League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Agreed. I bought reksai maybe 2 weeks ago or so, loved her, instantly had to buy the eternum skin (cuz that skin set is fucking amazing, eternum noc is sweeeeeeeeet). Her ult can be a little underwhelming in yoloqueue though as even with the sound & the ping players still won't follow you up sometimes.
Before the split, Hai said C9 would never change its roster?
The quote is that they would never replace someone if they didn't want to go. In this situation hai is stepping down on his own like oddone or regi did.

The replacement is most likely going to be incarnation who is supposedly better then bjerg when it comes to mechanics. From what I've read and the little I've scene of his play he's up there with apdo and faker as far as pure mechanics go. He doesn't have any really tourney experience though so who knows how good he actually is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It depends on your champ and your opponent. If you have good wave clear and can shove the wave to the turret then you should immediately look to roam top or bottom and pick up a kill or force a summoners. For example, you shove your lane, look at your minimap. If the opponents bottom lane is at the river at the least, run down there and try to do some damage. The time is not wasted if you force them to flash or use heal or something. This does two things: 1) It allows you to roam bottom again and now no one has flash or other mobility and you can secure a kill easier. 2) It allows the jungler to do the same thing! If you happen to get a kill on your initial roam, the better.

Shoving minions to the tower also forces them to potentially lose CS. Some champs are better than others and farming under turret. At your level of play, everyone is bad at cs and under tower it's even worse. Just remember, every 2-3 waves worth of minions is equal to a kill in gold. If you focus, early on, in getting your creep score as perfect as you can you'll be better than a ton of other players. Even if you play safe and don't make any fancy plays and die a few times, the more CS you get the better you will grow during the game. As long as you know when to start grouping and team fighting you'll always outscale your opponent if you can CS better than them. The lower your ranking, the stronger the difference is between a good CSer and a bad one.

I hope that makes sense.
Think it all made sense except "force a summoners" and by that I think you meant force them to recall to base. I hadn't thought of abandoning my lane like that, I will have to try it out. Thanks.


Bronze Squire
When he says "force a summoner" he is talking about a summoner spell which would be flash, heal, ghost, exhaust, etc.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When he says "force a summoner" he is talking about a summoner spell which would be flash, heal, ghost, exhaust, etc.
Got it, obviously I'm a complete newcomer to this kind of game but before these tips I never even considered just getting the opponent to use up one of his abilities, and not even kill him, as a win. Makes sense though. He retreats but he is weakened for the next time you or someone else on your team fights him.


2 Minutes Hate
The big one is really just flash. Flash allows non mobile champs to get away from your gank attempt. If you force him to use it's flash, it's going to be down for 5 minutes. Inside that 5 minutes a jungler or a roaming mid can take advantage of his lack of escape abiltiies. If you watch any streams you may see stuff like "top flash" "top no flash" etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This made me laugh way more than it should have. It's like those crappy Korean animations for URF



Bronze Squire
To add on to what Draegan said, it can even force differences within the lane. You may have to play more passive due to not having flash. An example of this would be if they enemy laner has skillshots that if he lands 1 I may die, with my flash down I gotta stay back more behind minions where as with flash up I may play more aggressive. Hopefully that makes sense, I just don't want you to think it only affects someone roaming/ganking (although it can even more) but it can also tip the lane matchup in your favor.


A Man Chooses....
I've reached a heretofore unexplored point in my LOL experience. I no longer fear any champions on the other team, but I have specific target bans which I use so I don't get champions on my own team. The current targets are Leona, Vayne, and Yasuo. The first two are self explanatory, because they inevitably end up together and since 99% of Vayne players are whiny shits just waiting to start whining, things generally go in the crapper very quickly because Vayne is shit early in lane and Leonas only know how to Leona. Yasuo I ban because he's terrible right now and every fucking time someone picks it on my team they do it blind(and get counterpicked/stomped) or do it last(often top) giving us a full AD composition in a meta full of tanky shitlords.

Candidates to replace them: Nidalee(Have you ever tried to gank for a whining Nidalee? Is there a theoretical lane where ganking could conceivably be less productive?) and Twitch(I am convinced he is Bard levels of terrible at the moment).

Also RIP Hai, you will be missed.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, I agree completely. I'm more concerned about seeing things like Yasuo on my team compared to whatever the enemy team is doing.


Molten Core Raider
since 99% of Vayne players are whiny shits just waiting to start whining, things generally go in the crapper very quickly because Vayne is shit early in lane
Support main here. LOL, so true. "Why did you pick Vayne into Cait Nami, what do you expect me to do..."


Blackwing Lair Raider
This made me laugh way more than it should have. It's like those crappy Korean animations for URF

You aren't the only one, that was hilarious. Seeing teemo run away throwing mushrooms everywhere had me rolling.


Trakanon Raider
Dignitas vs. Fusion relegation match went to game 5. Good to see that Dignitas has lived to enter relegation next split. All you need to know about Fusion (rest in peace), is that nien was their carry...


A Man Chooses....
Dignitas vs. Fusion relegation match went to game 5. Good to see that Dignitas has lived to enter relegation next split. All you need to know about Fusion (rest in peace), is that nien was their carry...
I feel bad for Nintendude. He played well most of the series and then two whiffed Sej ults and they're done. I think their biggest problem is their top laner being utterly terrible.

TDK dumpstering game one with Essence Reaver Sivir was unexpected.


Trakanon Raider
I think Fusion would have have won if they didn't choose Jinx against/with that lineup. He did a lot better staying alive than I expected, but their coach had to know he was going to die every fight.


Trakanon Raider
The Koreans are dead, long live the Koreans.

Huzza Alex Ich!

edit: CLG Pobelter and Helios should be a thing; do it hotshot!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Please not Pobelter. He just needs to die off. I don't care if he's a super godmode soloqueue player, he doesn't have what it takes to be a solid LCS player imo.