League Of Legends


That's called a reset..

Sure it wasn't her W? It kinda all looks the same lol
Eh, Kat is one my most played champs so I know the difference. I get it that she can reset, but most of the shunpos were off of half health champs (not dead ones).

The guy was doing it to the point where it was an infinite fiora ult or something while R was channeling.

I might just be crying wolf, there were instances of server crashes during that period as well. Could call lag on it I guess.

I've gotten bugs where my R would keep going after the channel finished if I had shunpo-R'ed from lane into a bush. She'd keep spinning until I moved.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
well you could certainly be right. Lots of crazy shit floating around atm due to these exploits.
So from reading that reddit it seems to be Ashe that enables these bugs in the first place? Should be fairly easy for Riot then to filter out the affected games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nah, it's any of those 13 champs I listed above. Those are the champs that can give others an ability. It has something to do with toggled abilities and how when you toggle the ability it is actually swapping abilities between 2 different slots on the backend. Somehow the swap mechanism is being exploited so that it's swapping it with every champ instead of just the intended champ.


Bronze Squire
I am assuming the only reason we are actually seeing it as much as we are is due to the end of the season coming and these scrubs wanting their rewards but not being good enough to get them. It has something to do with editing the client and taking advantage of what Fawe said. As long as the word spreads about it, the shit should stop pretty quick even if Riot can't fix it. They would risk getting caught now that it is starting to get known. All you have to do is report it and once they get around to it they will be banned.


Originally Posted by Riot
Hey folks,
We are currently aware of the exploit being used to provide unfair advantages in game, notably regarding skills being used in a manner in which they are not intended. This is not average players taking advantage of a bug; it requires manipulation of the game on a level that is against our Terms of Service. For security reasons I can't provide any further details. We have been working to release a fix for the issue as soon as possible.
I can confirm that this is a bannable offence, and every player determined to have triggered this exploit will be punished.
Thanks for your patience.

Obvious PR "yes we know about it stop posting thanks" response.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played a few ranked games on my alt in silver last night and nothing weird happened except for a connection hiccup at the start of one game. I would expect silver to be rampant with abuse since that's the cutoff for rewards but nadda. :p


2 Minutes Hate
I've been playing some Shaco with some decent success, where before I never did. I've been watching Shaclone's stream for some inspiration and he's got a pretty neat build. Been running 26/2/3 masteries. Both AP/AD focused Offensive, armor defense and movespeed util. Runes are Hybrid Pene Reds, AP Blues, Armor yellows and AD2 Hybrid1 quints.

You go Machete > Pickaxe > Tiamat then you either go spirit stone or sell machete and go hexdrinker, boots, randuins, GA/MR/armor.

Seems like a pretty decent combo.


Bronze Squire
That sounds like most AD jungles TBH, just in the wrong order. Most go completed jg item>another damage item or straight in to a defensive item. I assume your initial success is with it the other way around and you didn't do so well? Shaco can certainly cause problems especially at lower elo when people don't know how to ward or don't know some of the more creative spots he can come from.


I've been playing some Shaco with some decent success, where before I never did. I've been watching Shaclone's stream for some inspiration and he's got a pretty neat build. Been running 26/2/3 masteries. Both AP/AD focused Offensive, armor defense and movespeed util. Runes are Hybrid Pene Reds, AP Blues, Armor yellows and AD2 Hybrid1 quints.

You go Machete > Pickaxe > Tiamat then you either go spirit stone or sell machete and go hexdrinker, boots, randuins, GA/MR/armor.

Seems like a pretty decent combo.
I'm a fan of static shiv on shaco because of the stealth auto-crit feature. Idk. I'm pretty terrible at shaco.


<Gold Donor>
Been playing Wu a lot lately. I do so well with him, not sure why I stopped playing him. I think it might have been due to my Udyr phase.

Probably won 20 of my last 30, most losses are due to afk fucks. Wu or Kha jung, Braum support and Mao Mid or Top or support if Braum is banned. Really enjoyed league the last week despite the afk trolls, been biting my tongue and muting assholes.

I really like Mao, never played him until a month ago he is so versatile.


2 Minutes Hate
That sounds like most AD jungles TBH, just in the wrong order. Most go completed jg item>another damage item or straight in to a defensive item. I assume your initial success is with it the other way around and you didn't do so well? Shaco can certainly cause problems especially at lower elo when people don't know how to ward or don't know some of the more creative spots he can come from.
AD jungles finish a jungle item, and then usually go brut into tank. This one is a bit different that I thought I should point it out. Your passive allows you to do decent damage, and the AP from runes/masteries helps with early clear on your E/W.

I also lost my first game in a while because I was on one of the worst teams I've ever been on. It was a great team comp but it was like no one had any idea how to play. I was stuck playing mid and I'm not the best out of mid since I haven't played mid in a long time. My early CS with xerath was bad.


A Man Chooses....
Wu jungle is still good, his ult is ridiculous and he does tons of damage early.

Anyone else have a good champion they just can't win on? Amumu is like that for me. I have like a 40% winrate on him, yet I win like 60% with Zac/rammus/etc who would seem to play similarly. It's not about landing Q's either. Just never seems to work out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't win on Elise.


Bronze Squire
I am with Bain, Elise is the worst for me, I just either don't do well or on her the team just doesn't work out. Sucks since I like her victorious skin.