League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty sure Fenix is on suicide watch after that ending but of course the second Tahm Kench isn't banned his broken ass will be there late game. Wonder who at Riot is getting paid not to fix his kit so he doesn't get 7k+ health, massive cc and displacement while still pumping out decent damage while full tank.


Trakanon Raider
eh.. any champ looks OP when fed. Tahm Kench didn't seem to be carrying that hard even with how fed he was in the TSM/TL match. He was tanky, sure, but so was gnar. There were some good saves he had with eating teammates, but that was more his own mechanics.
There will always be some 'power' champs, and then they balance them out, and new ones take the top spots. It was Mundo, MF, Gangplank, Morde, etc.. in the last couple patches before this.
Top lane Tahm Kench is relatively new, he was mostly being a support during last split through worlds. He was a 'flex' pick technically, but he went support 90% of the time. Now, it seems that's reversed.

In other news, my best players either got upset by an underdog or crushed their opponent so badly they didn't get many points in our fantasy league. BUT, I won like 75% of my money drafts today! So, I'm ok with it, heh.


<Silver Donator>
Ohhhh, and the new guy takes it.

Granted, Enzie kept me from wasting a spot with a benched top laner.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
g'damn, I somehow knew Immortals would be baller and didn't get to pickup any of their players. Bandwagon's team looks scary if Immortals keeps it going.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, looks like that wouldn't have mattered though. Impact got more points in his one game, as Balls did in two, lol. But, even with 0 points from your top lane spot, you still would have won.

I can't believe you got 3 immortals players. I didn't notice that before. That's both good and a little bad though. If they have a week where they absolutely crush both opponents, there isn't enough time for them to get high fantasy points (like in their match against Impulse today, they finished too quick to rack up much). Or, if they lose, you are a little all in. Little bit feast and famine style.
Still, overall, they look to all be pretty solid.
After week 1, your whole roster looks pretty stacked. Turtle will scoop up points whenever Immortals win without even trying. Impact and NRG look very solid, Unicorns look like they are in the upper half of the EU LCS, which is a great spot for high fantasy point values. When one team wins, but it's a long and drawn out match, they generate more points. Heck, even in a loss they can, 10/10/10 is higher points then 4/0/4, for example. Unicorns and NRG look like they'll be somewhere between 2nd and 5th in the rankings, which is perfect. They probably won't get crushed by anyone, and will rarely stomp someone too quick either.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
In an effort to spice up the Fantasy League, here's my analysis which is meant to help spur discussion & trash talking. Maybe this becomes a weekly thing, time permitting of course.

These are my Power Rankings after Week 1.

Disclaimer: Lots of roster moves have already occurred which this analysis doesn't account for.

8:TSM Greenmoon (Sebur), 175.95:
With the least amount of points in week 1, it seems reasonable to be placed at the bottom in these rankings. And even though this team scored the least, the roster was bolstered by UOL having an easy schedule. I expect this team to have much worse weeks unless some changes are made.

UOL put up great numbers in week 1 but they also had the easiest schedule (SPY/GIANTS). I can't see them doing this every week. H2K look to be a very strong team so RYU is a good pickup and should keep this team afloat. OG did poorly this week but if they get their act together we should see ZVEN getting tons of points too.

Big questions surround TSM and Smoothie. TSM notoriously gets their shit together, so I expect Svenskeren and Team TSM to help out here, but Jungle/Team are the least scoring positions in Fantasy, so without help elsewhere, this team could flounder. TSM have Immortals week 2 which might mean more low scores.

Smoothie was subbed out in Game 2 for Liquid. All Liquid players are a huge risk. It would be wise to pickup a new Support that is expected to play both games every week.

Conclusion: Very little star power outside Ryu and Zven. If UOL can keep performing this team might be able to rise.

7:Frown Town (Dejekt), 208.59:
Scored the 3rd highest points in week 1, so putting him 7th might seem like a shock. Frown Town's roster looks balanced but there are questions. Fenix and Forg1vengre are the clear carries for this team.

Most of the other players scored under 15 points each. Team Immortals scored 37 points which is largely from that lopsided victory over TIP, but they might be able to keep it going. Most Team points are scored from Turrets (+1 each) and Immortals destroyed 21 turrets in 2 games. If they keep winning, this could be a consistent stat. Longer games also contribute to higher scores as it means more points from Dragons and Barons. It's probably safe to assume Immortals will score 30+ a week.

