League Of Legends


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm talking about Morello when he explainedwhy they won't buff poppy. The justification was her abilities are so strong on their own that if she ever became viable they would nerf her immediately.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Lucian was considered weak until people saw pros playing him, now he's considered OP.
Actually Lucian was never really considered weak he was just mainly ignored by most of SoloQ since there wasn't footage of him in the LCS. He has gained in popularity because pros can use him now. Nothing really earth-shattering happened to make Lucian OP, he's been mostly the same, in fact he's been getting hit with nerfs recently. I actually predicted a while ago in this thread that we would be seeing Lucian in the LCS.

There's a difference between being considered weak and champions that are simply ignored. Pick a weak champ and you get flamed and your team expects you to feed and lose them the game. Pick an ignored champ and most SoloQ players have no idea what to even expect lol. I'm going through the "get flamed" stage right now with Yasuo. I'll keep picking him simply because it's so damn hilarious. Sometimes I feed, sometimes I carry, in the end it's not much different then playing any other champion, but the games I feed are particularly entertaining. Apparently it's always the Yasuo pick that lost the game
Lucian has always been viable if not OP, I knew this way before the pros even started showcasing him.

Anyway, with regard to bans: I have no idea why you are all bent out of shape about the bans. There are plenty of reasons to ban champions and most of the times it IS strategic, even in SoloQ. There is a reason the bans are very common from game-to-game. Im sure the game would be mostly fine without bans at all, but taking away the feature would serve no purpose. It hurts more to not have it then to have it. Your premise is that SoloQ has no strategy involved which is patently false. Maybe the team isn't as cohesive but there are still strategies if only on an individual level. Personally my bans are normally: Amumu/Blitz/Kassadin/Thresh. I've had so many games lost due to these champs. Amumu ult is always relevent and wins team fights. I can dodge 99% of blitz hooks but it's always that 1 hook of 100 that loses the game. Kassadin roaming/riftwalking/silence is just aggravating to deal with. Thresh isn't as bad as Blitz but I hate how much CC he puts down in team fights, I normally play assassin characters, 90% slow from the Box or getting flayed or hooked is annoying as fuck. I don't ban Eve because I normally play her if unbanned or I will play a champion that dumpsters her. I don't ban Nasus because I like games to end before 35minutes and usually I play assassins that can blow him up early game.

My bans are strategic to MY playstyle but I also ban these champions because they have a very large impact on team fights. They offer the most bang for the buck. Sometimes I might ban Lucian or Vayne or whatever fotm ADC there is but that's being selfish of me as it is normally only when I intend to ADC and don't want to deal with a particular ADC in lane. Strategically I want to ban the champions that affect team fights as well as my personal play.


Molten Core Raider
I'm talking about Morello when he explained why they won't buff poppy. The justification was her abilities are so strong on their own that if she ever became viable they would nerf her immediately.
Not buffing Poppy is pretty different than Riot intentionally nerfing her, but I guess I get your point. Poppy's kit is strong but she is balanced by her being absolutely awful at getting farmed during lane phase and by her not being a good jungler. The result is that she is very binary: you either lose hard or win hard with her and this correlates almost directly to whether or not she gets to be even or ahead on farm during laning, NOT because her damage was too high (in fact, the majority of her OP'ness is her DEFENSIVE capability. The most glaring example is her passive, but she also has one of the highest base armor stats in the game, WITHOUT the extra 30 armor she gets from her W). Riot's current attitude toward her is admit that her kit is OP but to leave her alone until she gets reworked unless her win rate starts to spike.

But I sorta agree with you about the picks/bans in soloq vs pro tourneys. For example, a pro team might ban a champ because the enemy mid has an absurdly high win rate with it, or if a team picked Shen, Nocturne might be picked/banned for his ability to counter. Soloq is all about banning champs that, although they are easy to beat via counterplay, you're afraid that your desk licking teammate has no idea how to play against. So if I'm not confident that my random soloq team is going to be bothered to buy pink wards or use the sweeper trinket upgrade, I am going to ban Eve pretty much every game. Another thing that soloq team captains do is ban champs that hard counter their desired pick, so if they are first pick and want to play Nasus, they will often very selfishly ban Teemo and Riven to make their own lane easier and LOLGOODLUCKGG to their team mates who now have to deal with a roaming Kassadin and Thresh lantern ganks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Don't know why but lately I've been quite addicted to Fiddle in the jungle. With Spectral Wraith you don't really need blue buff and you can keep your mana up. The only tough part is if they counter jungle you early and you get set behind because god damn his early level clear speed is sooooooo bad. It is awesome once you get 6 though because Ult + Flash is a lot of distance gained that you can do some pretty neat gank paths. Plus Fear & Silence to help even more...sooo good. Even though fiddle just got his fear nerfed, it's still a 2.5sec CC plus his silence...so good.

