League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
I agree, they have taken their sweet time for the next patch that is to shake things up. That being said though, I don't know if you have seen the amount of content on the PBE currently but holy shit when this releases if it has half of that we might be in for some fun.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Next patch will likely have a ton of changes to prep for season 4. It's a shame we won't see a patch 3.14. Next patch will either be 3.13 or 4.01. I just assume they will wait till S3 is over until the next patch, they'll probably give out the S3 rewards during it, too.

Riot doing Season 4 test with pros:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...count=1&ref=nf

Edit: Signups for the PBE server are open, it's unlike the past where you can just sign up and you're in, now they will approve candidates. In the past signups were only ever open once a year but maybe under this new system they will keep the applications open? Probably best to submit an app just in case they close again for a year.Public Beta Environment


Avatar of War Slayer
My main is Nasus in the jungle. Not sure why people like him top so much given that Nasus has excellent objective control and strong ganks. Plus I feel like Jax, Renekton, Shen, etc. are stronger picks top lane anyway.
if nasus is ganking, he isn't farming.

Nasus and cho both had this thing where they just sit in lane and ignore the other guy, and farm farm farm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, Nasus should be ganking 24/7.

"Hey Bot lane, I'm coming to gank."
Proceed to run through wards that you know are there
"Shit, it's warded, push to tower!"
Spirit Fire the wave to clear it
Gank Successful!

It's the absolute most fun way to play Nasus, especially since you can throw SF down and just walk away since it stays on the ground for 5 seconds. Boy does it piss laners off sometimes, but then I get 6 earlier, grab a pink faster and get dragon earlier and suddenly they don't seem to care.


Golden Squire
I am also confused, why does jungle Nasus need to be farming unlike other junglers anyway? To get his Q up? Jungle Nasus' strength is not his Q, but it is a nice bonus


2 Minutes Hate
I've been practicing Kassadin lately and I haven't gotten his item progression/flow correctly yet. I know Kass should be going tear/catalyst as your first item, but either my CS is low pre-6 or I'm not getting any jungle help mid, but I seem to be getting that first item late and I start dropping down in damage.

If anyone is decent with him, how is your item flow vs. game time? I'm curious to see how I'm on target.


Molten Core Raider
Just by the nature of Kass's kit there isn't much you can do about having crappy CS pre-6 farm. CS as much as you can without dying and if you get completely zoned out consider getting some gp5. Also, get R at level 6 but maxing Q over R at level 11 helps your midgame damage alot, which is Kass's time to shine.


Don't be scared to last hit with your orb if you are having trouble in lane. You don't always have to harass with it or go for kills.


Obvious advise, but took me many games to apply. If you get harassed trying to CS and you have your main ability available, generally you don't want to back out until you've thrown something back to trade. Also when your opponent uses his ability to CS, you should feel safe and be a little more aggressive for several seconds. It could allow you to free harass or zone him out of CS/xp.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also with Kass you don't have to go catalyst. I know many of the Korean Kassadin players will go Tear into Hourglass which gives you a faster spike of AP as well as the active. Which imo is quite smart since everybody is playing Assassins now a day.


Molten Core Raider
Preview of Season 4 changes

A new jungle is inbound - including new items for carry-style junglers, better rewards/gold flow, and a new fourth monster camp that will provide new clear routes and strategies while opening up the jungle role to more champions. Solcrushed will give you the skinny here.

Support gold is going to be heavily adjusted to put more money in the pockets of duo-lane supports; we'll also be introducing new items (and refining old ones) to put that gold to good use. Along with this, we're making changes to help core support champions scale their utility instead of their damage to reinforce their unique identity. To discuss this change we've collected all 13 demonstones to summon Xelnath, who will likely destroy us all.
This is going to change the game alot I think. Looking forward to it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It needs it. Playing support and 2nd support (jungle) sucks kind of a lot right now with your pittance of a gold income and 75% of it going towards wards.


Molten Core Raider
I mained Poppy in top lane during season 2 and was pretty successful thanks to Zekent's guide. I think I am going to spend the next few weeks doing it again because I want to test manamune on her. Poppy's main problems during laning are

1. CSing with her is very difficult unless you spam your Q and/or E, and;

2. She has serious mana issues because she has among the highest mana costs for a bruiser AND the smallest mana pool. This makes it very hard to use her kit to do more than one thing, whether it is trading with Q, escaping ganks with W and E, and/or last-hitting under tower with Q.

I was thinking about trying muramana on Poppy because

A. Solves mana issues.

B. The unique toggle damage seems to fit perfectly with her Q and E. Also, I think the toggle procs twice on her E if you are able to land the stun. This would ne a HUGE boost to Poppy's late game burst damage and overall damage.

I just need to get a feel for how build orders work in various laning scenarios. The idea is to get tear early to start building stacks. So it would something like tear -> sheen -> manamune -> trinity or tear -> sheen-> trinity -> manamune.

Thoughts? Anyone ever try this? I'll try to post updates on my experience.


Molten Core Raider
Lol, poppy. I may have seen her once or twice in 500 games of ranked. It's sad how much dust some older champs have gathered. It makes me worried about Sion. Last remake I heard about him is they're turning him into a bruiser and I`d rather just see him as an easy to play AP.