Having Liquid players is a huge risk as they sport a 10 man roster and you might be stuck with a 0 if you play someone at the wrong time. Fenix and IWD are probably very safe to keep playing, but they are still a very volatile team. Soaz is a strong player but he never puts up huge numbers historically. He's a support top in most cases. The real standout this week is KonKwon who scored 37 points as Support. This is the 2nd highest of all Supports in Week 1. It's safe to assume this won't be maintained. NRG benefited from a weaker schedule (DIG/REN). Overall NRG seem very solid but a Support player just can't maintain 30+ every week.

Conclusion: If Fenix & Forg1vengre don't put up huge numbers every week, this team will fail to get wins.

6:LiftLift's Trash (Enzie5), 184.99:
This team under performed week 1 but the potential is there. With the 7th most points scored, ranking this team 6th might be a slightly better than they deserve.

The obvious star players here are Huni and Altec. G2 looks like a very strong team, so Perkz/Team G2 could be a huge pickup here. Jungle & Support are about average. If we can get some big performances out of these 2 positions then this team should see a lot of wins.

The biggest weakness on this team is Sencux from team Splyce, and having players from a lot of new teams. It will take time for these teams to gel.

Conclusion: G2 is a big question mark and with one really weak slot I expect this team to be very volatile. With some small adjustments this team could easily get to the top of the standings.

5:Diana's Lunar Rebels (Ravishing), 195.78:
With the 5th most points scored, this team is currently sitting in the middle lane. This team has many huge stars, but very few are on front-runner teams, which is the biggest weakness. Team UOL bolstered week 1 points by scoring 41, the most of any LCS team in week 1. Without that performance we're looking at a bottom of the barrel point total. In addition, Mithy under performed by a large margin.

To get wins this team is hoping for FOX and OG to put up some nice performances. Keith & Froggen are the carries for FOX, so as long as they can hold their own, we should see some consistent point tallies from those players. OG is a great team that just didn't perform week 1. If they can do what is expected then POE and Mithy should contribute handsomely. Outside of that, Hauntzer and Rush are each the top of their class for their positions, so there should be consistency there as well.

Team UOL is likely the main weakness here, as well as Rush if C9 falls into a slump similar to last season. Overall this roster is full of top-tier players, but are on teams that have struggled week 1.

Conclusion: Could easily be a top 3 Fantasy team due to star power alone..

4:ZTEAM (Infurio), 208.04:
Fourth most points scored this week puts ZTEAM right in the middle, but there are some huge question marks here. With only 3 teams representing, there will be a ton of volatility. Two Players from CLG, Three from Fnatic, Two from C9. Each of these teams can go from great to terrible at any given week. CLG beat TSM but then lost to DIG. Fnatic beat Origen then lost to Vitality, and C9 just can't compete without Hai.

However, of the 3 representing teams, ZTEAM does seem to have stand out players from each. Darshan should consistently dominate the Top Lane. Spirit, Febiven and Rekkles will keep Fnatic afloat and Sneaky is always consistent. The biggest weakness would be Team Cloud9 which might score less than average if Hai doesn't stay on as Support.

Conclusion: Tons of carry potential at every position, even if someone fails, another player should do well enough to help pull out wins.

3:Gilg Picks Eurasians (Graiban), 189.64:
With the 6th most points scored, I'm taking a big risk here placing this team 3rd. I just don't see these players under performing too often. Starting with the weakest slot: Team Origen. Only scored 7 points week 1. It's gotta be a fluke unless they turn out to really be that bad after swapping their mid laner. If Team Origen scored the average 20 points, this team would be sitting at 4th in points for week 1.

Moon was the next weakest slot, which is concerning since NRG is only one of two teams in NA to go undefeated. It's worrying if your jungler only nets 14 points with 2 wins, but it's only week 1, so might not want to jump the gun yet. Still, I would consider looking for alternate junglers just in case it becomes a trend.

Outside Jungler/Team, this is a stacked team that should rake in points. Jensen/GBM/DLift/Gamsu are all tops for their positions who can consistently score big. This week 1 loss is a huge upset and Frown Town should be happy to get away with this. There were 4 available Teams that would have given Gilg's team the win: NRG/G2/CLG/Roccat, and they would have also put this team in the top 3 for points scored.