I go Spectral wraith > sorc shoes > zhoynas > void (or dcap if you're fed). Also get the distortion enchant on your boots asap (reduction in summoner spells, faster flash!) 21/0/9 for masteries (reduction in summoner spells again and buff duration increase).

As for Runes, Mpen reds, mp/5 yellows, ap/lvl blues & ap quints. I usually go Blue > New Wraith > Red, also start with the warding trinket instead of sweeping so I can ward bush by my red before I start it to see if they are coming to gank. On my first back I usually drop that for the sweeper trinket. Nothing is better than having the enemy team chasing your team and then suddenly from the bushes at the side.......CAWCACWACCACAWCAWAWCACWACACWACCWCAW. Fucking love it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Further Rengar nerfs on pbe. Can they just disable him or something already? This is getting ridiculous.
Pretty much have to. Rengar's kit is innately too good so either he has dumpster tier numbers if they gut him or OP numbers. Its like trying to balance vlad or poppy. They can't do it with the way the character functions. The current warding environment just enhances the problem for him because you literally cannot stop him from roaming with pink wards like you could in the past. Rengar hits six, ganks mid or jung with ult, gg top. Rinse and repeat.


So fucking sick of this new matchmaking. Its like now I am paired with the biggest trolls of plat. I dropped from plat2 to plat4 because of people that want to run stupid fucking shit. I wish I could slash peoples throats through the goddamn internet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So fucking sick of this new matchmaking. Its like now I am paired with the biggest trolls of plat. I dropped from plat2 to plat4 because of people that want to run stupid fucking shit. I wish I could slash peoples throats through the goddamn internet.
O.O Shit man, it's just ladder rankings. Should try out some of the other maps if it's making you that upset.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm not even playing ranked right now, doesn't seem much point with the reset a few weeks out. Just go dick around in normals and play whatever you want. Rengar support is tearing it up in blind pick so far.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was watching the challenger finals tonight and they had Rengar banned. The caster said you could triple Q via a bug.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Player Percentages
Percentage of Challenger Players 0.00627%
Percentage of Diamond Players 2.18466%

Not too shabby.


Potato del Grande
I like how even in diamond 2 people are calling each other bads. What tier must you achieve where you are no longer bad? You know the one where you are actually good but the other team just did a little bit better or had a better composition.


Vyemm Raider
Lol you shoulda seen the next game. Played vs him again and won and he went ape shit in chat. It was a really even game too but ragers will be ragers.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I was watching the challenger finals tonight and they had Rengar banned. The caster said you could triple Q via a bug.
It's just the way Rengar works. I don't know why he's existed for like, a year, with no one knowing about this, but in the last week apparently someone who mattered finally bothered to learn him and now he's banned everywhere. His Q has been a mess since his release and you can spam out 3 of them without ult if you time it right, 4 with an ult and some luck.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So I think I found my preferred Yasuo item build.

Doran Blade(1 or 2 early) --> Stattik Shiv --> IE --> Merc Treads --> LW --> BotRK --> GA

Runes/Masteries I'm still tweaking with. I am currently using the setup that Tortfeasor posted:
9/21 masteries and a weird rune setup:

1 crit chance Quint (rest are life steal)
1 crit chance Seal (rest are flat armor)
3 crit chance Marks (rest are attack speed)
Last night I was carrying a game so damn hard but ended up losing due to a DC. (2nd time losing from DCs with Yasuo in past 2 days. It's ruining my stats! I would have over 50% win rate if not for that).

I decided to browse some streams and ended up watching Vman7 play Yasuo. He was using the same exact items and was carrying all of his games. Definitely affirms that the build works if Diamond 1 players can succeed with it. However, I think Vman is going 21/9/0 with Runes. For now I'm sticking with the 9/21/0.