League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
The armor shred is a not insignificant nerf to his early game considering how much armor it was removing (way too much). Most of his damage ends up as magic anyway, so won't affect his mid-late game hardly at all. They may nerf the ratio on his W damage from 0.3 to 0.2 but that nerf was on then off before the PBE kerfuffle with everything breaking so no idea if that's intended or not still.


2 Minutes Hate
Been playing a lot of Taric/Riven/Nasus/Mundo top lately. However with games going longer now, I thought, I should play some Poppy. Is it wrong I played nothing but Poppy last night and had a lot of lulzy fun?

It's so good.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Riot released their API to the masses today. Any other code ninjas around who want to dick with it a bit over the Winter holiday? I'm configuring it now so I can play with it at work whenever I don't feel like coding what I am supposed to be.


Tranny Chaser
I'm sure I'll hate everything that comes out of it. Being looked up during champ select and told what to play based on my history by some retard Gold 4 already angers up my blood something fierce. Anything else along those lines and its going to be fisticuffs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wards placed and Total CC dealt should totally be in the post-game summary. I don't even know why they aren't if they're already in the freaking data. I like knowing that stuff for myself


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just give people a smiley face if they tell me to play a certain role.

"Go play Vi because you have an 80% win ratio with her."
lock in Sejuani because it sounds fun.

Or I absolutely love when I'm first pick and I get someone who is like "I have a 90% win ratio with Riven, don't ban her! I carry hard!" so I just first ban riven and give them the smiley face in chat lol.


Tranny Chaser
I was 4th pick in a game a few nights ago and the guy who was 5th wouldn't shut up.

"Can you play Fiddle support? Can you support Fiddle? Can you jungle Fiddle? Support Fiddle."

He had looked me up and was trying to pick my champion for me based on my history. Then he picked support Mundo because it counters Taric. I'd rather be called a fucksuck and emailed pictures of dicks and get reported by 9 players than deal with that kind of shit. It drives me absolutely up the wall. I don't care who is rated what. Don't tell me. I don't care that bot lane is a duo. I don't care what you think I should play. Play your own fucking game.

So I picked Shaco into Evelyn and fought her for every single camp until she quit the game. There.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I still think I play a different game than you guys. I've never had someone refer to winrates in ranked or normals. I got called out on being Silver I ONCE in my gold promos by some Plat 3 guy I think. But even then he was just confused, wasn't hating on me and we won anyway.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Apparently I gave you a hard on for Shaco, Arbitrary. Go play Twisted Fate now, he's just as fun. I swear if it wasn't for those two champions I would be getting a little bored of the game, but then I play either of those two and just have a damn blast and my interest in League is back on.


Tranny Chaser
Apparently I gave you a hard on for Shaco, Arbitrary. Go play Twisted Fate now, he's just as fun. I swear if it wasn't for those two champions I would be getting a little bored of the game, but then I play either of those two and just have a damn blast and my interest in League is back on.
I was flown to California for a job interview with Riot Games on their job over a bug video I did for Shaco a few years ago. I've always had that boner.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was flown to California for a job interview with Riot Games on their job over a bug video I did for Shaco a few years ago. I've always had that boner.
Interesting. Which bug was that? I need to find me a bug or two and get a job interview with Riot, that'd be awesome lol. Although living in Cali would blow ass imo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
But you don't know who you're playing against until the game starts.
I could be wrong here but I don't think there is anyCurrent Gamedata in this API.

The stuff you can get currently is for:

Recent Games (Last 10 completed games)
Ranked Stats (3v3 and 5v5)
Summoner data (Runes/Masteries/ID#/Name)
Teams (What teams a summoner ID belongs to and team stats)

So far nothing that gives current game data, which also means no data regarding the average MMR of a team which was a hot topic not long ago here.


Tranny Chaser
Interesting. Which bug was that? I need to find me a bug or two and get a job interview with Riot, that'd be awesome lol. Although living in Cali would blow ass imo.
It was the most negative experience I have ever had during the hiring process in my life.



Molten Core Raider
Been playing a lot of Taric/Riven/Nasus/Mundo top lately. However with games going longer now, I thought, I should play some Poppy. Is it wrong I played nothing but Poppy last night and had a lot of lulzy fun?

It's so good.
Not at all! I looooooove Poppy. I need to main her again. Check out Opened's stream on twitch if you haven't already. He's a diamond 1 that only plays Poppy. Usually in top lane, sometimes as a jungle and sometimes as support.


<Gold Donor>
You know what is funny to me about LOL, is that even though I am a novice and pretty bad, there are people way way worse than me. It cracks me up when I just dominate a lane, especially when it is against someone with 1000 normal wins or so.

How can people be that bad at something they spend that much time doing?


Molten Core Raider
Any Lucian players wanna give me advice on a 6 item build? I've been rolling with this lately and it seems to work pretty well. I am wondering if I should switch out the BC or the boots for something like IE or Zephyr. Generally I don't feel like a dedicated defensive item is necessary since this build has the ghostblade clickie, two hp items, and 35% cdr (which makes my E available every 6 seconds).

Sona started off with like 4 kills and bought a Zekes herald so with her auras and red elixir I was team fighting with 444 ad. I chunked a 4k hp stray Cho'gath to about 10% of his hp with a full ghostblade clickie + The Culling.