Conclusion: Origen's performance is hopefully a fluke, but if not, correcting the issue here will be very easy. See how Week 2 goes, or make the change now, it probably won't matter either way as this team is full of carries that can't help but accrue tons of points.

2:Sid's Spectaculars (Sidian), 232.49:
This team had the 2nd most points scored which earns him this spot in the rankings, for now. There are some weaknesses for sure but with Bjergsen and Piglet, the carry potential is here.

Even with 2 losses, Piglet still managed to rake in nearly 59 points. Even if Piglet only scored 20 points, which would be woefully below average for an ADC, this team would STILL be #2 in points accrued for week 1. So even though there's a huge number here, it didn't make much of a difference.

H2K has consistently been a strong EU team and I see a lot of strength there, and with Adrian being on possibly the best team in NA, he should consistently provide above average tallies every week.

The primary weaknesses here will be Jungler and Flex. Currently held by Airwaks and Nukeduck. These players might have great weeks but it shouldn't be counted on. Even with these weaknesses, there's a ton of star power and carry potential from every other position.

Conclusion: Losses will come easy if H2K performs poorly, and it'll probably be worth looking for a different Jungler/Flex, but as long as H2K does well, this team should never lose.

1:Bandwagoneers (Mario Speedwagon), 242.10:
And in first place for Week 1 would be the team that scored the most points, the Bandwagoneers. This team is disgusting. Immortals are insane and Yellowstar is the best in his class. Some weakness here at Flex/Team/Top but it's not much of a weakness.

Balls is solid but might prove less desirable on a struggling C9 team. Vitality is unproven as of yet, but did well enough to stick with them. Steelback (Flex) had an easy schedule being on UOL and might not see the same success in future weeks, but too early to ditch him just yet.

Even with those concerns, Immortals is likely to place top 1 or 2 in NA and should carry this team week after week. The biggest weakness will be relying on Immortals to do well. This team will see easy losses if they start to struggle. Until we see signs of cracking, I'll continue to place this team at the top.

Conclusion: This team lives or dies with Immortals. If they win the split, this team should also win.


<Silver Donator>
Thanks Fawe, these writeups will really help me try to figure out what I need to be watching. It was completely dumb luck that I ended up with a good roster, since I've never watched the LCS before , or competitive league. Hell, I play aram 99% of the time. I actually picked wildturtle because he was literally the only name I could remember hearing before, besides ZioSpartan(which I now know is Darshan). I picked up "balls" because I liked the potential innuendo trash tracking opportunities.

I may not have bragging rights because it was complete luck, but I'll take my shit talking opportunities.



Trakanon Raider
One thing I've learned is that if a team is TOO good, they don't score that many points either. Immortals, overall, scored below average in their stomp of Impulse. They got more points on the first day, so their average was still high. In a quick win, the jungler/mid/top are more likely to get the most points, as they generally are snowballing off early ganks in those lanes, but it's still not that much. If it goes long, the ADC just falls into points from cleaning up teamfights. Turtle wasn't doing that well game 1 until they started teamfighting near the end and he'd get like 3-4 kills in each, for example.

Unfortunately, since things are so crazy right now, it's still more consistent to go with a player on a team that is likely to stomp. If some teams start showing a tendency to drag out games, their players become can more valuable. ROCCAT was like that last year, but their whole roster is new this year. Even in a loss, they'd still drag the game out for awhile and put up some decent numbers.

I'm happy I took Freeze from REN, he has looked very crisp mechanically, avoiding dying much in their losses, and cleaning up teamfights. They have shown they aren't bad in laning/mid game, but have gotten outplayed as a team against more experienced rosters. I think they will have many games against the bottom half of the standings, where they get ahead but fail to close it out, leading to crazy fantasy numbers as it drags on.

Echo Fox seems similar, but unfortunately Froggen has looked very passive in their games, and no one but Keith seems capable of snowballing very much. Keith will be streaky, but likely put up some crazy numbers when they win a match.


