League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
Ya, that is where I am at, CLG could have won MSI but if they don't do anything at worlds like even make it out of groups as you say, then I don't care about your MSI win.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Taliyah looks borderline broken with that Ult.
Cutting off enemies from escape, securing Baron positioning, etc, holy hell.

I been playing like 1 ranked game a month to prevent decay but going to have to login to give her a spin. Looks ridiculous.


Borderline Broken, just not in the context you ment.



Lord Nagafen Raider
That entire thing is just madness. I've never really been in support of solo Q and dynamic queue both existing (I think the complaints people had about 1 person going into pre-mades were vastly, preposterously overblown and the data seems to support that) but everything they put forward yesterday is absolutely bonkers. So now you can STILL only pick up to 2 roles but if there's long queue times it can just shove you into a 3rd unpicked one? Why the fuck can we not pick more than 2 roles? It's been the single biggest complaint (bigger than the Solo Q nonsense) since Dynamic Queue was introduced and they have basically just ignored the question and are now taking people farther away from it.

Not to mention the whole no-5-mans at high skill levels thing. They wanted to allow 5 mans to just group up and play to bring up the skill levels except now the most skilled people can't do that. And there's no alternative outside of custom games for apparently the rest of the season.

This is seriously dumber than the "no one wants sandbox mode" thing they did earlier. There's just no support for any of these changes anywhere.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Been too busy playing OW and forgot about LCS Fantasy. Oh well, not going to bother now. Sidian too good for me

EU LCS starting soon btw.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Seems like interest in LoL on these boards is waning. I've been watching LCS and the best of 2 and best of 3s make it so much better. The dual streams also good so you have some options and don't have to watch bad games. Sucks we didn't get Fantasy going this split. Beating Sidian is always a pleasure.

Actually playing the game is another matter. I'm much more addicted to the quick rounds of Overwatch, but I still admire the strategy & coordination in LoL.

EU LCS Day 2 is starting now and NA LCS has a couple matches tonight and all weekend.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been having very bad internet problems lately (pretty much the week before memorial day) so I haven't been playing much league at all. Played last night with Diakka, we did well although I was pretty drunk and on game 3 my internet crashed on me for ~5 minutes. Luckily the team rocked and we ended up winning when I was finally able to get back in. Game ends....I got placed in low priority queue for 5 games. -_-

I've also only watched maybe a game or two of LCS this split as well.

Also please, I'd keep crushing you in fantasy every day! This season would have been fun too since it's the Bo2/Bo3. Although how would points work because doesn't that mean NA plays more games so all NA players would be more sought after?


Regardless of how good or bad it actually is, it's going to kill the game. Pro's don't even play on their challenger accounts anymore because of que times (which just makes que times worse), and those playing on tournament realm aren't allowed to stream. So huge hit to the fanbase as pro streams are basically clown fiestas now if you get to see them at all. Then the whole perception of premades, whether true or not. And those of us that play solo, we keep getting bent over. It was bad enough when we couldn't get rewards from playing solo, just flip us the bird even more. Removing dominion just gave less options and the bots just moved to another game mode. Every reason they give, is just outweighed by what we have to give up. Sandbox, fuck you. Solo que, yeah we lied about that too. They want to funnel everyone they can into ranked summoners rift, sure, but they are killing some of the fun with it at the same time. I don't like being pseudo-forced to play a certain mode and to be pseudo-forced to group if I want that IP boost or a time that doesn't suck. Oh and also, I'll force you on a role you don't want to play. Fun game!

I understand moving the game to team focused instead of individual, but don't punish the individuals. Even the macro fans like Monte say it's too much.


Trakanon Raider
Yea good point, not sure.
They give two options to choose when you setup the league, I believe. I remember reading an article about the options, which were either 'First Two Games' or 'Best Two'. I think most people were choosing first two games.


Trakanon Raider
Seems like interest in LoL on these boards is waning. I've been watching LCS and the best of 2 and best of 3s make it so much better. The dual streams also good so you have some options and don't have to watch bad games. Sucks we didn't get Fantasy going this split. Beating Sidian is always a pleasure.

Actually playing the game is another matter. I'm much more addicted to the quick rounds of Overwatch, but I still admire the strategy & coordination in LoL.

EU LCS Day 2 is starting now and NA LCS has a couple matches tonight and all weekend.
Yeah, I have no interst in playing at the moment. OW and Stellaris have me in the grasp.

But I still love to watch. Tonight's 2nd game between Apex and Envious was fantastic.

Ray hopping in and deleting people while Phreak maniacally cackled instead of casting was just perfect.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone else feel like general interest in League has suddenly dropped? None of my friends are really talking about or playing it anymore. I have played very little the last month as well, and there hasn't been a post in this thread in almost 3 weeks now.

Did League suddenly peak somehow? Is the overlap between Overwatch and League players bigger then I thought?


That guy
Pretty sure a lot of people were only playing LoL out of habit at this point so Overwatch was a welcome change


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I would still play but the time commitment per game is too great and tbh the dynamic queue didn't help at all. At Plat I'm always in 10 min queues minimum. I am 1-1 in promo to plat 3 and don't even feel like playing the last match, probably just going to let it fail @ the 28 day mark (should be soon). OW is 5min-20min games, faster action and easy in & out.

I do still watch LCS and enjoy it. I have it on almost every day. Normally as something to watch in the background while I do other stuff.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty much same as Fawe. I'll play maybe ~5 ARAMs a week and like 1 or 2 ranked games a week. I still watch LCS quite a bit, or at least will have it on in the background but my overall playtime has dropped significantly. I got back up to Gold and pretty mjuch don't care anymore since (unless they change it for this season) you just need at least Gold for rewards.

League is pretty much what I did with Starcraft 2. To be really good at the game where I'd very much enjoy it takes so much time commitment that I just can't do anymore (well at least during summer, work gets a ton busier) so I tend to just watch streams and play single player games in my downtime. :p


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't played in well over a year. I watch a stream every once in a while for a game. I played for 2 years, got tired of it.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I've noticed this trend among lots of people. I feel like right now is the beginning of the end for league. It'll still have a big enough playerbase to continue on for 3+ years, but I think it will stop growing it's player base from now on.
After my post above, I patched and played an ARAM. I get in game (I was master yi btw), our zilean seems to be haphazardly throwing bombs on our own minions. He's not harassing with them, he's not doing the combo to try and land 2 on the same person, etc.. I suggest he just Q,W,Q on the same spot for the stun, he then does it 10 seconds later and we get some good harass off his stun,
'nice!' I say
'stfu' - him
'I wasn't being sarcastic'
'neither was I'
'you weren't stunning anyone, that time you did.'
'it's an aram, relax. This yi so salty'
'ok wow. It looked like you hadn't ever played zilean, was simply trying to help.'

We come back a little bit, I hit a power spike and get a quadra, but then our team keeps focusing their tanks and they learn to focus me if I try to take out their kalista that was wrecking us, so lose. Normally, I'd try to point this out so we stop doing exactly what the other team wants, but I just didn't even want to after that first exchange. After the game, I promptly logged out and played some hearthstone instead.

People are shitheads in general in most video games, but the way league is designed specifically pushes people to be extra asshole-ish. If you want to work together, you are tryharding. If you die, you are a scrub. If you have a good score, you are KSing or not helping the rest of your team enough. No matter what you do or don't do, someone will be an asshole to you about it at some point in league. We put up with it for a long time because the game was so much fun on it's own, but it's become played out now.