League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
Alright, for my next project I need to learn how to mid. Right now I play Ziggs or Karthus. I farm fine, usually keeping up or winning in CS. I never roam other than to ult lanes with Ziggs or ult with Karthus. I play extraordinarily safe and almost never trade unless the wave is in what I consider to be an advantageous position. In team fights on Ziggs I suck balls because I'm squishy and I need to stay alive, but I end up wasting my damage on lower priority targets because the second I move forward someone annihilates me. On Karthus I usually get my ROA and Zhonyas and then go stand on the teamfight until I die, trying to wall people into my nastyness, then I ult when I'm in my passive. Someone give me a good solid mid with few bad matchups to teach me more than just farming. Last year I'd go about 50/50 with Cho or Zac mid, but this year I am like 0 for 5 using actual mages and it's hurting my overall winrate.
If you want Gilg pop in the rerolled chat channel and I'll run some customs with you. Can do some lane matchups with some of the more common champs right now. Game name is Starke?.

If you don't feel like doing that then you basically are looking at a couple of mid champs that offer good roam, farm, and lane presence.

Lulu, Orianna, and Soraka are all solid farmers with good lane presence. It is almost impossible to lose your lane unless the enemy jungle heavily camps you. Lulu and Soraka also roam well which is something that you should look for in a good mid.

You then have the comp specific strong mids:

Nidalee for poke and siege comps. She has no wave clear pre six though so you have to play smart and then start shoving at 6 and roaming.

Ziggs is for team fight comps or to stall teams that want to siege. Good wave clear and if you farm well your ult should win team fights. His roam is kind of weak but you can get some good results with the ult if you keep your eyes on other lanes.

Zed is great for teams that want a split pusher or for a team full of divers. Great kill potential in lane and his roaming is really strong post six. Be careful though, if you pick him in to a Lulu type mid that can harass while staying safe you will find yourself zoned at turret and useless unless your jungle bails you out.


A Man Chooses....
Vi actually scales well with atk speed if you max W first, should work very well. I'm not so sure about Kha though.
She's such a mana whore. I have to max Q first for the mobility. Will keep testing but I think lizard is better on her. Maybe for the times when your mid doesn't need blue.


A Man Chooses....
So, as of now I like feral on:

I think jungle Tryn sucks ass.

I do not like it on:

Basically anyone with good scaling numbers, an AE effect that will trigger elder lizard, or anyone who needs manage to clear should take lizard. Manaless champions who are primarily single target are right in the wheelhouse. I think shen with it is actually surprisingly good. You clear faster than any other tank I can think of other than Shyvana, and you can ult in while farming. If his E hitbox wasn't nerfed to shit I'd be playing it regularly whenever we needed a tank. Instead I just play shyv and end up two levels higher than anyone else in game at 25 minutes and kill everyone.


Vyemm Raider
Feral kha is definitely awful and is probably pretty meh on vi since you have to max her Q first but considering how OP it is right now, it might actually be good.


Lord Nagafen Raider
LOL. holy shit I love Xin jungle. Holy balls, I just bought him this week (I've played him free week before) but man. Had a Jax vs Irelia top. I camped the fuck outta top, got jax 2 kills and I got 1 on that irelia. Just...GG. 15minute Jax/Xin baron, got every dragon, FF > Bork > Full Tank. Love it.


A Man Chooses....
LOL. holy shit I love Xin jungle. Holy balls, I just bought him this week (I've played him free week before) but man. Had a Jax vs Irelia top. I camped the fuck outta top, got jax 2 kills and I got 1 on that irelia. Just...GG. 15minute Jax/Xin baron, got every dragon, FF > Bork > Full Tank. Love it.
Yeah I'm 14-2 with him now, about to go into my third series game with him so here goes nothing. Of course my first two games I got stuck top and at support.

Edit: Relevant

Not as fun as Zac but it'll do for now. I spent half the game raping Yi in his own jungle and he still got scary.


A Man Chooses....
I keep trying Zac and it's just pitiful. You can't make it work. You are outclassed in ganks, in farming, and you don't scale remotely as well as the feral flare junglers. What's stupid is that Zac is a sustain machine, and once you get your jungle items he actually clears at around 65% health constantly whereas vi and Xin and Mumu can roll around constantly at 100% because they do more damage. Really sad that I think I have to retire him. I have tried everything to speed up his early game and it just doesn't work.
In one way, I don't like the feral flare because it means Kha/Vi/Panth and anyone else that can't derive some benefit from it is relegated to the bench at least in solo queue. In another way I love it though because I can pull out the noct/shaco/Yi and actually win the games I would have lost over the last year had I packed those jungles and their team fight/game presence was abysmal before the flare showed up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I still can't see Shaco ever getting FF. I dunno, I just feel Hydra is waaaay too strong on Shaco that getting any other item just seems like a waste. Plus, who farms jungle camps as shaco? wtf Vimeseh! Plus come on, Hydra + Shiv on a split pushing Shaco and you push soooo fast and then between you, your clone & your box towers just meeeelttt. Guess I could give it a try sometime though. It has the possibility to give you more gold if you're just going to farm jungle so you can get to your 4 item build and out duel like 95% of champions but rushing that Hydra and them telling my top lane to go group as I just split push after the 15min mark is glorious lol.
I still can't see Shaco ever getting FF. I dunno, I just feel Hydra is waaaay too strong on Shaco that getting any other item just seems like a waste. Plus, who farms jungle camps as shaco? wtf Vimeseh! Plus come on, Hydra + Shiv on a split pushing Shaco and you push soooo fast and then between you, your clone & your box towers just meeeelttt. Guess I could give it a try sometime though. It has the possibility to give you more gold if you're just going to farm jungle so you can get to your 4 item build and out duel like 95% of champions but rushing that Hydra and them telling my top lane to go group as I just split push after the 15min mark is glorious lol.
Its just a play style difference. The flare actually lets you team fight so you don't have to depend on a team not getting stomped while you split. Shaco build has been Flare, brut, shiv, finish ghostblade... trolololol.


I can splitpush well with the build if I have too. Kill turrets faster, but push waves slower without the hydra.


A Man Chooses....
I think I'm in love...


Really digging this. You have a boatload of utility, you do a ridiculous amount of damage, and you clear the jungle in like .5 seconds.