Trakanon Raider
Oh, and I'm fine with where you put me in power rankings, but I'm basically streaming my mid and team spots right now, based on matchups. So, if you do another next week, I'd consider those spots as flexible, not long term necessarily, unless someone starts showing up consistently.
I know you saw I dropped Perkz and Sencux already, but I'm not necessarily expecting to keep Huhi all season either. My Jungler and Support really underperformed expectations, which is what hurt me the most. Other then that, I'm ok with my roster (but I love trades! Come at me bros!). I just hope Origen didn't really get this bad due to swapping mid laners and it's just some synergy kinks they are working out. Jungler isn't a very deep position and I made sure to get one of the 'better' ones early on for that reason. If he keeps crapping the bed, I may be in a little trouble.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
One thing I've learned is that if a team is TOO good, they don't score that many points either. Immortals, overall, scored below average in their stomp of Impulse. They got more points on the first day, so their average was still high.
This is very true but good teams only stomp really horrid teams usually, so against other decent or good teams you'll see longer games and even more points if they come out on top consistently. In general it's just better to have players on good teams. The point spreads are less volatile.

Moon only played on game. Fucking Shrimp.
Oh, that explains a lot, I wasn't paying attention there.


Trakanon Raider
This is very true but good teams only stomp really horrid teams usually, so against other decent or good teams you'll see longer games and even more points if they come out on top consistently. In general it's just better to have players on good teams. The point spreads are less volatile.
Yes, it's still consistently higher then a bad team, for sure. It's just something to keep in mind, like if you need a guy to spike points really high to win that week, you are better off gambling on a player on a worse team. i.e. Freeze on REN this last week. Also, it's important if anyone wants to transition to the one day drafts for money on Alphadraft or Draftkings. You often can't take more then 1 good player on a top team, and it's rarely worth it to do so either, especially on Draftkings setup with the extra flex spot to fill but the same 50k salary.

Oh, that explains a lot, I wasn't paying attention there.
Yea, him and Cris subbing for Impact due to some LCS rule that they needed a certain number of players from last split's team to play at least one game. I told Bandwagon that Impact would be benched game 1, so he swapped Balls in, and then Impact outscored Balls in one game versus Balls' two games, lol. I was a little afraid NRG might struggle with their synergy with all the swaps, but they seemed fine. They are looking pretty scary right now with others all struggling to find cohesion, really happy with Altec as a result.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
1 day fantasy is a whole different strategy then this. Like you said, you want to find the low % guys that will have a big day. Totally different then finding players that will be consistent over a long period. Fantasy LCS still lets you keep tabs on matchups and stats to be able to excel in the 1 days, but the strategy is way different.


Lord Nagafen Raider
haha, Ravishing, love it. I remember doing those "power ranks" for our first season we played although I definitely didn't go into as much detail, just did a short 1-2 sentence per team with a little mspaint graphic lol. Don't worry, I already benched FailDuke and hoping Stixxay keeps preforming like he did during week 1.


Trakanon Raider
1 day fantasy is a whole different strategy then this. Like you said, you want to find the low % guys that will have a big day. Totally different then finding players that will be consistent over a long period. Fantasy LCS still lets you keep tabs on matchups and stats to be able to excel in the 1 days, but the strategy is way different.
Sort of.. as a general rule, I've found you want to find the guys on the team that is somewhat favored to win, but won't crush them. The best examples i can think of are all korean or chinese teams, but lets say TSM versus Dignitas. TSM is favored to win that, but unlikely to be a 20 min win. This is assuming TSM plays up to their ability, which they currently have not been. Or.. UoL vs Splyce/elements for EU.
You still want to avoid the guys on the losing side, but you have to find the 60/40 matchups for salary considerations.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
In an effort to create a more competitive Fantasy Season... and because I'm bored at work today, here's my Analysis of upcoming games and my thoughts on who to watch out for and who to avoid.

Feel free to chime in with your own analysis and possible trade scenarios. I have been wrong very often so please don't take this as gospel.Don't blame me if you lose this week due to my analysis!

As a tip, there are a lot of decent players sitting on team benches. To browse these Alternates you can:
Option 1: Roster --> Owner Drop Down --> Select each Owner to view their entire roster.
Option 2: Trade --> Select "Any" from the Drop Down --> Scroll down the player list and you'll see "Alternate for Team Name"


The 2-0 Teams:

This team came out of the gates hot. They are a new team with some very good talent on the roster. They won against Roccat and Elements whom are middle of the pack teams. However, they did dominate both games. I predict this team should end the split #1 or #2 easily.
This week:They play Giants and H2K. They should be able to dominate Giants easily. H2K will pose more of a challenge, I predict a close victory. I see tons of points from this team this week.Start em!

