League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
I'm having trouble playing 2-3 games a week let alone in a day.
I'm still two games into my promo series because my mechanics are shit right now because I can go 3-4 days without getting a chance to play. Last night was the first time I was able to fire off 3 normals in a row and my CS was terrrrrrrrrrible. I did manage to have a very very good Yasuo game but I still sucked.

Because of this, my pool of champs is piss poor now. If I were to get top lane, I wouldn't even know who to play outside Mundo or Yasuo without going into something like Renekton very cold.

Why is Fiora getting a lot of play now by the way? And fucking Morgana. I hate Morgana.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm having trouble playing 2-3 games a week let alone in a day.
You have a baby to attend to! It's understandable

I usually play 2-3 games from about 9pm EST --> 11pm EST.
Wife heads to bed so I get to play. Sometimes I go psycho and stay up till midnight or 1AM and only get 5-6 hours sleep lol.
I've noticed you've been stuck at 2 games played in ranked for a while now but yea, you want to make sure you are sharp before playing the rest.
I went 3-7 and got stuck in Silver III for like 50 games. Something *clicked* though and now I'm finally moving back up. Those placement games are a bitch. I wish I could redo them now that Im actually playing halfway decent with a better mindset etc.

edit: Oh and when I said "my best top champs" I simply meant the ones I have a good win rate with, not that I play them all top lane. Sorry if that was confusing! I edited the wording. I typically try to get mid lane actually. Oh and I actually 4th picked a support yesterday and won. (Nami ftw). I think I've lost the 2-3 times Ive played support this season previously.


2 Minutes Hate
My problem is my wife and not my kid. My kid is finally sleeping through the night most nights (She used to wake up every night around 11 so I couldn't start games when I got on). My wife used to go to bed every night at 9-10 but she's still out on maternity so she stays up later. 10pm and later used to be my time! Not any more heh.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Why is Fiora getting a lot of play now by the way? And fucking Morgana. I hate Morgana.
I rarely ever see Fiora still but I believe she is considered a decent counter for Yasuo (her riposte works on his Q)... Though I remember annihilating the 1-2 Fioras I've had the pleasure to play against as Yasuo.

Morgana is seeing a lot more play for sure and is a great counter to Diana... Morgana seems to come and go in spurts but has always been strong. Even as Yasuo she would give me fits. The binds are just too strong! I hate Morgana, always have. Im not sure why she was ever ignored, IMO she is still top-tier as a Mid or Support.


2 Minutes Hate
I only bring up Fiora because I've seen her a few times, and she's ticking up in the top 10 most played champs on lolking right now.

Nevermind, I must of been seeing things.

The Ancient_sl

Im not sure why she was ever ignored, IMO she is still top-tier as a Mid or Support.
Morgana has the tools to win any laning phase and is a huge help for teams. She's not popular in the solo queues because she isn't a great carry. You have the play with the mindset that she'll give your teammates the edge to win since she really won't win any games on her own. I still play her a lot as a support.


Tranny Chaser
With Morgana support there is this temptation to the initiation and build Zhonyas and it isn't the way to go. She's counter engage. Her peel for the ADC isridiculous.You've got Black Shield to keep the ADC moving. If someone jumps onto your ADC you can ult for a 3 second slow that isn't mitigated by Tenacity into a 1.5 second stun into a 3 second root and you've probably got Talisman and you could have built Crucible. Dark Binding is some of the longest duration CC left in the game and if you land it on someone out of position that can be the whole game right there. She's someone I'm really looking at hard as a way of dealing with Leona and Thresh.


Trakanon Raider
I only bring up Fiora because I've seen her a few times, and she's ticking up in the top 10 most played champs on lolking right now.

