League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Top post on Reddit atm:I quit my job to build this Theorycrafting website for you guys! : leagueoflegends

This is a website I've been waiting for. Pretty awesome. I usually don't advertise people's shit, but this is actually something new and has been needed for a while. I'll be playing around on this a ton.


Using this tool, I theorycrafted some Diana builds.

Overall best damage is: Abyssal > Sorcs > Deathcap > Lich Bane > Zhonyas > Void Staff

A full Diana rotation is:
*Get 2 stacks of Passive before engage* > Q > R + W > AA(passive proc) > *wait for Q cooldown, AA if able* > Q > R > R
-- You'll do over 300% damage to squishy targets
-- You'll do 60% damage to full tanks that have Spirit Visage and Mercs
For champions not building MR: Replacing Void Staff with Ludens or Rylais offers 9% more damage on a full ability rotation.
For champions building MR: Building Void Staff over Ludens or Rylais offers 13% more damage on a full rotation

A simple burst combo is:
Q > R + W > AA (no passive proc)
-- You'll do 140% damage to squishy targets
-- You'll do 30% damage to full tanks that have Spirit Visage and Mercs
For champions not building MR: Replacing Void Staff with Ludens or Rylais offers 6% more damage on a full ability rotation.
For champions building MR: Building Void Staff over Ludens or Rylais offers 7% more damage on a full rotation

My surprise is that Lich Bane actually offers the largest damage spike after Dcap in this build. The #1 Diana player, S Diana 2, buys Lich Bane often but I've always assumed it was sub-par, however this is why he's Masters and I'm not. The item offers a massive 22% extra damage to your "burst combo", and 17% more damage to your full rotation against Squishy targets when compared against other AP items (Luden/Rylai)

I've checked every viable AP item and ordered the items per the largest spike for that slot. Abyssal is the largest spike at item #1, Sorcs #2*, Dcap #3, etc. (Obviously Sorcs might not be the most damage at #2 but they are required.)

The only variation is if you need Void sooner due to going against a tankier team (or no Void at all if there are no tanks), or if you need Zhonyas sooner for survivability. Zhonyas/Ludens/Rylais all offer similar damage however Ludens will be slightly higher. The website currently doesn't calc Ludens passive from what I read.

I normally build Abyssal > Sorcs > Dcap > Void > Zhonya > Rylai/Luden/Nashors.
I'll now try this new build to see if I'm even more OP. Lich Bane after Dcap offers 13-15% more damage on burst combo over Void/Luden/Zhonya/Rylai


Have they said anything else about when the new champ select is going in? I'm not touching this pos again until they implement that.. ranked is a shithole enough without being able to guarantee I get to play the 1-2 roles I give a shit about playing a majority of the time.

I'd rather wait 5-10 min in a queue for a solo lane or jungle than spend 30-40 minutes in a game where I was forced to play duo lane with someone off an autism awareness poster.
Looks like the new champ select is slated for the 1st patch after the Season release patch so You're looking at the 1st to 2nd week in February.


Trakanon Raider
Fantasy LCS signups open on Thursday. Who's interested again? There's no news yet on if Riot will dole out rewards for Fantasy yet, but I expect they'll offer some incentives soon. Even if just a Summoner Icon.

If someone else wants to take the reigns and create a League I'll be glad to pass on the torch and simply be a participant. First season we had 2-3 Fantasy leagues created and last season it was a struggle just getting 8 players for 1 league.

Hopefully making this post early helps garner a bit more interest this time around
I'm interested. I really want to get into doing it with money on alphadraft and draftkings, so I could use the practice first.

Is Riot's thing just a seasonal thing, similar to normal fantasy football? i.e. you just draft a team beforehand and that's basically it, barring trades/free agent pickups?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It's similar to normal fantasy where you draft a team for the season.

And yea, playing it does help with the real money fantasy, I did a few Draftking games and maybe won $10 overall lol. Never had a loss but most wins were only break-even or a couple bucks ahead. Just like in other sports, to win you have to pick the low% dudes and hope they have a big day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Looks like the new champ select is slated for the 1st patch after the Season release patch so You're looking at the 1st to 2nd week in February.
While certainly not 100% guaranteeing anything, in the past Riot always starts with X.1 as their season patch and they've previously said they want the champ select to be live for the start of the season, sooooo unless it breaks (which it probably will), expect it in the season 6 patch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The name is theorized as "Jhin the Deadeye/Deadshot" so marksman makes sense for sure. It's been a while since the last one too right? Not counting Kindred because Kindred is weird.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ya that clip didn't clear up much for me other then he's most likely a bot-lane marksman. Last one (excluding Kindred, since she's a jungler) was Kalista, released 11/20/2014...

Seems to be very in tune with nature. Or a serial killer.

Thought the champ was designed by CertainlyT but supposedly this champ is designed by Gypsylord who's created Vi, Jinx, Gnar, and Ekko.... All champs that are strong but not terribly OP.

CertainlyT only ever seems to create OP shit: Yasuo, Thresh, Kalista, Darius, Zyra. So probably good not to have another marksman designed by him.


<Silver Donator>

Sorry for the shitty phone screenshot, but hopefully the excitement from the riot guy is a sign that the voiceover is on par with kindreds.
Lamb/wolf definitely has the best voiceover in the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Speaking of VO's just about all the japanese voice works are out. Besides every females death sounding like every hentai orgasm ever, we get Taric taking it to entirely new level....wait for it....

Seems they did get some good VA's including Dio and Goku



Trakanon Raider
It's similar to normal fantasy where you draft a team for the season.

And yea, playing it does help with the real money fantasy, I did a few Draftking games and maybe won $10 overall lol. Never had a loss but most wins were only break-even or a couple bucks ahead. Just like in other sports, to win you have to pick the low% dudes and hope they have a big day.
Well, pm me about it. I logged into the site, but it seemed like I had to get invited to a league to do anything. Didn't see a general league to join.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
2016 Leagues aren't possible yet till later today. I always post the link here which takes you to signups. Seems to always take a couple days to find 8 players, so you shouldn't need to worry about missing a spot. You can join more than 1 League and even create your own. There's a Fantasy LCS Reddit where you can find lots of Leagues to join.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Looks like we'll have a full League soon (1 spot left).

That being the case:

Draft Tomorrow, Saturday January 9th at 9:00PM EST

If you can't attend you'll be auto-drafted, which isn't entirely a bad thing, Draegen won the whole damn thing 2 Seasons ago with an Auto-draft.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I had something pop up and cant start the draft at 9pm so to not keep people hanging all night, let's try for tomorrow, Saturday, 9pm, instead.

Sorry all and thanks


Trakanon Raider
I can make it, but I feel like only a day's notice on the draft might not be enough for some?