This team benefited from an easy Week 1. They went 2-0 and accrued tons of points for their Fantasy owners. They had dominate victories against Giants and Splyce. I see UOL being middle of the pack, 4th-6th. They have a lot of experience on the roster but no stand out stars. It will be tough to compete against the other top tier teams.
This week:They have a tough schedule playing OG and Fnatic. These games could be close, OG and Fnatic historically do not give up kills easily, however in week 1 they gave up 38 and 18 deaths respectively. UOL also scored 31 kills against bad teams. I expect OG and Fnatic to perform much better, but these games look to be high scoring.Some Risk!

This team is strong. Forg1vengre and Ryu are probably the best in their position in EU. They will make a run at #1 or #2 this split. At worse they make 3rd, but I see them better. They completely destroyed Origen going 16/6/42 and then they dismantled Giants going 9/1/30.
This week:They have tough contests this week playing against Fnatic and G2. Unlike UOL, this team can actually get kills. I see some bloody games here. G2 and Fnatic gave up 14 and 18 deaths respectively in week 1, so the potential for tons of kills in these games is high.Start em!

The 1-1 Teams:

This team is historically a middle of the pack team and I see no difference this Season. They aren't filled with star power. This Season I predict them in the bottom half of the standings, around 7th overall. Their lone win so far was against a decent Vitality team, so there's some promise here.
This week:Although this team may struggle, week 2 has them in some favorable matches. They face Elements and Splyce. I see some very reckless games here with perhaps a Baron throw mixed in. Problem is nobody on this team is accustomed to getting kills so it's going to be a risk playing any of them. Betsy will be your best bet to score well. Safir only picked up 3 kills week 1, so I wouldn't count on him just yet, but if you need to take a risk this week, you might be rewarded by picking him up.Very Risky!

Elements went from Dream team to dust. This team lost all their stars and is trying to rebuild. They did win against Splyce but lost to G2. They should be in the bottom half of the standings this season. I predict 8th overall. This Elements team managed to go 15/7/36 against Splyce. Eika had 7 kills week 1 whereas MrRallez only had 3. The big winner here is their Top Laner Steve who played Fiora both games and went 8/5/6 overall.
This week:Elements face Roccat and Giants. Roccat will be a close game. Probably low scoring and I think Roccat have the edge. The Giants game is where you can make up ground. Giants gave up 28 deaths week 1. Clearly this team knows how to score even though their roster lacks many stars. Beware if Fiora gets banned out. Play em if you need an upgrade this week.Some Risk!

Even with Fnatic losing 3 of 5 members, they should still be a top contender this Season. Fnatic always seem to find a way to be at the top. I predict them to be 3rd, maybe 4th. Febiven and Rekkles will carry this team. Spirit and Gamsu are no slouches either. Fnatic will continue to have struggles and more losses. Games will be a grind. Their first black eye this season is the loss to Vitality. What an upset! They did crush Origen, going 22/8/45.
This week:They play H2K and UOL. Both of these games should be very bloody games. I predict them going 1-1 but even 0-2 is possible this week. Even with 2 losses I expect a lot of points from these games.Start Em!

Team Vitality:
This team will probably be above average. 4th or 5th expected. They got destroyed by Roccat but then destroyed Fnatic. They have potential to be top tier but will have their struggles. ADC and Mid combined for 3 kills in week 1, that's pathetic. The big winner is their top laner, Cabochard, whom had 5 kills.
This week:They play two 0-2 teams in Splyce and Origen. There is potential for some points here. The big risk is the Origen game. We just don't know what team to expect yet. I predict another 1-1 week.Very Risky!

The 0-2 Teams:

Origen was predicted to go #1 this split. Now it's tough to say. I still see them toward the top. Xpeke was a cornerstone for this team, now they have some growing pains. Soaz might be running out of steam. I predict they'll be fighting for 3rd with Fnatic, possibly ending up 4th overall. Week 1 they got dominated both games by H2K and Fnatic going a total of 14/38/38. Granted these are two strong teams to be facing week 1.
This week:Origen play UOL and Vitality. I see Origen doing a complete 180 this week and going 2-0, but it will be close! Both games look to be close fought battles. Even though Origen disappointed Fantasy owners week 1, I see them completely making up for it week 2.Start em!

This team lacks talent. They will end 9th or 10th this split. They might pick up a couple wins, but that's about it. In week 1 they lost to UOL and H2K. Only scored 1 kill against H2K and had 28 total deaths in 2 games. They did score 11 kills against UOL but gave up 19 deaths there.
This week:They face G2 and Elements. They should get thoroughly destroyed by G2 and might even see the same fate against Elements if they can't control Steve. Expect a lot of deaths.Avoid!

