League Of Legends


<Gold Donor>
Been playing pretty hardcore for 2.5 weeks (I think I am level 24) and I am terrible. My record is close to .500 something like 67-74 anyway this game is frustrating as fuck, I am not used to putting this much time into anything (especially a video game) and being this bad. I guess that is why I feel so addicted though, I really want to get better. I would say I am probably at my best in the jungle with Rammus.

I feel that in the jungle I don't hurt my team by feeding a lane and at lvl 3 I can usually help gank mid. Also Rammus is totally my play style being so tanky. Oh I should mention, I play a lot against 30s because my friends are all 30 and we play 5s. Always fun when they have me top or mid and I go against a gold 30. Is this the sort of thing where I should just keep beating my head against the wall and play with/against the 30s or should I make another account player people around my skill level?
Generally speaking, you aren't considered experience with the game, much less good, until you've got 300ish wins under your belt. Of course if you are a mechanics freak or have a ton of DoTA/HoN high level experience that cuts down the learning curve dramatically.


Is this the sort of thing where I should just keep beating my head against the wall and play with/against the 30s or should I make another account player people around my skill level?
No baby steps. Play against people that know what they are doing and learn from them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Been playing pretty hardcore for 2.5 weeks (I think I am level 24) and I am terrible. My record is close to .500 something like 67-74 anyway this game is frustrating as fuck, I am not used to putting this much time into anything (especially a video game) and being this bad. I guess that is why I feel so addicted though, I really want to get better. I would say I am probably at my best in the jungle with Rammus.
Honestly, a near 1:1 record isn't really that bad. I'm Platinum ranked with 101-85, so not a big disparity. In theory, you should be near a 1:1 record as the matchmaking puts you against people above or around your skill level.

Oh I should mention, I play a lot against 30s because my friends are all 30 and we play 5s. Always fun when they have me top or mid and I go against a gold 30. Is this the sort of thing where I should just keep beating my head against the wall and play with/against the 30s or should I make another account player people around my skill level?
I've had a few friends just start playing recently, and when we play together they're usually against 30's in lane. Sometimes they do okay, and sometimes they do terrible. But what I have noticed is that when they play games without us (against people their own level), they usually absolutely destroy them. To me, this shows that it is better to play against higher levels, even if you don't always do well.
Keep playing with your level thirty friends. Getting matched against people better then you is the fastest way to get better. Like Teekey said, when you queue solo you'll start stomping people if you try and learn from the hard games.


<Gold Donor>
I feel so much better after you said the 300 win thing, I am probably right where I need to be skill wise then.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Well Season 3 is a wrap for me. Just finished my 2500th ranked season 3 game, it was a loss after going on a 4 game win streak. Wish I could have ended it with a bang but oh well! I have the shittiest record at 1254 Wins, 1246 losses... a mere 8 games over .500. I was hoping to end at 10 games over but that last loss fucked me. I fed hard too which makes it worse. Oh well!

I achieved my goal this season: ended in Gold.

I started this game during Season 2 and hovered around 800-1200 Elo. I started Season 3 in Silver I and I managed to stay in Silver for nearly 1600 ranked games. I thought I would never see Gold. My peak was Gold I with 40 games over .500. I started to feel invincible and all of a sudden a switch flipped and I started losing a bunch, then demotion after demotion until I was at Gold V. Either I had a really good "lucky" streak to get to Gold I or I just started playing like shit again. I was ~20 wins over .500 just a couple days ago but after losing my promo for the 3rd time to get back to Gold 2 I started thinking platinum wasn't possible anymore with the time alotted and started playing some random champs/builds I always wanted to try.

I get a lot of flak about my 2500 games. It's kinda funny actually considering I probably do more in my personal life than most of the "kids" commenting about my number of games. I don't consider people on this message board in the same league as the LoL-kiddies btw, this board is generally an older audience, and more mature, people here have seen the MMO addicts and aren't as shocked with such things. I do play this game a lot, it is the ONLY video game I play. I don't feel like I have to justify my time but heck, I kinda want to at least once, so I will. Forgive me if I use this space to unnecessarily justify my playing habits.

I work a 50 hour week in addition to running a small business, married, house, dog, and running my 3rd marathon next Sunday. I squeeze in LoL between all the work/running and somehow accrued 2500 games. I figure it equates to about ~52 days played (using 30 minutes as an average game time). 2 months of playtime over the past year have been dedicated to this game - it is definitely a lot, but the time somehow flew. I tend to get 2 days a week where my wife's pulling a double and works ~14 hours straight and I'll typically play LoL the entire time assuming I'm not working.