Nevermind, I must of been seeing things.
i wouldnt be surprised if an uptick did happen, i think nightblue has been streaming with her on occasion


Tranny Chaser
How did you spec/build your Heimer support the other day?
So yeah, Heimer is another support that I'm looking at specifically to tackle Thresh and Leona. I wish I could stick with Ziggs and Fiddle for bot lane but until the Lulus and Jannas make a return it's impossible. You can be a hellish nightmare of harass and denial, eat one hook, and lose the entire lane. The risk vs return playing harass oriented supports is out of line right now. Leona has literally the highest health regen in the game and when you throw a Doran's Shield and S4 defensive masteries on top there's just no way of actually crippling her anymore. She's going to walk back and forth for 30 seconds and be right back on you.

With Heimer you've got his +10 health regen passive (Heimer's base regen is 0 + .6 per level) for allies and turrets so that's pretty decent bonus sustain for your ADC. Rockets are a trap. Empowered Rockets are a trap. At the start of the game if you get somewhere fast you can set up 3 turrets before a buff spawns. You can get cute with all kinds of prep locations or just give your jungler the literal best leash in the game. Turrets only cost 20 mana at all five ranks now and even with their frailty are Heimer's best button. If you are paying attention you can use them on reaction to block Thresh/Blitz hooks or other skillshots. The range on Hextec Grenade isn't great but it's an AE stun if you land it square or an AE slow if you don't. The cooldown, mana cost, and damage are all acceptable.

What I've been doing right now is going 0/21/9 with all four ranks of Legendary Guardian (the bonus Armor/MR for nearby enemies mastery), starting Doran's Shield, and showing up to lane with the sole objective being to punish an engage. I use turrets defensively, placing them far enough behind us in lane that they aren't vulnerable but close enough to be somewhere I can retreat to. Three turrets prepped with their little nuke is a ton of damage. I'll do a little harass with some autos, maybe use a grenade to deny, but all I'm really trying to do is wait for the enemy to get impatient. The ultimate I use 95% of the time is the empowered turret. If we get ganked bottom I slap that down, throw a stun, and cheese it. When I first got going with Heimer I kept seeing his empowered Grenade is a Sona ult and it's just not. It's really, really shitty. As more CC it's alright and as counter engage it's OK but as initiation it's shit. It has way more in common with Nami's ult than Sona's.

For items I start Doran's like I said and then start working on Talisman of Ascension, Sightstone, Banner of Command, and then Sorcs and Haunting Guise if the game is still going. Nothing fancy. Banner of Command is absolutely nuts on Heimer and combined with Talisman is 40% CDR with zero contribution from runes or masteries.

As much as I like Heimer he's a situational counterpickat best.His harass is shit. His rockets are a trap. His turrets are frail. His counter-engage is excellent. His objective control is excellent. It feels pretty awesome to show up at a tower, slap down three turrets, an ultimate turret, and push it right down. His peel is average. I think he's got a place right now given the current situation in bot lane but if it goes back away from tanks to mages I'll shelve him instantly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Veiger coming back in a big way. You heard it here first.
I actually played him the other day, unfortunately it was that game I said where I had a feeding top singed that eventually made our jungle rage quit. He is really fun to play and his Stun is just amazing since it's sooo huge. Although, part of me thinks just play LB since she almost feels like a better Veigar. :p


Golden Squire
Veigar is one of those annoying champs who is really good in the right hands and absoluteky terrible in other hands. His stun basically forces whoever is mid to buy Mercurial Treads or die.


Got something right about marriage
Replacing Reginald with Bjergsen has made TSM about 100x better as a team. C9 actually has some competition in NA now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well I can't seem to break this losing streak. Longest I have ever been on (10+). I play my best champions (Leona/Thresh/Udyr/Elise) and every game. Something catastrophic happens. Sometimes I do badly, sure. But DC's, terrible engagements and every other factor.

May be time to take a week break before hitting it again?


Well I can't seem to break this losing streak. Longest I have ever been on (10+). I play my best champions (Leona/Thresh/Udyr/Elise) and every game. Something catastrophic happens. Sometimes I do badly, sure. But DC's, terrible engagements and every other factor.

May be time to take a week break before hitting it again?
I've had this before. I took a few days off from the game. Sometimes you can be on tilt and not realize it.