League Of Legends


Golden Knight of the Realm
not sure why you're flaming curse so hard sebur, to me they're one of the most humble and enjoyable teams to watch. Voyboy immediately congratulated LMQ on twitter with a "well deserved" just shows what a class act they are

The teamfights are insane though, seeing noname rip faces is so cool


Bronze Squire
not sure why you're flaming curse so hard sebur, to me they're one of the most humble and enjoyable teams to watch. Voyboy immediately congratulated LMQ on twitter with a "well deserved" just shows what a class act they are

The teamfights are insane though, seeing noname rip faces is so cool
Part of it is I wasn't fond of the situation they were in cause I don't believe they deserve worlds. The other part is exactly what you described, they are just entirely too polite and humble all the damn time, I cannot stand that as I feel it is fake (even though it probably isn't), need to be an asshole and talk shit every now and then. I also feel Cop is a mediocre adc that has survived entirely too long although to his credit he has seemed to step up a little bit recently.


C9 was begging to lose that. They give Bjergsen Syndra and let Alistar through bans for the first time in the tournament. I doubt Bjergsen gets Syndra again, and Alistar will be banned so long as C9 has first pick.


Bronze Squire
Yeah fuck sportsmanship, spoken like a true LOL Player <rolls eyes>
Haha, sorry, I am just fed up with the "everybody wins" mentality that goes around these days. Most of the time it is just a facade anyway because it is what is acceptable.

Anybody notice all of a sudden the interview with Hai didn't happen?
So I thought TSM giving up the Yas/Mao combo would be a massive mistake. But I'm still not sure why you pick those two champs and then neuter the comp by giving your ADC the solo lane. I understand the concept behind it, with Corki being such a strong early - mid game adc that you get him ahead and he should wreck. Which he did. But that is putting all of your eggs in one basket because if you don't win early then that late game trist is going to destroy you. It was even more risky because the starved Mao was never in a position to take the damage dealt to him when late game came around and trist was ramping up. I think C9 just outsmarted themselves with the strat. Much better to pick Kog/Jinx and play to the strengths of the Mao/Yas pick.


Bronze Squire
I think he feels like shit. If everything went down as laid out in the media then it is his own fault. The question is though, are they are in the same position with him?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
are they are in the same position with him?
Probably not due to shitty attitude. He's arguably the best support in NA but as anyone should know from Solo Q, attitude plays an important part in team chemistry.