My desire for Season 4 is to cut back a bit. I am going to start the Season very try-hard mode and see if I can make another run up to Gold I and perhaps to Platinum. Honestly Gold was my primary goal and I told myself I'd play this game until I got it, so I did, I still played a shitload more because somehow I got to Gold I and thought Plat was within reach. I really don't have as strong a desire to obtain Plat and if I find myself 100s-1000s of games into the Season and still floundering around Silver-Gold level I'll probably go super-casual mode. Basically I feel like Season 3 was a year for LoL and now it's almost time to move on. I do enjoy the game and without another "addiciton" to migrate to I feel like I'll be playing this game for a while longer, but I am going to cut back at the least and spend more time expanding my business and leveling up IRL. Kids may be soon and then it'll all be over anyway... until their old enough for me to teach them to play games at least.

If anyone around my rating wants to duo Season 4 placements, let me know. As far as I understand it ranked actually won't be reset until some later date. I'll probably take a nice break and play casually until ranked means something again.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
2500 games, jesus fuck how do you have the patience for it man. I've got like ~200 ranked games in this season and that was about all I could handle.


<Gold Donor>
LAWL, not often you see your Jungle Rammus lead in kills and gold. It was a 1st for me.


Also, I was wrong on my games played (but close) earlier as you can see in the pic and lastly Support Kennen FTW!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Look at Oblio shit talking already. "Skarner, you suck, why didn't you jungle, fucking noob, L2P!"

Honestly though it is quite rare for the jungler to have the most kills/gold. Sometimes you can get lucky if you play a carry jungle and snowball hard enough but yeah, for the most part Mid/ADC just get too much farm for you to keep up.

Should try Nasus in the jungle if you prefer tanky junglers. Nasus is pretty much the most overpowered champion in the game right now imo, especially in yoloqueue.


<Gold Donor>
I was not shit talking, I was wondering why he didn't jungle. He was totally in-effective duoing top with Pantheon, SHen just shut them both down on kills and he didn't give up a turret either. No jungle lost them the game IMO.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was not shit talking, I was wondering why he didn't jungle. He was totally in-effective duoing top with Pantheon, SHen just shut them both down on kills and he didn't give up a turret either. No jungle lost them the game IMO.
I was being sarcastic bro!


Potato del Grande
Finished the season with 342 wins 308 losses. Sadly I couldn't push out Gold, got a loss in my last game Sunday night and then started with 4 losses out of 5 games on Monday morning.

Hopefully with me knowing all the heroes again (instead of coming in never having seen 20+ of the popular champions) i'll be able to get in to Gold or Platinum fairly quickly next season and possibly push for Diamond as next season goes on.
Grats on getting out of bronze though! Rewards have hit, the skin looks pretty badass, so does the ward skin. Plat icon/border pretty underwhelming haha. Oh well, accomplished my goal for this season and then some. Started in bronze and ended up plat 3. Not too shabby.


2 Minutes Hate
Looking forward to ranked is s4. How does preseason work in reality? Riot mentioned something about using preseason ranked for placement. How does it all shake out? Especially with the league system changes.
No clue how they are going to do it this year. In S2 start they let you play ranked pre season and it didn't seem to be any different from the regular season. Except they fucked up and didn't give people their placement matches so anyone who started early was only getting 12-18 elo a win. In S3 you had your placements in pre season just like if you were a new account hitting thirty. The slight difference is that you didn't start from the fresh to ranked lp/mmr point. Riot took what your end of S2 MMR was and somehow came out with what your pre placement mmr was. They never said what formula they used but high plat/low diamond players would be starting at like gold 1-plat3 level. So you dropped a bit but could quickly get it back if you played well. Regardless your pre-season ranking carries over to the actual season.

edit: My advice unless you are confident in your skill level is to give ranked a couple days to a week to shake out. That way you avoid playing people way above your skill level who had a bad start, or people way below your skill level who got some lucky carry. The first week to two weeks of ranked pre season has always been a nightmare.


Tranny Chaser
Riot said they weren't doing a soft reset this season but they've got a bunch of other S4 changes planned for the system so I don't really know what it's all going to end up looking like.


<Gold Donor>
Thoughts on the champ for sale this week?

Renekton, Volibear & Olaf

They all look worth it to me, as I prefer the Tanky Jungle/Support/Top.