League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
The Shyvanna hype I find completely mystifying. I can't think of a Shyvanna I have ever seen in a game since her release that made me think she was overpowered.

Hopefully I'll have ban spots open for Vi and/or Elise now.


Golden Squire
Truth be told I don't think the nerfs to Shyvana are *that* bad, but I've always played her in the jungle.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Riven nerfs were token to get her out of the limelight. Nerfing Shyv/Nasus/Rengar just means toplane is going to be nothing but Mundo/Renekton now. Annie having permanent Tibbers is pretty lol-worthy.

Pretty salty about them dumpstering Rengar. Can't they just say something like, hey this champ is fucked, we're disabling him until the rework, have a refund for now if you want it? This nerf them in to an unplayable state then leave them there for months is such bullshit.


Tranny Chaser
I didn't really like it when I found out that they "deliberately undertune champions" with revamps coming. I always secretly knew that was the case but having actual dev posts about it? Do not like. Evelyn sat in an unplayable state for 8 months. Eight. Rengar has had a rework coming forever and now he's been completely trash canned to flat out make people stop playing him until the rework.

The part of this patch that pisses me off personally is the "we like the healing passive on Spectral Wraith" and then nerfing Spectral Wraith's passive and stats. Losing 4% refunded mana, 14 health regen, and 7 mana regen in exchange for 30 AP after 15 fucking camps isn't worth it.


Tranny Chaser
DanielZKlein comments on - Xelnath

if Xerath were to become more popular to the point where we'd see this 100-0 a squishie from fog of war pattern more often, we'd need to give him the Olaf treatment--purposefully undertune him to where he's barely viableuntil his remake is ready.
"Barely viable" in Olaf's case put him at the lowest win rate in the game. Evelyn's "barely viable" put her at "if you pick this champion expect to get reported" tier. This is exactly what they did to Rengar. He's going to be borderline unplayable for an unknown period of time before his revamp. If they are going to do something like that they should just refund the champ for everyone along with the nerfs so people can decide if they want to pick them back up.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm pretty goddamn salty right now. Nothing like your favorite/most played character getting the literal bench while the rework is coming "soon". You know, the rework that last we saw of it has bola as a skillshot, damage reduced on Q in favor of attack speed, and his ult not granting stealth. Sure am looking forward to that


Potato del Grande
DanielZKlein comments on - Xelnath

"Barely viable" in Olaf's case put him at the lowest win rate in the game. Evelyn's "barely viable" put her at "if you pick this champion expect to get reported" tier. This is exactly what they did to Rengar. He's going to be borderline unplayable for an unknown period of time before his revamp. If they are going to do something like that they should just refund the champ for everyone along with the nerfs so people can decide if they want to pick them back up.
They need to leave him alone


Tranny Chaser
Xerath is in a weird spot. He's amazing but no one plays him. If he were heavily played he would have to be nerfed. Thus the rework.

edit - new Flash icon is an improvement over the old one


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just hit the Print Screen key and paste the image into Microsoft Paint. No idea what Win+PrntScrn would do.


Trump's Staff
Just hit the Print Screen key and paste the image into Microsoft Paint. No idea what Win+PrntScrn would do.
In Win8 it saves the SS as a png, which is useful when you are doing several in a row. For just one it is probably easier to use the clipboard like you said.


Potato del Grande
Xerath is in a weird spot. He's amazing but no one plays him. If he were heavily played he would have to be nerfed. Thus the rework.

edit - new Flash icon is an improvement over the old one
Some people have a hard time aiming no matter how good they are especially with Xerath, purple side, camera unlocked running through jungle with team. A few years of Quake live will make everything slow down. If I could just flash while W I would never play another champion


Tranny Chaser
What I've always thought held him back was the lack of a sound effect when you hit something with your Q. That lack of feedback makes him feel weird to play. Sorta like how Ziggs was held back by his Q as well.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I suppose the item nerfs will make Mundo a less desirable pick. I had to face Mundo last night and picked Nunu into him. He definitely could NOT go where he pleased
I still love my Nunu, I'm 4-0 in the past week or so with him. 3x jungle and this was 1st time going top with him. I love picking Nunu into tanky tops like Nasus/Mundo/etc. I can perma slow them, tank against them, better sustain, and they don't have cc that interrupts my ult. I usually jungle Nunu if I see a mundo/nasus but last night I was last pick and only top was available. Laning Nunu hurts his passive a little bit but whatever. I got first blood on Mundo. Anytime he overextended I would just keep him perma-slowed and let my team kill him. Also the fact I was top lane nunu allowed us to do an 18 minute Baron and then a 26 minute baron... 2 barons before 30 mins. Easy game.