This team lacks talent. I predict this team to place 10th unless they manage to surpass Giants somehow. I see maybe 1 win from this team but 0-18 is a true possibility. They faced Elements and UOL week 1 and went 10/27/22 as a team.
This week:They play Vitality and Roccat whom are middle of the pack teams, just like Elements and UOL in week 1. I see this team going 0-2 easily this week.Avoid!

EU Power Rankings:
1: G2
2: H2K
3: Fnatic
4: Origen
5: Vitality
6: Unicorns of Love
7: Roccat
8: Elements
9: Giants
10: Splyce

Risky Players to Watch:




Trakanon Raider
So far I am liking the new champ select. Sometimes it can feel kinda long but its totally worth it to be able to play the rolls of your choice. My only gripe is that i can no longer see the little videos of champ skills while waiting for the game to start. For a bronze pleb like myself it was a big help to check out all the skills of champs on the other team that i am not familiar with. And I am too lazy to check then on youtube.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
2016 Season is Live:http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/new...eason-now-live

How did 2015 end for you? Meet your goals? Any goals for 2016?

For me the 2015 Season started as a huge struggle but it became my most accomplished getting placed Silver III and ending Plat II. I had never expected to get Plat and it was never a goal until mid-Season.
I ended last night at my absolute peak: 45 games above .500 and 57 LP into Plat II.

2016 will introduce some more challenges. In a couple months I'll become a Dad... wife is pregnant with triplets!
That said, even with tremendously reduced playing time to come, I hope to make a run for Diamond. We'll see
I hope to get back to Plat in these next couple months before the bombs drop!

My advice for placements:
If you're Gold+, do them ASAP. The longer you wait, the worse off your teams will be. For example, I ended around 1800 MMR which means my MMR should be about 1500 after the soft reset, that's still mid-gold level. If I play placements now, I'll be grouped with my peers (Plat level players). If I wait a week, I'm more likely to be placed with Gold players, and the grind becomes tougher.

If you're Bronze, you may want to wait a few weeks until a lot of Bronze players settle back down into Bronze territory. Then you're more likely to be grouped with Silvers. Bronze & Silver are still shit-holes and unless you can carry you'll not progress very far, so in the grand scheme of things it's not going to matter probably.

Silvers have a better chance getting grouped with Gold players if they play right away, but that also means playing AGAINST Gold players, which could be easy losses. If you wait it out you have a more likely chance getting grouped with Bronze players, but also AGAINST bronze players. Silver is a cesspool and it's going to suck either way.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My 2015 season went a lot worse but I played a ton less so it's expected. Finished 2014 at plat 4 iirc where as this season the highest I peaked was Gold 2, but ended up with Gold 4. Although this season I also had probably 1/4 the total ranked games as I had last season. I basically only play a handful of ranks each week, if at all. The times I do get on League I tend to play 3 or 4 ARAMs then a ranked or two but I generally only play around Midnight EST time and generally I'll be a little buzzed while playing. Been too addicted to ps4 games (currently wolfenstein & ffx/ffx2) and other PC games (Witcher 3, Life is Strange, CSGO) so my time to play League has fallen off quite a bit.

Also 2014 season I mained jungle. Shaco, Shyvana, & Fiddlesticks mainly. If I couldn't jungle I'd play a tanky support, usually blitz or leona, but that was all I'd usually play. Last season I jumped around a lot more. I stopped playing Shaco as much, the only jungle I'd really still play was Fiddle (who honestly isn't that great anymore) and Master Yi but that's just because snowballing is fun on him. I started playing Top a lot more but since I don't play as much I know I'm a lot weaker then I should be. Only reason I switched to Top was because I fell in love with the Fiora remake, love that champ, so fun to play. Plus I've always had a thing for Vladimir, so I tend to rotate between Fiora & Vlad a lot, both of whom I kinda have shitty ratios with because I don't play enough, but I have tons of fun, so w/e lol.

As for this season, depends how many other good games come out to decide how much time I will spend on league, I know I'll keep playing but if I'll actually tryhard pick 1 role again I'm not sure. Either way, if I fall below Gold I'll probably at least tryhard my way back into Gold to at least get rewards.