towers. Rank 1 of his turrets let you have two level 1 turrets so I would start the game using them as permanent wards protecting mid. He was the best support champion League of Legends has ever had.

Even as crazy as it was it took forever to get into a game. He was regarded as unplayable and there was no dodge penalty so it was a gigantic pain in the ass to pick any character that was poorly regarded. Eventually he got nerfed a few more times and sat unused until his revamp. He looks now mostly like he did then with Upgrade! actually being an ultimate and rockets that prioritized closest enemy. No more did you have to put down a level 1 turret and Upgrade! it and then Upgrade! it again. If you had it at rank 5 you just shat out level 3 turrets. I didn't like this current Heimer but he would be the reason I would even start playing ranked. Once people got used to him he was just impossible to deal with. His ability to siege was ridiculous even without the rockets. You could just plop down three level 3 turrets and start throwing grenades until the enemy tower went down. If they engaged they had to deal with you turrets murdering everyone. I started playing ranked just so I could ban Ezreal (back when his Essence Flux was an AE heal, that was fun) and Heimer. He eventually lost the ability to damage towers with his grenade and can now only ever have two turrets instead of three and that was pretty much it. Dan Dinh still likes to play him and he has shown up in the finals of one tournament as part of an awesome gimmick comp. Aside from that he's been in a terrible, terrible state for over two years now. If you actually look at his stats they are pathetic. He's got less armor, less armor per level, less movement speed, and 30 less base health than Sona. His mana costs are huuuuuge. His mobility is poop. He's still got some big strengths (AE 1.5 second stun three second blind holy shit) and unique mechanics (his passive heals towers, the only way that exists in the game to do that) but he's been a problem so many times in the past that Riot devs have flat out decided they can't buff anything he's got. He's retarded on ARAM and he's a big annoying piece of shit to try and deal with bot lane on Dominion.


2 Minutes Hate
You have a few misconception about Heimer:

His E, which is his blind/stun, has a bunch of flaws. First, if it's not the slowest, it's one of the slowest projectiles in the game. Second, for the stun to go off you have to be dead accurate with it. That makes it incredibly difficult to pull off as a stun, let alone multiple people.

His Turrets do good work, especially in lane and mid game. However as the game goes on the turrets get worse as they tend to get one shot by any adc. Sometimes you can clean up because the turrets are forgotten about in a team fight. As the game goes on, they are less and less effective.

His missiles do really decent damage, ok AP scaling etc. However you can't aim them. Any minion around can screw you up with them. But it's made up by a long poke range which really helps mid/early game. Late game charging a base or playing in lane, minions can fuck your missiles up.

Heimer has some of the lowest base stats in the game including armor, hps and movement speed. He melts if anyone looks at him.

The farther away you are in a fight the harder it is to land your E, and a larger chance for minions to get in the way of your W.

Heimer is awesome against newbs or if you catch someone out in the open with your turrets out. He's better late as a splitpusher. Drop two turrents, R then wail away.


Vyemm Raider
speaking of Sona and Heim harass, I've never tried to use the ~ while casting spells. as i understand, it makes the spell target champions? Does this work w/ Sona's spells and Heim's rockets? Last few times I played support, i went Teemo and did really well. I think it works really well as long as you're not vs. a cait or Varius. and if your adc sucks balls, you can at least help dps wise.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It doesn't work like that. ~ I think is the default keybind for the "champ only" targeting, which means if you hold it while casting a TARGETED spell, it won't cast on creeps. Sona/Heimer/AE/Anything auto-targeted like that won't be modified, just as anything you can't cast on yourself is unaffected by holding the self-cast key.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
~ only works on targeted spells (fiddle fear, annie fireball, etc). Doesn't do anything for sona/heimer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Damn, Royal Club looked absolutely amazing. Fnatic are definitely going to be in for a hard time.


Who hear mains mid lane? What are your top 3 champs? I'm curious what you guys pick. From the stats I see (lolking elophant whatever) I see Zyra playing mid, but I never see her there. Is this because those sites see her as mid even when she's played as support?
Lux, Ahri, Zyra (still). I still have quite a bit of success with Zyra mid. Love her in team fights.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Twisted Fate, Syndra & Ahri are probably my three favorite mids at the moment. TF probably miles ahead of the other two though, his ultimate and card mini-game (lol) just make him waaaay too enjoyable of a champion.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I play a lot of mid, and my three favorite mid champs atm are kha'zix, tryndamere and chogath. Cho as a safe pick, kha and trynd as counters.


Twisted Fate, Syndra & Ahri are probably my three favorite mids at the moment. TF probably miles ahead of the other two though, his ultimate and card mini-game (lol) just make him waaaay too enjoyable of a champion.
Among my friends, I'm the worst TF they've ever played with. It's quite infuriating to them seeing me lock in a blue card into destiny.


Got something right about marriage
Just watched the rest of the Gama Bears vs SKT quarters

That second game was just embarrassing. SKT is an amazing team for sure but the Gama Bears looked like a platinum level team. Maple couldn't land a charm to save his life. And even the few times he did he missed his orb after it. The casters for pretending a 14k gold lead at 20 minutes wasn't insurmountable was hysterical though. But seriously Faker is amazing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, just sucks that that is the only series we get to see from them. They had some interesting picks and their team fighting was pretty solid, just they were pretty much all getting owned in their lanes except bot lane. For all we know they were just shaky because it's their first series. I mean, if we just looked at Fnatic on their first day they looked like trash. Lost to Vulcun, then they did beat Mineski but it wasn't anything impressive, yet afterwards they started to dominate.

Hopefully they do change it up so all teams have multiple games/series to see who moves on because yeah only seeing 2 games of Gama vs SKT and now we'll never hear from Gama again most likely is just kinda bleh.


Tranny Chaser
Some form of double elimination I think would be the way to go. That way we get to see teams get more than one shot and it allows for someone to come out of losers and win the whole thing. It's good for drama.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The odd thing is that most of the other tournaments have a losers bracket, no idea why they don't with LCS. I sure as shit want to see C9/Gama more than the 16 games we saw of GG/Msk.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have super teemo, got it when it went on sale like a year ago. It's a good skin but Cottontail and Astronaut Teemo are muuuuch better (imo) Cottontail being the best. Fucking teemo with bunny ears laying eggs everywhere...fuuuuuuuuuuuu.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I would much rather watch double elimination best of 3 in the quarter finals or beyond than the nearly pointless group stage we had instead.